New to MFP

Hello everyone,

I joined MFP back in June but really just started using it regularly this month. I have hit a plateau in my weight loss journey and I am hoping this site will help me get back on track!


  • Hello, With the amount of support that you can get on here, there is no doubt that you can kick that plateau right in the butt, there is no such thing as having too many people wanting you to succeed. Good Luck!!!! If you want, you can add me to your friends.
  • shell1580
    shell1580 Posts: 2 Member
    I have REALLY gotten and stayed on track with this tool! It makes you so concious of what you are putting in your mouth and how much calories you usually consume in a day! Keep it up!
  • Egilley
    Egilley Posts: 9 Member
    Good luck on your journey. MFP has been really helpful for me so far, but I had only been using the calorie and exercise diaries. I just recently started getting involved in the message boards and blogs, and I find that conversing with others in the same boat is sooooo helpful.
  • smallerd
    smallerd Posts: 31
    Welcome. I love this site and its helped me lose 30 pounds so far. And I love talking to different members on here.