My name is Frank and I'm a 378Lbs Food Addict Addict

Hi everyone. My name is Frank I'm 37 and from New York. I've been heavy my whole life and am addicted to food. I've reached up to 378 lbs recently. I currently started dieting at 370 pounds. I've lost weight before but I always gain it back.

In kindergarten is heavy/chubby. I've been overweight my whole life but I always carried it well. People always thought I was a lot less than I am at the time and people always said I moved extremely well for my size. I could outrun a lot of people especially people with a similar weight. I always had good friends also I kept good people around me. Granted I was never this heavy I was usually upper 200s like 280LBS. Got up to about 320 and kinda was such at 310-320 for a while.

I had gotten to a point where I stopped caring. I would eat constantly. For example I would after dinner at night before I would go to bed I would eat about a pound of sliced American Cheese. I would take 3 English muffins and put and make 3 separate cheese sandwiches. I felt horrible, I would talk to myself in front of the fridge, cry, and still eat. I've stopped all that.

I'm down to about 355Lbs now. I've been using the MyFitnessPal app for about 3 weeks. Tomorrow I weigh myself in the morning and I'm hoping that I will be down another 5Lbs.

I've been walking everyday for about an hour total once in the morning and once at night. I changed my sleep schedule from staying up all night and I've been getting up at about 4: 30-5 A. M. Every day, having a cup of coffee, and i walk my route. It's 1.25 miles. I log it with the Fitness Pal companion app for walking and my Fitbit. It takes about 30 minutes. I want to jog a bit but my knees can't handle the impact. My left knee I'm particular.

I'm considering starting an Instagram account and vlogging to document and hold myself accountable to the public in order to force me to maintain what I've been doing. I have really poor self-esteem from this. I was thinking it might help the force me and it would help encourage me. Hopefully it would help and motivate others as well. It would keep me busy as well as a hobby. Boredom is definitely a huge issue for my eating habits. Whenever I get bored I immediately feel hungry. I sometimes walk up to the fridge and talk to myself, open the door and walk away. I have to completely eliminate food in any way at those times.

Sooooo I hope you took the time to read this. :) I know it's long but I used voice to text on my phone so it didn't bother me LOL!! If anyone wants to be my friend on here and join me on this journey or want to help that's great. Hopefully this will be a successful journey so feel free to message me or add me.


  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Great job on your loss so far! Take it one day at a time, the time will pass before you know it.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    Sounds a lot like my story. Lose some weight quickly. Once you can get active. Sslllooowww it down. Eat enough, walk, and LIFT. HOLD ON TO ALL THE LEAN MASS YOU CAN! Best of luck.
  • grayjoseph10
    grayjoseph10 Posts: 12 Member
    Good job on the weight lose. I would recommend yoga, flexibility training helps a lot specially before muscles get to tight.

    Hey, just don't your best forget the rest each day.
  • agbmom556
    agbmom556 Posts: 694 Member
    Glad your taking care of yourself. 😊
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Check out John Glaude on You Tube. His weight loss story is very encouraging and he is very sympathetic to people's stories of loss.

    You may want to consider finding new ways to soothe/relax/release stress. Lifting weights can be therapeutic. Maybe keep a couple of gallon jugs in the refrigerator for lifting. Check out also mindful meditation and breathing techniques.
  • HoneyBee8844
    HoneyBee8844 Posts: 8 Member
    You sound like me!! I love food!! Just one day at a time and you will be just fine!
  • Lshona
    Lshona Posts: 393 Member
    Sending a request
  • ChelleTrell
    ChelleTrell Posts: 49 Member
    Sounds like you’ve made a great start to a solid plan. Keep up the good work!
  • Ayehmwhy
    Ayehmwhy Posts: 75 Member
    Your story sounds a bit like mine,food addiction, trouble in left knee, 350+lbs starting weight, etc. Anyways, congrats on the weight loss so far!
    It feels so good to take control of your health
  • amyjoan1
    amyjoan1 Posts: 47 Member
    I can relate as far as addiction goes. Not easy but at least there’s a solution!! My addiction was anything that would take me away from myself. I had to start first with a program of recovery, therapy, and positive affirmations every day even when for months I didn’t believe what I was telling myself but I wanted to. And that turned into reprogramming my mind my thoughts to believe change is possible. I told myself I was worthy and deserving and stopped negative self talk bc it wasn’t what I wanted in my new “ program “. It can be done when we get out of our way!! Change takes change!!
  • binor
    binor Posts: 77 Member
    I agree learn to love yourself. You are worth this. Some days I lied and told myself I was worth it, but it gets easier everyday.
  • New_Heavens_Earth
    New_Heavens_Earth Posts: 610 Member
    Great job! Sending you a request.
  • Ktmom19
    Ktmom19 Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story. I appreciate the level of honesty and openness. It sounds like you are headed in the right direction and are ready for a life change. As you already know, Changing your eating habits and exercising are what it is all about. Accountability and support are huge! Find and tell those people in your life who will rally behind your cause. There is a lot of good support through this community. You are worth it! I hope that with time you can start to believe that more and more, and change the negative self talk. Best of wishes

