Morning Workouts, how do YOU do it?

PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
edited October 1 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi Everyone!

I'm working on my fitness levels and for the month of August my goal is to burn at least 3000 a week.

I got up last Fri AM (before work) and got on the elliptical. I was pretty tired by lunchtime (I normally workout in the evenings and am in bed about 2 hours after my workout), but I felt totally amazing!

Does anyone have suggestions on how to get yourself up super early to work out in the AM? My alarm goes off around 4:15/4:30 and in order to get a 20-30 minute workout - I would have to actually GET UP, instead of hitting snooze. LOL

I was thinking of moving my alarm to the bathroom so I'm forced to get out of bed.

Any other suggestions/feedback? Thanks! :)


  • jenndsw
    jenndsw Posts: 5
    For the first 3 months I got up every morning. Then I took about a month off and never got back into it. I have even gotten up, gotten dressed and went back to bed and reset my alarm. I have lost my motivation to get up in the AM. The only problem is, I don't always have the time in the evening to excercise. I am also in need of help!! Just know, you are not alone!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Don't stop to think about it - get straight out if bed and into your workout clothes.
    I find having everything ready to go - even undies and socks means that I can be up and dressed before I have time to change my mind :)
    Make sure you are going to bed early too, being exhausted isn't going to help your overall health.
  • dreaasha
    dreaasha Posts: 31
    I just had my first AM workout in a year this morning. It felt great to get up and get it in-plus, I found a yoga class that started at 10. I'd already gotten an hour of cardio in, plus a half hour of lifting.

    I'm not gonna lie, I took a nap this afternoon, but it sure feels good knowing I got it in early!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    If i don't workout in the mornings I won't workout. That motivates me lol.

    I find myself TIRED on the drive to the gym and totally refreshed on the way home.
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    I rather do it first thing in the morning, just to get it over and done with .lol
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I pay a trainer to meet me at the gym at that ungodly hour. that gets me up! haha
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    I really wish I could motivate myself to get up in the mornings, but it just isnt happening at the moment. Still, I guess I've changed so much else about my life, can't expect it all to happen at once. If I find the magic key, I'll let you know! :laugh:
  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    I too am having a hard time just getting up and getting that workout done in the mornings. I do get up and put my workout clothes on right away, my HRM too and then you know what happens I end up working in my workout clothes all day. LOL So I think I just absolutely have to do it and get into the groove of it.
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    Don't stop to think about it - get straight out if bed and into your workout clothes.
    I find having everything ready to go - even undies and socks means that I can be up and dressed before I have time to change my mind :)
    Make sure you are going to bed early too, being exhausted isn't going to help your overall health.

    This is what I do...roll over, turn off alarm, sit up, put on workout clothes that are easily in reach, head to the living room and pop in the dvd.
  • I am not what you'd call a morning person and don't tend to do morning workouts. The reason I'm responding is that I always used to have a problem with alarm clocks and would go through several repeat snooze button bashings before I'd haul myself out of bed. Nowadays I have an alarm set on my mobile phone and I don't take it into the bedroom with me so in order to stop it going I HAVE to get out of bed - once I'm out from under the duvet I don't tend to get back in. In extreme situations I have been known to set staggered alarms so that if I try to ignore the first one I only get woken up again by the second.
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    I start work at 5am...but i only have to roll myself downstairs to my desk an pjs are acceptable attire :-). This morning I decided to go to a 5am water aerobics class. When the alarm went off (only 30 mins earlier than usual) it was TOUGH. I packed my bag the night before and set out clothes. after turning the alarm off and reclining back in bed...i hit myself in the forehead and said "this is for YOU. Nobody else! Get up and get it done" That was enough and once I got there (and quit shivering in the water) it was a great workout and I've felt great all day. I'm curious how tonight will go as I've been having trouble sleeping...hoping the earlier workout will help!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    Thanks for the feedback everyone! I really appreciate it. I'm going to move my alarm clock to the master bathroom so I'm forced to get up out of bed. I think after a couple of weeks of getting my early AM workout in, it'll get easier and easier. Thanks again! :)
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    also besides putting another clock in the master bathroom another trick i do is to run cold water over my hands and face, its uncomfortable to me but always WAKES ME UP, from there i brush my teeth, wash my face, get dressed (everything has been laid out the night before),run to the kitchen and get a bottle of ice cold water and im out the door.

    works every time.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    also besides putting another clock in the master bathroom another trick i do is to run cold water over my hands and face, its uncomfortable to me but always WAKES ME UP, from there i brush my teeth, wash my face, get dressed (everything has been laid out the night before),run to the kitchen and get a bottle of ice cold water and im out the door.

    works every time.

    I'm pretty good at picking the clothes I want to wear for the next day, it's just going to have to be another habit (getting workout clothes ready for my AM workout), and finding a way to wake myself up. Normally I have a cup of coffee, so that's going to be a challenge. Last week when I worked out on my "short" Friday, I had a cup of coffee and a HUGE glass of water before my workout and that worked out pretty well. Granted, I drank about 4 cups of water before I even left for work. lol
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