Mexican night suggestions

I am heading out to dinner tomorrow night at a Mexican place. I will have a hard time with it. Does anyone have suggestions that are better than others for this type of dining experience? :huh:


  • michelledusik
    michelledusik Posts: 63 Member
    Stay away from the chips (or just don't eat too many). Also, you can always choose the grilled fish and veggies. OR, you can do a major workout tomorrow and earn enough calories to have it all AND a margarita!
    Sorry, Mexican food is my weakness!
  • Kimbie500
    Kimbie500 Posts: 388 Member
    Vegetarian fajitas, refried beans, corn tortillas, all the lettuce, tomatoes, other veggies, and salsa you want. Skip the rice and bowl of chips. Yum!!
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    bump...I love Mexican but I feel it will knock me off track if I eat out at a Mexican place.
  • fmramey
    fmramey Posts: 18 Member
    It may be way too late.................... but, I ask for cheese and sour cream on the side so I can set my own portion sizes. I don't do burritos because of the high-carb tortillas..........

    But, to be honest, I have to give myself one day per week to splurge and so if I want something on that one day I eat it. IT's amazing how much I used to munch on that I don't really want on that one day.
  • jrb6760
    jrb6760 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions!! Mexican is a weakness for me as well...chips, margaritas, lots of cheese!! Argh! :( I have decided to try to eat less tomorrow for the rest of the day and then maybe I can try to eat some of the things you mentioned.
  • fudgebudget
    fudgebudget Posts: 198 Member
    Fajitas - chicken or beef (some places let you do a mix, some may even have shrimp) and then you get the AWESOME fire-grilled onions and bell peppers with it. Just use a lot of the veggies and request corn tortillas.

    If you want beans, get borracho beans, or just avoid refried beans. Mexican food doesn't have to be horribly caloric, and with all of the fiber and protein you get from the beans and lean proteins and veggies it can actually be pretty nourishing.

    Source: I spent my first 25 of my 27 years in either Texas or New Mexico :)
  • Kym1610
    Kym1610 Posts: 333 Member
    I have recently been to Mexican. My first piece of advice would be if it's possible check out the menu online first so you are prepared. Secondly think about what you really want. I had a spicy salad when I went, but if you really want the nacho's or something a little bad HAVE IT and don't over think it. As long as it's not an all the time think it will be fine.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I usually order shrimp and chicken fajitas and just eat the meat and veggies...skip the tortilla.
    The black beans are good carbs and filling... it's all the cheese and tortillas and chips that get ya :)
  • laurendough
    start with 10 chips and tomato salsa. get chicken/veggie fajitas and skip the tortillas. use up to 2 tbls of guacamole.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Always fajitas. Just don't put a lot of fancy things on there. I usually just stick to chicken, peppers & onions, and gaucamole. Eat tortillas or don't. I usually try to eat only 2. Last night I failed.
  • fmramey
    fmramey Posts: 18 Member
    Have tequilla shots and just say no to the marguretia mix.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    you can get anything with out a tortilla. my dad is a low carber and would always order two chicken tacos with out the taco. it was just lettuce, cheese, chicken and whatever else they put in it.
  • saadler
    saadler Posts: 116
    The best Mexican restaurant where I live has a dish that is a grilled chicken breast with two grilled shrimp on top, covered in fresh pico de gallo. It comes with beans on the side and some steamed veggies. Look for something like that, avoid flour tortillas and tortilla chips.
  • fudgebudget
    fudgebudget Posts: 198 Member
    Have tequilla shots and just say no to the marguretia mix.

    YES. :D

    As an aside - there is PLENTY of Mexican food out there that doesn't have tons of cheese and dairy on it. My boyfriend comes from a Mexican American family, and they all hate cheese, but they eat very well. His mother has ruined me for restaurant mole.
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    Shrimp or chicken fajitas are a good choice. Ask for corn tortillas instead of flour, or skip the tortillas altogether. Whole beans - black or pinto - are better than refried.
  • sheilamo
    sheilamo Posts: 115 Member
    Oh word. I live in south Texas and it seems all I eat is mexican food.

    I will either have the chicken fajitas w/ veggies
    fish taco on corn tortilla

    and on the margarita thing. Some places will make the skinny margarita. If not I have a shot of tequila with lime and then drink water :)
  • PebblesRPI
    get the taco salad with shredded chicken. ask for sour cream and guac on the side, no cheese. just eat the salad stuff inside the bowl (if they give you the salad in a fried chip bowl).
  • TammiAcker
    TammiAcker Posts: 53 Member
    Fajita's are always a good choice but stick to 2 tortillas and overstuff them with the onions and peppers. Whole beans are better. Refried are just that fried x2 with unhealthy fat. Also something I like to do quite often since I love mexican is what I refer to as my "fiesta" salad. It's your normal bagged iceberg salad mix topped with grilled/boiled chicken, 2 tbsp of fav salsa, and guacamole (100 cal packs are easiest for me). Totally filling and very few calories and fulfills my "need" for mexican food. If you need more carbs add baked tortillas crumbled up on top.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Order something that makes for good leftovers, and then only eat half. Take the rest home for the next day.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Are you going to an authentic or tex-mex garbage place?
    Consome de pollo. VERY low on calories and awesome.

    Nopalitos. Coctel de camaron. Chiles Rellenos, etc etc