    Ps..I sent a request.
  • TheStoweNStove
    TheStoweNStove Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Frank. Thanks for sharing. I am new and have over 200 to lose, myself. Let's do this, brother. We can kill these goals.
  • meedermarianne
    meedermarianne Posts: 1 Member
    Frank you CAN totally do this. I am a life coach. I cheer you on. One choice at a time. Break your habit loops. If you always go to a donut shop stop driving there. Drive another way. It opens up new pathways in our brain. Every time you make a good choice drop s quarter in a jar. Your brain will form a connection to that positive change and new choice. Reward yourself but not with food. Listen to this top success podcast every day called Lewis Howes and the School of Greatness. Change your thoughts reprogram them for success. You are already a winner! I see you rocking this!
  • jdubois5351
    jdubois5351 Posts: 460 Member
    Congratulations on your loss so far! Take it one day at a time - you didn't gain it all at once, you won't lose it overnight either. If you stick to your plan, eat at a deficit (however small) every day, the weight WILL come off!
  • aimjolie
    aimjolie Posts: 60 Member
    I completely understand and can relate to what you are saying. I love to eat. My biggest downfall is late night snacking. Because of that I’ve been trying to go to bed earlier so I am not up all night eating. I notice that works for me. Right now I am trying to lose weight. Both of my knees are bad. The more weight I gain, the more my knees hurt.
    Losing weight to empress anyone doesn’t work for me. Trying to lose weight to help my knees works. I picture myself very heavy with trobbing knees and the Doctor telling me I need knee replacement. That scares me enough to put down that extra helping. Not only does losing weight help my knees but now I can go to a store and buy all those cute clothes in a smaller size. You can do this. So far you are doing s fantastic job. Make you the priority. You are so worth it!
    I can be difficult at times and it takes time. Just tell yourself, I can do this today. Take one day at a time. Next time this year, you’ll look in the mirror and say who is this happy, slim, handsome guy? It’s you! Best of luck to you’ I am rooting for you!
  • FrankCanDoit
    FrankCanDoit Posts: 22 Member
    aimjolie wrote: »
    I completely understand and can relate to what you are saying. I love to eat. My biggest downfall is late night snacking. Because of that I’ve been trying to go to bed earlier so I am not up all night eating. I notice that works for me. Right now I am trying to lose weight. Both of my knees are bad. The more weight I gain, the more my knees hurt.
    Losing weight to empress anyone doesn’t work for me. Trying to lose weight to help my knees works. I picture myself very heavy with trobbing knees and the Doctor telling me I need knee replacement. That scares me enough to put down that extra helping. Not only does losing weight help my knees but now I can go to a store and buy all those cute clothes in a smaller size. You can do this. So far you are doing s fantastic job. Make you the priority. You are so worth it!
    I can be difficult at times and it takes time. Just tell yourself, I can do this today. Take one day at a time. Next time this year, you’ll look in the mirror and say who is this happy, slim, handsome guy? It’s you! Best of luck to you’ I am rooting for you!

    I have a problem with eating late night as well. I decided to adopt a super early morning schedule instead and to be totally honest I love it.

    I used to like my alone time at night and the quietness of it now I have that in the morning. I go to bed usually no later than 11 p. M. And I'm up every morning the latest at 5 a. M. I actually try to get up at 4: 30 and I immediately go to Dunkin Donuts and get my daily coffee come home wake up for a little bit longer and then take a half hour walk. since I've adopted this it's been much easier at night to sleep because I'm so tired hunger doesn't keep me awake and to after I eat dinner I don't have as much time that I'm awake to stay up and be hungry.

    It's easier to not eat in the morning when you have free time also because, for me, in morning when I wake up I'm not hungry at first it takes me a while before my Hunger kicks in. it also helps we get everything out of the way in the morning and not have to worry about anything after work or whatever you might do. I can be out of the house and at a job by about 8 830 I'm ready to leave in the morning Everyday by 7: 30.

    So maybe trying to adopt an early morning schedule would be better. Everyone said it's hard to get up in the morning it's really not you just need to go to bed early enough so you get the proper amount of sleep that's the key
  • marashay001
    marashay001 Posts: 9 Member
    I totally agree about the morning routine being easier to maintain than the late night one. I've read and the doctor's all say not to eat after 7:00pm but that's when all of the food commercials are on and I find that I'm more likely to go get something to eat I shouldn't. I've been trying to hold out for my last serving of fruit and some bedtime tea after dinner so I'm not breaking the late night eating and then try to get to bed by 9pm every night. Luckily for me (but not really) I have to be up by 4:30 every morning for work so cheers to all the morning people!!

    Keep up the great work Frank!! We can do this!!
  • hoppgeorge
    hoppgeorge Posts: 368 Member
    I could almost tell the exact same story. You’re doing great so far! Keep it up!