New.. Hello...

as9026 Posts: 8
edited October 1 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, I had joined MFP a few months ago, however, I dont think I took it that serious. Nevertheless, I am ready to make a change NOW!!! I have gained 15 lbs over the past few months. I can see the extra weight on my body, and especially feel it in my clothes. My self-esteem is has also been on a decline with the addition of this excess weight. I am seriously ready to make a chaNGE and I hope that MFP will be the most helpful of all tools. Joined a gym last week, and really kicked butt tonight. If anyone has any helpful ideas or suggestions, PLEASE let me know. I know they say the first 2 weeks are always the hardest... I hope I can really stick to this.


  • lchoi7
    lchoi7 Posts: 1
    Hi, welcome Bree.

    My favorite tip would be: schedule your workouts. Especially if you have a busy schedule, or find yourself making excuses why you can't get to the gym (this might go un-noticed for awhile). I like to plan my workouts a few weeks in advance, and do my best to schedule other events around what is already planned. If you put it in a calendar (with pencil or electronically), it is easy to make arrangements if something else comes up that you'd like to attend. You can see it sitting in your calendar, so you can easily just reschedule the time for that workout (or if it's a class, you can just plan a different workout similar to whatever the class would work out on).

    Good luck, and I hope you will find this helpful!
  • Hey Bree....we've all been me!! I'm still there....BUT the good thing is..we bought ourselves a ticket out. It's nice to have you aboard...welcome. Yes it's gonna be a long ride..but we're on the bus with alot of great people..and we're gonna have a ball. Add me if you'd like!!! :happy:
  • Hi, I know you can stick to it, and you will when you remember to bring your "head" along. That is the real problem! I am 57 yrs old and have tried many diets, but the best one is this fitness site and good old-fashioned exercise. I have lost 60 pounds over three years and feel great! I will make this short for how I did it:

    1) I just made up my mind I would eat healthy and work out for the rest of my life. I go to the gym every day and some days, all I do is walk. Others, I lift weights. And boy did I meet a lot of people who are so fun - guys and girls! They are my best answer to staying with it because I look forward to going just so I can see them. Remember, it will take awhile for this to happen.
    2) I always eat well and then on days when I am invited out or go to dinners, I can eat what ever I want! But slowly I began to love me so much I only wanted good food for me. And there is lots of good tasty food out there now.
    3) I quit a few times but your body remembers and when I came back, I was back into it quickly. I hope I have helped you too!
  • Bluejay789
    Bluejay789 Posts: 176
    Welcome! Here are some things I have changed in the last three weeks since joing MFP. I no longer eat in front of the TV as you do not pay attention to what you are shoving in your mouth. Second, I have switched to eating off saucers instead of my regular plates.

    I also add my food to see how many calories everything is going to be before I make dinner or eat what my husband has cooked. Reason why..... First week on MFP .. came home, changed clothes went to gym and worked out for 45 minutes. Burned 300 cal... good right... Then I ate dinner.

    Husband grilled chicken, added penne pasta and red sauce. Penne pasta with red sauce and grilled chicked was not bad if I had not eaten a cereal bowl of it and had only eaten a cup. I went over my calorie and carb intake by 300 calories. Anyway I now check before eating. Lesson learned.

    Feel free to friend me and I will be glad to support you. my name is claire
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