Stay-at-home moms 2/16-2/22



  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Hey Mommies!!!!!!! Do I have some great news..I DO NOT have cervical cancer:drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: but what I do have can turn into cervical cancer if not taken care of..I have high grade leasions on my cervix that can turn into cancer if not taken care of...So on Feb 27th I am having a leep procedure..Instead of frezzing it they are going to burn it out:noway: The only bad thing is they want $200 down and its a $1000 for the procedure..Yeah they want a $1000 for a procedure that will only take 10 mins, crazy.. I was told that maybe if I start eating alot healthier and excersing I can get in shape and hopefully make this all go away..Crazyness huh...Theres only a few things that bite about this leep procedure is that no sex for 4 week,heavy lifting,bending,excersing..Basically nothing just like when you have a baby...So this is good n yucky news cuz my house is gonna get messy lol...

    Another good thing while I was out today, I ran into an old friend who got divorced and she is not wanting to file banruptcy on her house..I was telling her how we need a different house, bigger n in better shape..Well she wants to sale it to me on contract...How awesome is this..Its a 3 bdrm with basement that can be made into a bedroom..and a one car garage and a nice yard..Good neighborhood n still in the town I want to live in..I have to talk to my bf tonight but I think he will go for it..It has brand new windows all through the house the furance is 3yrs old n the roof is 5 yrs old..I can buy it on contract for about $62,000..I dont have to have any money down, no loan just turn everything on and move in,well take care of a few things first..I hope this works out..I'm praying that it does..

    Well I hope everyone is having a good Monday..Thanks everyone again for the prayers..
  • CrystalOKeefe
    Lenece I am so glad that you got some pretty good news!! Sorry you wont be able to workout but make sure you are eating good and things should go by fine!! That is so awesome about the house! We just went to pick out ome colors for our place!

    Well I am tired !

    Everyone have a great night sleep time and dont let the munchie bugs bite !!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    It's so funny reading the posts about the kids!! My girls are almost exactly two years apart & I constantly get "boy your hands are full!!" & I just give them the biggest, happiest smile that I have & I say "yes they are, isn't it great!!" I'm sure they think I'm crazy, but my girls are good! When we go shopping I rarely have any issues at all & I can confidently say it is great!!
    I love that they'll grow up together! I would've loved to have a sister & I feel that having these two grow up together is priceless!! But, I do feel as if I'm done! That's the other thing I hear, "SO, you gonna try for that boy??" :noway: :noway: I have two healthy girls that are my world & that we can support comfortably. If it happens fine, but I have no immediate plans.

    lenece - I am SO glad to hear that your tests turned out well, not perfect, but well!! & what wonderful news about the new house! I hope that things work out for you in regards to that!

    crystal - I love the comment about not letting the "munchie bugs bite"!! So fitting!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    you can get a second opinion--on the lab/biopsy results.

    i had a similar problem for a while. my lesions were very small but still aggravating, and could not be left untreated. are you saying it will be lasered? that's what mine was. laser, in a hospital, general anaesthesia, went home the same day. so for the $1000 cost--it's for all the drs and nurses and eqpt for the procedure--the length of time is not so important.

    the comment that if you eat better etc this can go away is FALSE! these lesions are cellular changes and if left unchecked CAN become cancer cells. they may not, but most drs wouldn't take that risk of leaving something there that can (at any time) mutate to cancer. and really, would you?

    also, as for recovery: pelvic rest isn't quite that severe necessarily. i was feeling much better by day 2 post-op. didn't pick up kids. was back to walking w/in 3 weeks. leisurely walks w/in a week. and sex? how pathetic but i don't remember! it wasn't super long tho. :laugh:

    the nurse explained to me that the reduced activity was more for my comfort. after a week or 2, healing is well underway. it's not like there are delicate parts being held together carefully, like for a c-section. again, my pain was minimal and i healed internally very quickly.

    obviously, as your case is more severe, your recovery may be longer. so get all that stuff explained to you thoroughly. make sure you know what is allowed and when. and consider having round the clock help for surgery day and 2 days after (mom? cousin? friend?). my mother in law stayed w/us for a week and it was really great. (i love her lots!) hopte this info is helpful.
    most importantly, i'm so happy for you that it is not cancer. good luck with all the preparations and the procedure. :heart:
  • jcarter81304
    Hi my name is Jennifer. Is it ok if I join this group? I'm fairly new to the MFP. I have been a member but just now started coming to the website and recording what i eat and things.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey moms!!

