Looking for support and motivation - Just getting started (for the 3rd time...)

kaylag45 Posts: 21 Member
Hi friends,

I hope everyone is doing well today (even though it is a Monday)!

As mentioned in my title, I'm just reintroducing myself to the MyFitnessPal platform. I have attempted this a few times before, however, I never continued with it. I have struggled my whole life with my weight and being self-conscious. It took me a long time to learn, but the reason I am not successful in my weight loss is because I never made it a priority... yeah, I said I wanted to lose weight and would start programs, but the moment something else jumped in, I was done. It was hard to admit this to myself, but I'm ready for a change. I have a variety of reasons why I want to do this other than looking good, and I believe that is something that I needed to realize for myself as well. I have PCOS and hypothyroidism, two diseases that could impact my weight, fertility, and chances of diabetes. I want to have a family in the future, and I want to be able to provide good meals and proper upbringing for them. I want to not worry about not being able to keep up with my friends, or niece and nephews. I just don't want to worry about my capabilities.

I am at an age where I can change the course of my life, and I want that. I want to make that a priority. I'm starting this Monday out in a positive way, and I am proud of the changes that I have made in the three days since I have started taking things seriously.

A few things I have done:
- No more soda (day 3 going strong)
- Counting calories
- Found a friend who is doing this with me, and we checked in this morning together
- Reaching out to the MFP community
- Added at least 30 minutes of exercise to my schedule the last three days

I'm not gonna lie, I want to do more. I want to be able to say, "I worked out three hours today, and followed a keto diet," however, I believe that if I went straight to that, that this life style change would not stick. I want this to stick, so small changes are my way to go.

I would love to be able to have a support group, and people to rely on, and also help others. Please let me know if this is something that you are interested in. Also, any tips, tricks, suggestions, hopes, etc., that would help me on this journey, I would really appreciate it.

