Diet calories, but does it hurt weight loss



  • Johnd2000
    Johnd2000 Posts: 198 Member
    I hadn’t had coke in any quantity for 40 years, but I found I liked Coke Zero nearly a year ago. I currently drink a couple of cans a day (during hot weather).

    I’ve been managing my weight for 2 1/2 years and can categorically state that Coke Zero has had zero effect on my weight or appetite. If it had, I’d see it in my data.
  • jasondjulian
    jasondjulian Posts: 182 Member
    I don’t drink it. I feel there are too many chemicals in Coke Zero and similar drinks. It’s a personal preference. My husband drinks it and hasn’t had any issues.
    looney9708 wrote: »
    I have no scientific data or know why. But two examples of it hurting weight loss:

    On the 30/10 weight loss diet program they were adamant that it stalls fat loss and it was not approved. Any chemical type drink including crystal light. La croix was ok
    hpurtee1hp wrote: »
    I don’t drink it. I feel there are too many chemicals in Coke Zero and similar drinks. It’s a personal preference. My husband drinks it and hasn’t had any issues.

    Yea, I agree there's a lot of chemicals I'd like to get away from!

    H2O is a chemical. Everything physical is made up of chemicals.

    I was going to say the same thing, Lynn. Water is the most common liquid chemical one could think of.. chemicals in and of themselves are not bad.. what you mix them with and the quantity is important. Even too much water can kill you.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    Calorie count
    0 calorie is a teensy bit of a lie. What it actually means is very, very low calorie, generally under 20 calories at the most. If you drink or eat lots and lots of 0 calorie items, it can add up so you still have to take care.

    What people need to understand is that there are inaccuracies in the way calorie counts are gathered for nutrition labels and other factors than the number of calories of heat generated in a calorimeter, so the numbers you see on the labels should be considered estimates:

    Some things aren't worth worrying about - like the calories in diet soda, or the calories in the gelatin that covers your vitamin caps.
  • emalethmoon
    emalethmoon Posts: 178 Member
    I've eliminated so much, I might curl up and die without my vanilla coke zero. And I lost a ton of weight while still drinking it.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    I drink them, but I want to stop because I think it makes my sweet tooth worse.

    Studies show this is true for a statistically significant amount of people. Interestingly, you appear to be in the minority on MFP.

    I think we all need to learn what our trigger foods are and how to manage them. For me it's easiest to just not have them in the house.
  • scribblemoma
    scribblemoma Posts: 115 Member
    I drink plenty of water but I love diet soda and have one daily. No adverse effect on weight loss and it keeps my sweet tooth well under control! I quit smoking several years ago and I don’t drink alcohol so my Diet Pepsi can be pried my from cold, dead hands haha!
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I hate flavored sparkling water. Or plain sparkling water. Always have, much as I've tried to like it. Cherry Coke Zero, if you please.
  • jmf286
    jmf286 Posts: 32 Member
    edited July 2018
    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but isn't Coke getting rid of coke zero?

    ETA my bad, they are getting rid of the Australian version of coke zero and have replaced it withe version everyone else has and calling it coke zero sugar. Confusing!
  • kpsyche
    kpsyche Posts: 345 Member
    jmf286 wrote: »
    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but isn't Coke getting rid of coke zero?

    Dunno. Here in Australia it's gone (well, you can still find leftover stock in some shops until they run out) but they've replaced it with "Coke No Sugar" which tastes better IMO anyway (although you'll find plenty of people online who say the opposite and that they preferred Coke Zero)
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Nope. Zero calories is zero calories. The only thing diet pops can affect negatively is teeth, but that's from acidity levels found in many soft drinks.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    I hate flavored sparkling water. Or plain sparkling water. Always have, much as I've tried to like it. Cherry Coke Zero, if you please.

    'Sparkling water' sounds nice, but it tastes (feels? Not really a flavor thing) gross and harsh to me. La Croix is not much better. If I'm drinking something fizzy, it had better taste sweet!
  • SamskiB
    SamskiB Posts: 211 Member
    I only drink 0 calorie pop and it hasn't hampered my dieting efforts!

    I was shocked at work a few days ago. We had a meeting and food/drink was provided and there was a carton of orange juice so i had 3 small glasses (around 200ml size i would guess, in a small plastic cup) i checked the carton as i was about to go for my 4th cup and glanced at the calorific content and it was 70 calories per 150ml! i was so shocked! that was over 200 calories less that i had to live on that day! :neutral:
  • OrcaSaintJames
    OrcaSaintJames Posts: 1 Member
    I don't think it effects weight loss. I do, however think that if you have that as an option, it stops you from drinking more water. That is me. I know if I allow it that I will drink more of that than water.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I don't think it effects weight loss. I do, however think that if you have that as an option, it stops you from drinking more water. That is me. I know if I allow it that I will drink more of that than water.
    Fortunately since diet soda is around 95% water, it shouldn’t be an issue...