I am so upset!

Ugh! I do not know what happened to me. On June 22, 2011, I weighed in at 213.3 pounds... Ahh, about a month down and I lost 16 and a half pounds. Then, summer started. Great, right? I planned for July to be the slim down month and August to be the month were I gain muscle. Well, I went on the scale today, and it was 214 pounds. I am going into a new school in early September, and I will not have any time for exercise. I think I have hit a plateau. Well, I know that. I am not happy with my weight at all. I see no difference and this is really upsetting me. Is there still a chance for me to be at least under 200 pounds by Labor Day weekend or should I just give up. I mean every day is a routine for me. I know what I should be eating yet nothing. Tomorrow I plan on going to the gym very early, but will that help at all?

Please share your thoughts. I feel like I was back on May 9, the day before I started: tired, lazy, and FAT. Help?

EDIT] I understand my food choices have been poorly, for the main reason that I am not seeing any results. Also, I tend not to log exercise because I don't want to eat it all back. THANK YOU ALL


  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Do not give up!!

    Maybe open your diary so we can give you some advice. :flowerforyou:
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    don't give up! add something interesting to your work out routine, try a new and healthy food!
  • JackboyE
    JackboyE Posts: 32 Member
    Gain muscle whilst losing fat. Body recomposition bro.

    Now, **** the scales. Go by the mirror + your diet plan. If you're eating well, don't worry about the scales because they'll only deter or screw you over (when it's bad), of course they're your best friend when it's good.

    Where did you go wrong with your eating and what caused it?
  • That's right don't give up..... just watch your sugar intake, even too much fruit can be your enemy...take a little bike ride.........try 20 minutes of anything. walking even and oh! drink lots of water...........cut out the fruit juices. too......best of luck
  • Do not give up!!

    Maybe open your diary so we can give you some advice. :flowerforyou:

    It is open
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    Peeked at your diary, and my only thought is 'it's not necessarily the calories alone that work, but what you eat.' I didn't see any veggies or fruits over the past 4 days. Try replacing your carbs/processed foods with fruits and veggies for a couple of days, see what happens. If it works, try to incorporate more in your general diet.

    Oh, and don't give up. Keep mixing things up and trying different foods / exercise. It may take some time, but you will find what works for you. Hang in there!!!!

    It's also better to eat 4-6 small meals rather than 2 large meals. Just a thought.
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    Are you even drinking any water at all..??...I don't see any water consumption marked in the last week of your food diary...Water is so important because not only does it flush out toxins, but it also helps get rid of water retention....I carry a gallon jug around with me where ever I go and I make sure that sucker is empty by the time I go to bed at night...You might try upping your water intake...Good luck on your journey... :drinker:
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Do NOT let this stop you!!! The last few weeks I've been staying around the same weight, even gaining, and I remind myself sometimes it's water or new muscle. You CAN do this, and we all have bad days. I'll add you as a friend for support. :)
  • Are you even drinking any water at all..??...I don't see any water consumption marked in the last week of your food diary...Water is so important because not only does it flush out toxins, but it also helps get rid of water retention....I carry a gallon jug around with me where ever I go and I make sure that sucker is empty by the time I go to bed at night...You might try upping your water intake...Good luck on your journey... :drinker:

    I only drink water! And once a day a Crystal Light. I didn't know you add water consumption?
  • JackboyE
    JackboyE Posts: 32 Member
    LOL OP I'm coming from a body builder perspective.

    The reason you dun goofed was the 800 calories over and the 500 calories over days. Everyone does it, I mean I'm going out on thursday, getting sloshed and will end up with a kebab.

    If you want to pig out, do the exercise to earn it. Don't settle for going 800 over because it just kills all your other hard work.

    Just think to yourself "right ima be a fatty today but I'm going to earn it", do 800 calories worth of exercise (EXTRA) throughout the week but don't eat the calories until the weekend.

