About to give up!

Hi All,

I’ve been working out since March 3 times a week HIIT and intensive heavy weight training. I run 4-6 Miles 3 times a week which works out about 50-70k steps a week.

I eat 55% protein and split the carbs and fat between the rest however always have very few carbs. I am always under my calories and I have not lost a pound. I am sick of looking at people in the gym because I work my *kitten* off and they all seem to be losing weight and I look the exact same as when I started. I can dead lift 130Kg now bench press more then ever yet my weight is still not going down. I don’t know what else to do. People say up your cardio up your weights but how much more then 7-8 hours running a week and 3 HIIT training sessions should I be doing? I do 15 x 20 second sprints on the bike. I even took shreadabull which did nothing for me. I leave the gym tired as hell but now I am just lost. I see this whole 0.5kg to 1 kg if you eat 300-500 under your daily allowance, well I do that and nothing has worked. Please help



  • tariqfilms
    tariqfilms Posts: 12 Member
    edited July 2018
    Apart from today my diet is the same daily.

    Breakfast 2 whole eggs 3 egg whites
    200 grams 0% fat Greek yoghurt
    Optimal Nutrition Gild Standard whey
    I’ll eat around 600grams grilled chicken
    Peanut butter and almonds for my fat
    Greens I eat greens powder mixed with water

    I don’t mind eating the same foods daily I really don’t, I’ve never liked chocolates or anything sweet. I love running and weight training I just don’t get it. I had a PT session and he told me since I sit down at my office all day I need to be eating around 1600 calories on the days I don’t train and 2000 calories on the day I do. I’ve been doing exactly that whilst also running on the days I don’t weight train.

    It just really grates me when people say, oh how much weight have you lost or it will come for you eventually. I thought after 4 months of entisive training and eating chicken daily with under 40grams of carbs daily I would have lost at least 1kg.

    I weigh all my food, I track everything so I’m confident when my logs are compete that I know it’s accurate. I try to stick to foods I can easily add to the app so I know my macros.
  • TheMagicOneMikeD
    TheMagicOneMikeD Posts: 94 Member
    Don't give up. It doesn't matter if it's going as you'd like right now, it's a lifestyle change, not a temporary fix. So if you start losing and then it freezes up on you or you gain a pound here and there while losing would you quit then? If you're truly doing all of that and it's not working, see a doctor... but don't quit.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    What would your typical diet look like prior to you beginning logging your food in MFP? Looking at your diary, honestly I'd be bored with what you have been eating. I'd be looking for more variety in my food. I do eat many of the same foods each day, but that is because I like them. I even like chicken, but the tone of your post makes me feel like you are eating foods you don't enjoy. I think you'd be happier eating foods you enjoy in moderate portions.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    How much weight do you have to lose? If you have a small loss to go it could be getting masked by weight fluctuations.
  • tariqfilms
    tariqfilms Posts: 12 Member
    I am 12 stone now I want to be around 10 or 10-15% body fat.
  • tariqfilms
    tariqfilms Posts: 12 Member
    I understand that it's about calorieshowever what I am trying to get to is am I still eating too much? I workout 3 times a week as well as my morning 1 hour walking and jogging, but after that I am just sat at my desk all day working, my body hardly moves. After that I have the kids to put to bed and then I myself sleep so finding the right amount of calories and macros for me is a little confusing. I am going to try the iifym website and also be more strict with weighing and measuring my food. 5kgtvw7o2h6p.png

    Which has given me MY MACROS
    1711 - CALORIES
    143 - PROTEINS
    134 - CARBS
    67 - FATS
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Macros are important for satiety, not weight loss. Creating a calorie deficit is key to weight loss. Focus on tightening up your logging by weighing and picking better entries.

    Unfortunately, the green check marks are used for both user-created entries and system entries. To find system entries for whole foods, I get the syntax from the USDA database and plug that into MFP.

    For packaged foods, I verify the label against what I find in MFP.
  • candicew70
    candicew70 Posts: 74 Member
    edited July 2018
    It sounds like you've got it figured out in terms of taking a look at your diet.

    I would suggest also taking measurements. For the first three months when I started I cleaned up my diet (started tracking) and doing regular cardio and weights. I lost no weight and I was kind of discouraged--but I had measured. Come to find out, I had lost 2 and 1/2 inches off my waist and and inch and half off my hips. Realized later that I was probably eating closer to maintenance but losing fat. If you went from no exercise to doing everything you say you're doing, you've probably made progress that just can't be seen through the scale. Keep going. You'll get there.

    I just looked at what you're logging as well. Humans can't live on protein powder and chicken alone (and the occasional Domino's pizza). Eat some healthy carbs-fruits, veggies, whole grains. Yeah, it's your diet.
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    tariqfilms wrote: »
    I understand that it's about calorieshowever what I am trying to get to is am I still eating too much?

    Yes. But that has nothing to do with whether your goals are correct. You’re just not actually meeting them.

    It doesn’t matter how carefully you work out your calories and your macros, if your logging is wrong and you’re eating way more calories than you think you are,

    Several people have told you where you’re going wrong; have you now started weighing everything and using sensible database entries?
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    FWIW, I am very active and have to eat less than most calculators would have me at to lose weight. I need to eat around 1300-1400 calories WHILE exercising 5-6 days a week. 1600 is maintenance for me, and 1400-1500 is so close to maintenance I might as well have another bite or two. :-) You just have to figure out what your number is, and the less you have to lose, the less you get to eat.
  • meepmya
    meepmya Posts: 37 Member
    Don’t give up. Switch things up a bit. Increase healthy fats, decrease protein a bit. Change what you do in the gym and try something completely new. It might work for you, you just have to try something until you find what does work for you.