Let's do this, guys!
- Kayla


  • sbshoe90
    sbshoe90 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Kayla. I'd be happy to add you so we can help motivate each other. I just got really serious a few days ago too & I need the accountability! You can do this!
  • kaylag45
    kaylag45 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey girl, let's do this together! I welcome the support and accountability (:
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I struggled with my weight for years (decades) too, and I was so ambitious, worked so hard, and was so proud when my weight dropped, and so disappointed and ashamed when it piled on again. I have finally succeeded with weight management - of course it's an ongoing project - but one of the great steps was figuring out the how little effort I need to spend, in order to get the results I want, finding the path of least resistance. That's actually a common trait I see in successful "losers". For me, the small things are weighing myself daily, planning my meals, eating regular meals, being more active on the daily. No more struggling, stress or distress, no more worry about gaining weight.
  • kaylag45
    kaylag45 Posts: 21 Member
    @kommodevaran I would have to agree with your statement... my ultimate goal is to lose 120lbs. Thinking of it that way, it seems like so much and that it will never happen, however, if I say that I have to lose ten pounds each month for 12 months, I will be at the same point. It's nice to have a breakdown like that.
  • samiejones1
    samiejones1 Posts: 35 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    kaylag45 wrote: »
    @kommodevaran I would have to agree with your statement... my ultimate goal is to lose 120lbs. Thinking of it that way, it seems like so much and that it will never happen, however, if I say that I have to lose ten pounds each month for 12 months, I will be at the same point. It's nice to have a breakdown like that.
    It's important to break things down into manageable pieces. But just be aware that you can't really expect to lose 120 pounds in a year; the first pounds can come off fast, but it tapers off - two full years will most likely be necessary. What I do, is break things into day by day goals, meal by meal some days, and focus on what I'll do (or when it comes to weight mangement, most of the time, not do), not the result. Weightloss is not something you can decide upon, but it is what happens when you eat less than your burn, and that is something you can decide to do.
  • shavongreene1987
    shavongreene1987 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello Kayla, I have a bit of experience with serious weight loss. I have trained for fitness competitions. If you don’t know what those are, they are very hard to do. 120lbs in a year is very doable but hard. One suggestion I would make is to throw the number out the window along with your scale. I know it sounds crazy, but the more you worry about the number, the more discouraged you will be. You will lose weight pretty rapidly at first and then hit a plateau where you will want to go back to eating unhealthy. Also, worry less about calories themselves and more about nutrients. For instance if you eat 100 calories in chips vs 100 calories in salad those will effect your body very differently. I fell of the bandwagon for a few years with college and raising two kids alone so I am back now to help get back on track. I’d love to stay connected!
  • Peanut1914
    Peanut1914 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey girl well done for coming back that’s the mean aim of the game. I’m on the same path health wise and for my children I’m trying to lose weight. I lost 5lbs in the first week and put a 1lb so add me for support as I be greatful for all the help
  • kaylag45
    kaylag45 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey guys, I definitely understand that it’s hard and a huge goal, but I was just using that as a reference of a timeline comparing it to 120lbs total. If it happens in a year, that’s awesome, but it’s just much more manageable to understand for me that a year is a little bit of time and it’s not a 20 year process if I make it a priority... I hope that makes sense? I appreciate you guys keeping me grounded and helping to make realistic expectations 😁
  • losergood2011
    losergood2011 Posts: 172 Member
    I like to listen to the cut the fat podcast when Im walking - great stuff just like your talking about little things make a difference :-)
  • kaylag45
    kaylag45 Posts: 21 Member
    Awesome, I never even heard of those!
  • apmartin29
    apmartin29 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey guys! I’m just getting started with this (again) and I would love to have some people to help hold me accountable and give me ideas. Growing up I was very athletic and in good shape. When I graduated high school I weighed around 160. Flash forward 11 years and 100 pounds later here I am. Y’all I love food. Especially during that certain time of the month lol. I’m only on day two and for some reason I’m doubting myself and feel like I depriving myself already. A lot of times side dishes for dinner would include potatoes of some sort or Mac n cheese. The starchy stuff. I’m just already getting frustrated because like I said I’m craving bad stuff and feel sad lol
  • kaylag45
    kaylag45 Posts: 21 Member
    @apmartin29 hey girl, we can do this together. The first step is being here.
  • apmartin29
    apmartin29 Posts: 2 Member
    @kaylag45 thanks! Guess it’s tougher too when my husband and I have allowed food to be a source of entertainment for us
  • Feel free to add me I'm also back for 3rd time
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    apmartin29 wrote: »
    I would love to have some people to help hold me accountable and give me ideas. I love food. Especially during that certain time of the month lol. I’m only on day two and for some reason I’m doubting myself and feel like I depriving myself already. A lot of times side dishes for dinner would include potatoes of some sort or Mac n cheese. The starchy stuff. I’m just already getting frustrated because like I said I’m craving bad stuff and feel sad lol
    apmartin29 wrote: »
    Guess it’s tougher too when my husband and I have allowed food to be a source of entertainment for us
    I can't hold you accountable, but I can give ideas. We all love food. Food is supposed to be pleasureable, but when we use it as entertainment, we abuse it, and our bodies. Add to that demonizing the foods we associate with good times, while always having it avalailable, social norms and advertising constantly persuading us that eating treat foods every day is normal and fine, but telling ourselves we shouldn't eat it at all, and we're in for a sh1tstorm - we feel deprived when we deny ourselves, so we feel entitled and eat it anyway, but now we eat too much, feel out of control, and that "proves" that the food is bad, and that we are bad, so we feel bad, so we eat more to calm the negative emotions and because we've already eaten too much, and so on and so on. Sustainable weight management depends on changing mindset, eating habits and food environment.
  • Texas_Candy
    Texas_Candy Posts: 55 Member
    WOW...I just read your post and the majority of it I felt was written by me!!! I too started my changes this Monday. I too have had problems with my weight over half my life. I tend to put others before myself and I fall to the wayside. Not anymore. I want to be healthy for me and most important for my family. I want to look in the mirror and be proud of the person looking back at me. I'd love to connect and motivate.
  • KingHurlbutt
    KingHurlbutt Posts: 169 Member
    You came to the right place, look at all these people that are here for you! I love it!
  • kaylag45
    kaylag45 Posts: 21 Member
    All of you are amazing people, and I am happy that my story brought some of us together in support <3
  • GorditoTerronillo
    GorditoTerronillo Posts: 20 Member
    edited July 2018
    I’d love to be here for you too! I could use some support as well, trying to lose some weight (goal would be to lose 100+lbs but we’ll se how it goes!). Just started this week adding some cardio to my life and counting/watching calories.
    I’ve always been a chubby girl, I’ve been through bullying (random people, friends and family), insecurities, low self esteem, judged myself, etc and I’m getting a bit tired of putting myself down instead of doing something about what I don’t like, so here I am, trying to change that.

    Feel free to add me/message me, let’s do this together! 👏🏼
  • stainbackzoo
    stainbackzoo Posts: 81 Member
    Add me too! any and all help is appreciated! 😉
  • txdahl
    txdahl Posts: 107 Member
    Hi Kayla, I too am just reintroducing myself to MFP. I have done it off and on and been successful however every time I got going something derailed me (yes my fault but hard to recover!). I spent last year fighting cancer and doing chemo and lost about 35 pounds. I knew I would gain some back but had hoped to use the end of treatment to try and keep some of it off and have that as a starting point. It is the year mark of my last treatment and I am 100% back to where I was before I started. My goal had been to eat healthier, exercise and all but life got in my way. I am so ready to do this and keep going with it. I would love to join you as an accountability and motivation partner. <3
  • TabiiJoyyB
    TabiiJoyyB Posts: 11 Member
    Hey girl! If you'd like some more help and accountability feel free to add me :)
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    Well welcome back! I'm happy to see you trying! :) You are more than welcome to add me if you would like - I love this community, so the more friends the better IMO. Keep going!
  • MrsJinThird
    MrsJinThird Posts: 2 Member
    I could have written this!! I am spending this week getting the right foods in my fridge and making play lists of workout videos. I am looking for someone who will keep me accountable and help motivate me!
  • AnitaKundu
    AnitaKundu Posts: 73 Member
    Hi All, please feel free to add me if you're looking for motivation and support. I'm good at responding to messages. 37, female, Auckland, NZ.
  • themrsb192
    themrsb192 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello again! Looking for ppl to add me as a friend that need motivation as much as me feel free to add me as a friend I respond fairly fast. Wifey and mommy trying to feel healthy again.