    Sorry I havent been around. Fell down the stairs a week ago and ended up with a stiff back and a bruised butt...:laugh: :laugh: I missed 1 day from the gym, then just modified my workouts to be less vigourous. Went to Yoga yesterday... that helped ALOT. Stretched out areas in my back that were stiff and sore so today I actually got a full heavy workout in and I feel much much much better!!

    I lost 3 pounds last week bringing me up to a total of 11 lost. I was shocked and awed by this since I wasnt working very hard at the gym. I just really watched what I ate and it paid off big time.

    DrevansMom- Thanks for checkin in with me to see if I am still around. I so appreciate that! :flowerforyou:

    Anyway.. Im here! Hope you all have a great week!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    PS. Welcome to all the new people joining us!!!:drinker:
  • farmgirlh
    Good evening Ladies~ I met my 1st goal that I had started out with and midway through this I added another 5 pounds to lose so now I am working on that.

    I was so excited today when I went shopping I bought size small tops and size 6 pants!!!! I haven't seen that size on me since 2004.....woohooo!!!! With another 5 pounds to lose I doubt that I drop another size. A 6 works great for me.

    FYI.....I am 5'4"

  • Nadyasmom
    Hi there,

    May I join? I'm not exactly a SAHM, but I take my daughter with me to's a "family" environment place so I just bring her along. Does that count? ;) I guess I'm a Stay With Child Mom ;)

    I just had my first child in October so it's just been 3 1/2 months. She is a sweetheart and I love her dearly, but I don't love the weight I gained! I've lost most of the baby weight, but I still have about 20 lbs to go to get to get to my ultimate goal.

    Anyways, if you don't mind, I'd love to join this group for support.

  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    you can get a second opinion--on the lab/biopsy results.

    i had a similar problem for a while. my lesions were very small but still aggravating, and could not be left untreated. are you saying it will be lasered? that's what mine was. laser, in a hospital, general anaesthesia, went home the same day. so for the $1000 cost--it's for all the drs and nurses and eqpt for the procedure--the length of time is not so important.

    the comment that if you eat better etc this can go away is FALSE! these lesions are cellular changes and if left unchecked CAN become cancer cells. they may not, but most drs wouldn't take that risk of leaving something there that can (at any time) mutate to cancer. and really, would you?

    also, as for recovery: pelvic rest isn't quite that severe necessarily. i was feeling much better by day 2 post-op. didn't pick up kids. was back to walking w/in 3 weeks. leisurely walks w/in a week. and sex? how pathetic but i don't remember! it wasn't super long tho. :laugh:

    the nurse explained to me that the reduced activity was more for my comfort. after a week or 2, healing is well underway. it's not like there are delicate parts being held together carefully, like for a c-section. again, my pain was minimal and i healed internally very quickly.

    obviously, as your case is more severe, your recovery may be longer. so get all that stuff explained to you thoroughly. make sure you know what is allowed and when. and consider having round the clock help for surgery day and 2 days after (mom? cousin? friend?). my mother in law stayed w/us for a week and it was really great. (i love her lots!) hopte this info is helpful.
    most importantly, i'm so happy for you that it is not cancer. good luck with all the preparations and the procedure. :heart:

