New to My Fitness Pal!

I am new to the site. Need to lose 50 pounds. I've tried many, most always lose but never keep it off.

Planning for this to be "the last time" because it will be a lifestyle change. I am going to learn to make good
choices and be active. (this will include learning to treat cheese dip as a treat and not a food group!)

Jeanne from Arkansas


  • jus_me77
    jus_me77 Posts: 47
  • mizzdivat
    mizzdivat Posts: 67 Member
    Welcome...there's lots of support here :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Feel free to add me, hun! I have a support group that you're more than welcome to join as well!
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi there,

    Been here a week myself.....welcome aboard.
  • Yay! I keep telling myself that the longer it takes me to lose the weight, the more practice I will have at maintaining it!
    (Psssst - As it turns out, butter's not a food group either!)

    Good Luck & Good Eating!
  • I am new here as well. I just joined this morning after a very long and sad night of being frutstrated and alot of self loathing. I am so glad I found the site and that I can use it on my IPOD. I found it so easy to add the foods I eat so I think it will be easy to stick with. Wish me luck.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    Welcome. Think you're gonna like it here.
    Today is the first day of the rest of your life - spend it wisely
  • packerfan1
    packerfan1 Posts: 93 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!
  • Welcome!
  • HI! I'm new to the site and have no clue how to become active in the community- I feel like the new kid on Facebook minus the networks! Any advice, support or a friend request would be appreciated! Trying to be my best me!
  • Cheese dip isn't a food group??!!! ha ha Welcome! You will find a lot of support here. Good luck with your weight loss journey. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
  • jcolglazier
    jcolglazier Posts: 22 Member
    Yeah Nita!!! Starting is the hardest part!!! WE can do this!
  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    Feel free to add me. It's a great community. Welcome to the site!
  • paxetamore
    paxetamore Posts: 399 Member
    Welcome! I have been at this only about a month, and what i love is how easy mfp makes those lifestyle changes. Best to you!
  • If you're reffering to nacho cheese I have the same problem! haha :) Welcome! >^_^<
  • hello I am also new here just started yesterday myself not sure how to work this site yet but am looking forword to having a support group to help me and to making new friends
  • Neese76
    Neese76 Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome, I'm in the same boat as you but this site helps me to be accountable as far as what I eat aswell as everyone here can relate to the weight loss struggle... I am losing weight because I'm encouraged by what others on this site are able to do in the way of weight loss. You'll really enjoy using this site.
  • Yeah Nita!!! Starting is the hardest part!!! WE can do this!

    Yes, we can!!!!!! and we will!!!
  • rica0111
    rica0111 Posts: 27
    welcome! feel free to add me up! :)
  • WiiFitFan
    WiiFitFan Posts: 156 Member
    Welcome! This is a fun site and easy to use. You will get lots of positive support! If you have any questions, just ask!