Food you've given up for good?

My favorite food ever is a cheeseburger. No, not the substitutes with no bun and lean meat, no cheese. I'm talking a real, big, juicy burger with yummy melted cheese (think Carl's Jr's Big Carl sandwich). However, it is LOADED with fat and carbs and a bunch of stuff that is terrible for me, so since I've started changing my eating habits, I have not had one (nor do I plan to have one ever again).

Other food I don't plan to ever have again is my favorite pizza: hawaiian on pan-style crust. Instead I'll opt for whole wheat pita pizzas (which I love).

I know they say "everything in moderation," but if I were to have either of those things again, I think I'd fall back into unhealthy eating habits.

Anyway, what foods have you given up for good? Food you'll never eat again?


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I am giving up my daily cup of lard, everything else i will still eat.
  • _eislek_
    _eislek_ Posts: 198 Member
    Never say never! :p I can't think of anything I will absolutely never eat again. I went back to vegetarianism but if I feel uncontrollably compelled to have a steak, I will.
  • I still eat everything in moderations, but i think am officially done with sodas and fruit juices. Been clean for 3 months and water has never tasted better lol
  • I am giving up my daily cup of lard, everything else i will still eat.

    Haha, nice :)
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    Half & Half in my coffee. :sad:
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I have given up sliced bread. If I want a sandwich I go for 100 calorie sandwich thins or a multigrain 100 calorie english muffin but that is it in the bread department. Hopefully I can stick to it.
  • Good for you, I love cheese burgers as well - could not give them up at all. However i've given up food at fast food restaurants. No more wendy's, mc donalds, etc. Instead I opt for Subway or better alternative options.
  • ering
    ering Posts: 183 Member
    Oreos. I gave up Oreo cookies.

    Ok, fine I didn't but I only have one or two instead of 6 or 8.
  • I have given up Bean,rice,cheese burritos. Ever since I have started Myfitnesspal,I have been so wanting to change my life ...So I'm more than happy to get rid of all the carbs and fat!!
  • I dont think i could ever give up something completely well thats not true I wont touch liver with a ten foot poll. Seriously I believe moderation is the key. One thing I have done really well with is cutting out my soda. I use to drink 3-4 cans of soda a day now I dont even drink that many in a week. I drink diet but I know its still as bad as the regular but just something I am not ready to give up forever.
  • lulu1962
    lulu1962 Posts: 210
    Anything fried.
  • I'm trying really hard to give up french fries...but anytime they're around, I can't help but snag a few.
  • kboli
    kboli Posts: 5 Member
    If I have the calories to spare......I would definitely eat what ever I want, which includes a cheeseburger. Never completely deprive yourself, or you will find yourself binging out of control. I do admire your stance, though. If you are steering away from bad foods, and poor eating habits, that's GOOD thing! :) I like the 80/20 rule: Keeping within my calorie recommendation and working out 80% of the time, or during the week-days, and then allowing myself to eat whatever I want, light exercise 20% of the time, or on the week-ends. The trick is, not to over-do it on the week-ends---but if you do, just get right back on that wagon Monday morning!
  • jessicahelene
    jessicahelene Posts: 77 Member
    I haven't given up anything. I'm so neurotic that just the mere act of saying "I am never going to eat/drink this again" would make me want it 10x more. I just keep it to a reasonable (small) serving and only have it on rare occasions and ALWAYS LOG IT.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I'm getting close to giving up French Fries. I rarely have them and when I do, they taste nasty to me. lol It's like I have to have them to remind myself...
  • kboli
    kboli Posts: 5 Member
    Me too! Week-ends are my french fry allowance time!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Nothing is off limits! I know that if I tell myself I can "never" have something again, that will make me want it even more. I also know that I can have anything I want and still remain within my calories for the day, or I can choose to go off my calories one day and that won't do me in for good either. It's all about a lifestyle change, not a drastic cutting out of all things "bad."

    That having been said, I have noticed that since I've been eating better my stomach just won't let me eat some of the things I used to without letting me have it. :smile: Want one cheesestick at a restaurant? No problem. Want 4 cheesesticks like I used to eat? Prepare for a stomach revolt!
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Last day I had a soda was 5 Feb 11. That's my soda sobriety day. I was almost six pack a day soda addict and I'd drink one first thing in the morning.
    I last had one on 19 Jun, on the plane back home from Vegas. I was airsick lol and thought it would help. It tasted like ****. I could taste the chemicals in it.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    Pop Tarts. Bacon. Full-sugar soda. French Fries. (I will however have French Fry - meaning the ONE fry I take from the DH when he gets them) Cheap chocolate (It's not worth the calories if it doesn't taste amazing). Anything that will use up all my available calories in one sitting.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I EAT EVERYTHING!!!! :happy:

    Seriously, why ban it from your life forever? You seriously will NEVER EVER have a cheeseburger in the next 50 YEARS?