    Example, burn an extra 200 calories a day for 6 days, don't you eat those calories back! You have 1200 calories extra burnt so when you eat those back on sunday, no consequences because YOU PREPARED.

    inb4 haters
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member
    Don't give up! Also, this is not a race - it's a lifestyle. If you think you have to be a certain weight by a certain date - "or just give up", then you've got the wrong attitude.
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    I looked at your diary. You may be eating under your calories, but you are not eating healthy! You really should eat more fruits and veggies. You need more vitamins and fiber, and fewer unhealthy fats. Eat less processed food and fast food!

    I know this can be hard to do if it's what you're used to eating, but maybe try to cut down to fast food 2x a week, and then once a week, and then every other week, and then once a month. You can still eat that stuff, but not every day!

    My diary is open if you need any meal ideas :smile:
  • sunrize_sc
    sunrize_sc Posts: 157 Member
    Please don't give up! Cut your carbs and up your protein. Get your carbs from fruits and veggies and drink lots of water! Cut out the fried stuff....You'll see a difference really fast!

    You can add me if you'd like. :smile:
  • caitymay1
    caitymay1 Posts: 73 Member
    You're eating waaayy too much fatty food, learn to love the fruits and veggies! I NEVER used to be a veggie person, although I've always loved fruit, and finally just forced myself to eat a bell pepper, or some carrot sticks and celery, or broccoli and cauliflour when I've been hungry or just felt like snacking. Now my favorite thing to munch on is a bell pepper :) The calories in veggies are minimal, and you can eat pretty much as much as you want! I found that the more I ate them, the more I started to enjoy them. If you are determined to lose weight, then you will force yourself to do the right thing. It may take falling off the wagon many times, but just keep climbing back on. Sometimes you just need support. Hope all the answers you get from this post make you want to keep trying!
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    DONT GIVE UP! I haven't lost any weight for a month at least. I've been stress eating. It's junk food that I want to eat. Its making me even more stressed to eat like that. For a long time didn't touch any of it. DON’T GIVE UP! you've come a long way already.
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    First - DON'T GIVE UP!!!! Giving up will not help you reach your goal. I read a quote recently that I loved - "A month from now, you will wish you started today."

    I second the suggestion to add way more veggies and fruits. The majority of your food looks fried and cheesy (tasty, but not necessarily conducive to good health).
  • I_GoT_ThIs
    I_GoT_ThIs Posts: 170 Member
    I agree with everyone else DONT GIVE UP. If you do it will make it that much harder for you to get back on the wagon. I'm going to make a few suggestions and that's all they are. I noticed that you like to eat alot of french fries.. Not a good idea. i understand they are good and right now as we speak I am craving some fries from Mc Donalds.. but definately not worth it. If you HAVE to have them.. Try cutting back to once a week, and make sure and excersize a little extra that day. Have you tried baking sweet potato fries? It's a better alternative if you like that. Also, saw alot of chicken strips.. Yes. Chicken is good for you, but once you fry it in the batter.. you might as well be sucking grease out of a bottle. Try eating only grilled chicken or finding some way to pan sear it with a very LIGHT breading. another thing is all the ice/cream/cake/brownies. We all love them, but they don't love us. Not one bit. Try to cut back on those to once a week then slowly try to back off more than that. Use deserts as a reward for every so many lbs lost or something like that. You don't want to totally deprive yourself, but eating foods like those are not going to help you very much. It's hard as first but once you start eating healthier, whole grains, veggies and fruits.. your going to notice your not going to feel so "tired, fat, and lazy" . You will start to feel so much better about yourself! I promise! If you need anything im here for you feel free to message me ANYTIME! :) good luck. You can do it.
  • Lots of good suggestions after you opened your diary. I agree with them. You have calories but not quality calories. Since it looks like you eat out, I suggest EAT THIS NOT THAT books for eating out. Also there are good books and articles on Clean Eating. Get some Protein in the AM breakfast - a hard boiled egg, scrambled egg whites, even protein powder in your milk....not Sugar Corn Pops.

    You should commit to some exercise when you go to school even if you break it up in short 12 -15 minute segments. Exercise bands and push up bars are cheap and take up little space. Surf the net to find some good pics or You Tube on short routines for form. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Go up and down a few times each day. Try to do something 4 - 6 days a week and spin for an hour on the weekends.

    Good Luck, Buddy!