    WOW!!!Thanks for all the info..Now I'm worried though..These ppl act like I'm not gonna be in much pain n I wont need help around for the kids...I dont have ne1 that can come n stay with me..I know thats sad..I am goin to have my regular doctor get the results also and review them..I was in severe pain when they did the biopsy feb 9th..It was so bad I was taking pain pills that I had for my back..They said I shouldnt have been hurting that bad but I felt like my insides had been ripped out n someone kicked me in the stomach...Good thing all 3 of my kids go to school..well my dd goes from 8am-12pm and she rides the bus home and usually takes a nap then the boys get home bout 3:45 and I do dinner then baths...Man this bites...Now I'm really worried..and they did say no sex nothing there for 4 weeks and no bending,lifting nothing major...OHHHHHHHHHH:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: now I'm frustated...I wont know anymore til tomorrow when I call back again...I'll check back in sometime tomorrow..Im off to bed night:yawn:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    lenece, your pain may be minimal. i just took 4 motrin the first couple days. but 800 mg of it can make you sleepy. then the pain may just go away. and your pain tolerance is unique to you. while they think it won't hurt at all, you may feel differently. the fact that you have had such severe pains for so long affects the way your body responds to pain, which may not have been considered by those people. truthfully, there's just no way to know, so be prepared either way. as my husband the engineer/pessimist says: expect the worst and be pleasantly surprised when it doesn't happen.

    it's understable that you don't have anyone to come stay--it's hard to get that. for the surgery day, tho, you need to plan to have your kids taken care of by someone else. sometimes procedures take longer than planned, your recovery room time might be long, it's different for everyone. also, even if you come home that day, which is standard, you are probably going to be sluggish and will need to rest. it is still general anaestheia and your body needs real rest for recover. so make sure the kiddos are set w/someone else that day (and night?).

    as for the following two days, maybe a neighbor can carpool for kids or take them to bus? is there a teenager who can come by after school to play/homework? keep dinner simple--pizza, mac and cheese, quesadillas, cereal, applesauce, etc for them so you don't have to do much. and if that teenager or neighbor or mother of a classmate?? can do baths one night for them. if not, so they'll be "dirty" a few days. no worries. :tongue:

    as for finding that helper--ask your kids' teachers if they know someone who can pitch in, maybe a favorite sub?, check with an LDS church for the relief society, see if a nanny service will let you do a one-time hire for a set fee. i realize these may cost money, but again, giving yourself a couple days to properly recover will allow you to resume "normal" life more quickly. plus, there is your peace of mind knowing the kids etc are being attended to. btw, i'm not lds but lived in salt lake a while and therefore know about the relief society (run by the women). you don't even have to be lds to ask for help. that's how i got to sitters.
    so i hope this gives you some more to go on. :flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    oops! forgot to tell you that someone will need to drive you home from the surgery. you will NOT be allowed to drive yourself. so you'll have to find someone or arrange for a taxi.--you're a mom, and you'll get it all worked out. one step at a time.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    :happy: welcome new people! i just joined this group, too, and the ladies are wonderful.
  • jcarter81304
    Hello everyone! I wanted to take a quick minute to introduce myself.
    My name is Jennifer I am currently living in Ingleside Texas, Close to corpus christi. I am originially from the Houston area. I am a stay at home mom to three amazing boys. ages 8, 6, and 3. I am married to my high school sweet heart. We have been married for 4 years but together for 14. He is in the military and currently deployed...We are moving in April to San Diego California which will be a big Change for me and my boys...LOL
    I have been on MFP for awhile but just now started getting series about it. I would love for my hubby to see me for the first time and him say WOW! I have battled with my weight for a long time but over the last few years it seems to have gotten worse and i'm tired of being depressed about it. I am hoping to get support and be able to give support also. I am looking forward to meeting all of u!

    Thank you
  • CrystalOKeefe
    Good morning Mommys !!!

    Welcome to all the new Mommys!! This place is getting popular!!

    Just a quick question...... I started this healthy goal (wont call it a diet) when I was 181 and now I am 154 and more active so do I need to change my calories? I am currently eating 1200 exercising almost daily as before there was almost NO exercise? I have noticed major body changes like my preg baby clothes (well atleast prebaby #2) are fitting comfy again! But lately the scale has only moved about 4 pounds.

