I FINALLY hit my limit. Now I'm ready to see what I can do!

Im a SAHM of a 1 month old and a 5 year old. I never lost the 40lbs from my 1st born. I never got close. I kept making excuses but was still very unhappy with how I looked.i tried a few times but overall I was just comfortable with the status quo.

This last pregnancy was incredibly difficult and I felt huge because I was huge. I at least looked visibly pregnant but it took awhile to go from people guessing to people bringing it up unlike my 1st pregnancy.

My husband and I want to have 2-3 more children in the next 5 years or so. I don't want to keep piling the weight on and becoming more insecure and depressed along the way.

I want to get to a healthy BMI before getting pregnant again. I want to maintain a healthy BMI after each child. I want to be the hot mom, the trophy wife. I want to look as healthy and beautiful as I feel.

I have achieved many other goals in my personal and professional life. I have yet to achieve my physical goal.

Right now.for the month of July I am just charting everything. I am taking a cold hard look at where I am at right now so I know what I need to change to achieve my goals.. I am posting my findings so I can refer back to them when necessary.

I plan on implementing more changes in August and gradually tweaking and changing certain things so that I can reach my goal by my son's 1st birthday.

If anyone read this and would like to be apart of my journey please feel free to add me. Hopefully we can reach our goals together.


  • clairevanas900
    clairevanas900 Posts: 2 Member
    Well done. I am back too after slowly gaining and gaining :( I am no at my heaviest ever