losing 100+ pounds



  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    My goal is to reach 100 pounds lost and then see how much more I want to lose after that. I've lost 64 so far, so I'm over halfway there. You can do it!
  • Hey my goal is about 100 lbs, I've only lost about 4 lbs so far also and my ticker says 88 lbs to go, but really my goal is about 100 lbs, I just want to see what I look like when I reach the 88 or so. Feel free to add me, anyone on this thread. I find that taking part in different challenges here has helped me a lot... motivates me more to not only eat healthy but to get the exercise in everyday. We can all motivate each other and even better we will all have similar goals, tasks, and difficulties due to our weight and our goal.
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    I have 101 to go! I really want to drop 110, but my doc says that too much for my med-size body frame. We can do this! add me
  • mandygal13
    mandygal13 Posts: 219 Member
    Hey my goal is about 100 lbs, I've only lost about 4 lbs so far also and my ticker says 88 lbs to go, but really my goal is about 100 lbs, I just want to see what I look like when I reach the 88 or so. Feel free to add me, anyone on this thread. I find that taking part in different challenges here has helped me a lot... motivates me more to not only eat healthy but to get the exercise in everyday. We can all motivate each other and even better we will all have similar goals, tasks, and difficulties due to our weight and our goal.

    I agree with taking part in the challenges. I wasn't sure what it would be like, but the support and motivation you receive is phenomenal.
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
    Hi, I'm just wondering if people on here are looking to loose 100+ pounds
    I would share my stats but I'm afraid ):
    So, anyone? I've only lost 4 pounds so far, but I want to lose 12 pounds until my next goal weight, and then I want to loose another 80 pounds
    anyone else in the same situation? maybe we can help each other out! (:

    OH! And I want to lose 20-30 pounds before Halloween, do you think that's possible?

    I am right there with ya! dont be afraid to share your information, no one here is going to JUDGE you, we are all here to lose weight! feel free to add me and best of luck!
  • My goal is to lose 111lbs, im getting married in April and hope to be 80+ lbs down by then. I hope this is a realistic goal, im just not really sure!
  • maysflower
    maysflower Posts: 180
    I've lost 70 lbs with another 35 lbs to go, totaling 115 lbs. Goal weight 150 lbs.

    I was scared at first because I didn't believe it was even possible for me to lose 115 lbs. But I thought I'll give it a try and see what happens. 70 lbs later I have a whole new perspective on my life. Don't think about the total amount you want to lose, focus on small goals 10, 15 or 20 lbs at a time.

    Feel free to add me! Good luck!
  • lackie09
    lackie09 Posts: 123 Member
    im 224 wanting to get to 140 just started back after gaining everything back =( add me if u want!
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    I DID have 110 lbs to loose and now I only have 14 to my goal of 160 and am hoping for another 10-15 after that,

    I can tell you that is is possible and you will feel AMAZING when you get to wear you want to be
  • KPaden1221
    KPaden1221 Posts: 433
    i'm right there with ya.. dont' be afrain to share your stats.. that's the best way to start.. by not sharing them it's like you're almost not being honest with yourself.. and i only say that b'c for soooo long i lied about it.. I weigh 340 right now.. started at 325 yep.. lost 25 lbs, got married gained 49lbs IN A YEAR!! (i stopped watchign what I ate and exercising) and now I've lost almost 9lbs. I swore I would never see 350 on the scale and I WONT! I'm going down.. I have been at it hard and heavy for 2 weeks now and I'm super proud of myself.. I have about 150lbs to lose.. and we can do this!
  • lgayden
    lgayden Posts: 1
    :smile: I am in the same boat. I would love the support and help with food choices and excersize that is working for some people.
  • rica0111
    rica0111 Posts: 27
    Hi! Feel free to add me up! :)
  • rica0111
    rica0111 Posts: 27
    Hi! Feel free to add me up! :)
  • krevelle65
    krevelle65 Posts: 189
    Hi friend me if you like. I am 46 and weigh 251 I have lost 21 lbs using MFP since 4/25/11. I lose about 1 to 1.5 per week. I want to loose it at a rate I can do for the long haul. I have lost these pounds too many times before to gain them back again. My goal is 145. It may take me a couple years to get there. Good luck with your journey, you have friends here who understand. Weight is just a number. No one here will talk behind your back about how large or small that number is.
  • ginabina13
    ginabina13 Posts: 202 Member
    Hey girlie, you can do it!! I started at 260, currently 192, goal is 150. Feel free to add me if you like!
  • Same here! I started today at a whopping 280 after I had already lost 90 pounds I have unfortunately gained it back with the
    exception of 4 pounds. We can all do this together :)
  • trevoye
    trevoye Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to lose over 100 pounds, it would be an honor to do this weight loss journey together. I am just starting to get the hang of this site. Look forward to seeing "less" of you in the future!!! LOL:laugh:
  • jwaters1006
    jwaters1006 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm in the same boat as everyone else. I have at least 100, maybe 150 to lose. feel free to add me I love having support and I love giving support even more.
  • missy57
    missy57 Posts: 5 Member
    Reading every ones post it makes me feel like i can do this because there are so many people out there that is going through the same thing i am i need to lose 100+ pounds and it makes me feel really good to know that so many of you have lost and are on your way to reach your goal weight so there is hope for me:smile:
  • brandimacleod
    brandimacleod Posts: 368 Member