    Let me know if you have any advice.......
  • abetterme
    Good morning Mommys !!!

    Welcome to all the new Mommys!! This place is getting popular!!

    Just a quick question...... I started this healthy goal (wont call it a diet) when I was 181 and now I am 154 and more active so do I need to change my calories? I am currently eating 1200 exercising almost daily as before there was almost NO exercise? I have noticed major body changes like my preg baby clothes (well atleast prebaby #2) are fitting comfy again! But lately the scale has only moved about 4 pounds.

    Let me know if you have any advice.......

    If I were you I would go back in and redue your stats to show you more active and put your new weight in and that will change up your calorie intake.
  • abetterme
    WELCOME TO THE BOARD NEW MOMMIES:flowerforyou: This is a great thread for mommie support:flowerforyou:

    I had a pretty good day yesterday:flowerforyou: This morning I am feeling a little tired but am going to make myself go fold those 4 loads of laundry stareing at me.:laugh: Well I got part of my blood work results back yesterday. The thyroid came back at 0.338 and normal ranges from 0.270-4.200 so it isn't my thryroid now I am waiting on the rest of the test and they won't be back until later this week.

    Hope everyone has a great day. I am off to fold laundry:tongue:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    great day today got shred done this morning I have to say level one is actually quite easy now when my new training shoes arrive I will mix up to level two. Also completed my cardio 15 mins elliptical 10 min running up and down the stairs and 10 mins jump rope (in circuits of 3 min 2 min and 2 min) this is 5 mins longer than normal I will increase jump rop to 3 mins next week and probably increase running up the stairs the week after. Foot is aching a bit but not sore like last week oh and I also walked the dogs for an hour got my chores done and am chilling out with a glass of water for half an hour before I start dinner. Got to go to parents evening tonight so my mum is babysitting so I will feed the kids and run.

    Rest day tomorrow got more chores to do though and on thurs I have to take my daughter to see the health visitor (busy body who makes sure you raise your kids safely I have been summoned because my little one hurt her leg and had to go to A+E and she hasnt had her MMR she isnt getting it either) aaarrggghhh could so do without I have enough to do this week with the kids being of school next week and it means I cant take paige swimming until friday which doesnt work in to my routine quite so well hopefully we can go and this should be one of the last times as the school take over this kind of care in Sept. They just P **** me of teling me how to raise my kids like I dont know what I am doing hello I have 2 others that are older so been there done that blah blah blah. - Sorry I am ranting now.

    Have a great day all.
  • abetterme
    Youngest of my boys

    He turned 4 today:cry::cry: :cry:

    They grow up way to fast:cry::cry:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Wow I missed a lot in one day. Here is my best attempt to catch up!

    First Welcome to the new Mommies, Lindsay, Jennifer, Sandy, and the "Stay with Child Mom" (sorry I forgot your name, but remembered your post :blushing: ).

    Dana-So happy it's not cancer. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do whatever it takes to get healthy. I know it can be hard to come up with the money but your life may depend on it. Find away to make it work. Also, Stacey has a point, you may want to seek out a second opinion and educate yourself on the procedure and recovery. Knowledge is power!

    abetterme-I'm sorry you haven't been feeling 100%. Depression is such a tough battle. I've never been on meds but I have gone the counseling route and it sucks. I hope you are getting the help and support you need. By the way, wanna come fold my laundry...I have a load that has been sitting in the dryer for about 4 days now :laugh:

    Crystal-As long as your profile set up is fairly accurate (activity level, weight etc) than I would just go with what it says. The scale has only moved 4 lbs in how long? a week? 2 weeks? a month? What do you have your weekly weight loss goal set at as well??

    Losingit-Sorry to hear about your injury. I'm glad that working out is actually making it feel better and not worse. many have I missed???
    Hello Marla and Sara.....

    Not much to report here. Just same old same old.
    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!