Ovarian cancer

_AshLynn Posts: 134 Member
edited November 2024 in Chit-Chat
I was wondering if there were any individuals out there who would be willing to share their story of how they found out they had ovarian cancer. What symptoms brought you to investigate your health?


  • rdevol
    rdevol Posts: 278 Member
    I've heard that women often don't have many symptoms with ovarian cancer. Sorry, don't know much about it, though. I'd definitely go to your gyno if you are having any unusual symptoms. Best of luck to you!
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    Most of the time, Ovarian Cancer is pretty silent. The best advice is always go your yearly gyno exam. In my case, I was having stomach issues. After having a few different tests done, it was determined that I had a small mass on my ovary. I was told that they type of mass is usually cancerous and sent to an OB/GYN Oncologist. After more testing, it was determined to be benign. However, this type of mass can become malignant. So eventually, surgery is in my future but for now, just keeping an eye on it. Frequent testing and visits to the Oncologist.
  • _AshLynn
    _AshLynn Posts: 134 Member
    Glynn20 wrote: »
    Most of the time, Ovarian Cancer is pretty silent. The best advice is always go your yearly gyno exam. In my case, I was having stomach issues. After having a few different tests done, it was determined that I had a small mass on my ovary. I was told that they type of mass is usually cancerous and sent to an OB/GYN Oncologist. After more testing, it was determined to be benign. However, this type of mass can become malignant. So eventually, surgery is in my future but for now, just keeping an eye on it. Frequent testing and visits to the Oncologist.

    Thank you for sharing your story! I'm glad you're in an informed place with doctors who can keep an eye,on you.
  • _AshLynn
    _AshLynn Posts: 134 Member
    rdevol wrote: »
    I've heard that women often don't have many symptoms with ovarian cancer. Sorry, don't know much about it, though. I'd definitely go to your gyno if you are having any unusual symptoms. Best of luck to you!

    Yeah, which definitely makes it super scary. Once you exhibit symptoms it's already pretty advanced ... Such a sad thing.
  • GreenGoddess22
    GreenGoddess22 Posts: 3,818 Member
    My dear sweet aunt is battling this now. She was always super healthy and conscious of her weight, but when I saw her at Christmas I was shocked at how thin she was. I had just seen her at Thanksgiving and while thin then, she had dropped weight in a matter of weeks without trying. Looking back we noticed some personality changes over that summer (she'd fly off the handle for no reason, forgetful moments that were out of character), but even then it wasn't anything to cause alarm. By February she was tired all the time, complained of indigestion and she started getting a little belly bloat which was contributed to the digestive issues. She assumed she had developed IBS or some food sensitivities so she finally went to her GP. He ordered a load of blood work, not sure if it was the GP or his urging to go to the OB, but somewhere along the line someone noticed her CA125 numbers were high and that was the start of her cancer journey. This was all end 2013/beginning 2014 and while she's technically ovarian cancer free, it just keeps metastasizing. Hers in not estrogen fueled and she will likely fight this her entire life. If you have the slightest inkling you or someone you care about may have it, I urge you to get into a doctor asap.
  • MEQ1982
    MEQ1982 Posts: 1 Member
    A little late to this discussion, but thought I'd share my two cents. In remission from stage 1 ovarian cancer (2 months now). My only symptoms were a few missed periods and bloating. Doctor did a transvaginal ultrasound to make sure all was well and found a mass on my ovary.

    There are common symptoms to look for - bloating, pain, bowel issues, weight gain or loss I that is unexpected, irregular menstrual cycle, heartburn - but it usually doesn't have symptoms until later stage. I got lucky.
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    edited June 2018
    MEQ1982 wrote: »
    A little late to this discussion, but thought I'd share my two cents. In remission from stage 1 ovarian cancer (2 months now). My only symptoms were a few missed periods and bloating. Doctor did a transvaginal ultrasound to make sure all was well and found a mass on my ovary.

    There are common symptoms to look for - bloating, pain, bowel issues, weight gain or loss I that is unexpected, irregular menstrual cycle, heartburn - but it usually doesn't have symptoms until later stage. I got lucky.

    Good to hear of your remission. You were certainly fortunate to have gotten an early diagnosis. Unfortunately many of the early symptoms mimic those of perimenopause, which I suspect is why it often goes unnoticed in women in their 40s and 50s.
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    I've had the same issues for a few years. I go every 6 months for the ultrasound. Usually there are no changes and "come back in 6 months." Last week they said I need to have a biopsy done. July 9th it is. I'm not too worried about it because I know it would be a very early stage but, I'm guessing a hysterectomy is in my very near future.
  • strwbry74
    strwbry74 Posts: 1,728 Member
    Well I became very ill 3 weeks ago now... I have been diagnosed with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. However, during the testing they also found 2 large masses and my C125 came back elevated. So... next week I meet with the Oncologist to schedule the surgery for the hysterectomy and mass removal... Still waiting for tests ran for my lymph nodes.....
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    Two of my coworkers have had it. It is one of those that is either found incidentally on ultrasound or discovered late. Symptoms are often vague like bloating, abdominal discomfort, etc.
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