Excited about changing my life

i am very excited about the changes that have occurred and the ones that hopefully will occur moving forward. i hope to make new friends here and learn how to eat and live better.



  • ahalla
    ahalla Posts: 66 Member
    Well congrats for starting. I have been on here for roughly 2 weeks and so far I love it. Good luck!!
  • cfred40
    cfred40 Posts: 151 Member
    Welcome to mfp. You'll find the members here "AWESOME". Cheers to a new you!
  • angiematwij
    Welcome, i have only been here a few days but I find tracking is helping me stay motivated, and helping me to exercise regularly.
  • Cowenlaw1
    Cowenlaw1 Posts: 106 Member
    This site is very motivating. Two months ago I was a totally out of shape couch potato. I had no energy, and always felt bad. Today I ran my first 5K, and I've lost 25 pounds. I have a long way to go, but with my daily check-ins with MFP I have no doubt that I can stay motivated and get back into great shape.
  • mommalippee
    mommalippee Posts: 9 Member
    Congrats on your new start! This place was overwhelming at first for me but it is amaaazzing!!! Stick with it!