Mom Looking to loose weight- Gain Some Motivation

MomsOutToLunch Posts: 4 Member
edited July 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Let me just say, I am becoming more comfortable with my 190LB, 5'3 figure, but for health reasons, I know that I need to lose some weight. Heart disease and diabetes run in my family...

I am a young mom of two who is looking for some people to kick my butt into gear. I have a friend who makes me go to the gym 3-5 times a week,( will nag and shame me if I don't), but I need someone constantly on my butt about food. I have been in and out of gyms, had gestational diabetes and went to school for PSW ( Ontario) so I have a general knowledge of food, health, exercise. Its just my night time snacking I have trouble with. Food has always been my comfort, and I am slowly starting to realize that life doesn't revolve around it. ( I mean this app begs to different but hey hahaha).
My nighttime alcoholic nightcaps are the worst (usually 1 or 2), followed by some intense snacking! I should go to bed, but I like my few hours of kid-free time! ( i mean who doesn't).

[edited by Mods]


  • TomFit18
    TomFit18 Posts: 2,585 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
  • hpurtee1hp
    hpurtee1hp Posts: 42 Member
    Hi!! I am also a parent, who struggles the most once the kids go to bed..i feel ya, Adult time is necessary! I joined recently and would love to help motivate, and be motivated! Feel free to add me!
  • kjeff147
    kjeff147 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I too am a mama trying to lose weight. 35, Mom of 3 girls, have 30 lbs I want to lose. It’s not proving easy even though I feel like I am doing things right! Argh! Good luck to you! Stop those nightcaps and have a healthy snack at night and you’ll see results! 🤪
  • MomsOutToLunch
    MomsOutToLunch Posts: 4 Member
    kjeff147 wrote: »
    Hi! I too am a mama trying to lose weight. 35, Mom of 3 girls, have 30 lbs I want to lose. It’s not proving easy even though I feel like I am doing things right! Argh! Good luck to you! Stop those nightcaps and have a healthy snack at night and you’ll see results! 🤪

    Easier said then done for sure ! But I will do my best, last night was just some cherries, so that’s a win
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I THINK that in order to really manage weight (and health), you need to approach this differently.

    How you feel about your body and your habits, is a much stronger incentive than any real or potential health risks.
    Shame and nagging just makes us resentful and rebellious.

    A general knowledge of food, health and exercise is not enough put to into practice and have great success.
    If night time snacking/drinking puts you over your calore goal, you have to stop night time snacking/drinking or eat less earlier in the day, or accept staying the same weight (or weight gain).
    This doesn't mean that you can't or shouldn't eat enough, and food you like. You can eat anything you like, but not in unlimited amounts, and not all the time.
    Reserving certain foods and drinks for special occasions, makes them more special too.
  • MarvinsFitLife
    MarvinsFitLife Posts: 874 Member
    Hey you came to the right place I am here to lend my support add me if you wish. Are you from Canada?
  • rloy9416
    rloy9416 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I have recently restarted using MFP to try to get back in shape. I am also a mom that struggles with nightcaps as well, so completely understand.

  • jocooper9732
    jocooper9732 Posts: 1 Member
    I to am a mum of 3 I have a 12 year old 10 year old and 2 year old. After having my two year old my size 12 uk figure was gone and I was quite ill having keyhole surgery. I'm not back to fitness and am shocked into losing weight by my now size 16 trousers being tight. I weighed myself for the first time tonight I am 15.5 stone. I need to be 11 stone. I have not snacked for the last three nights and I am starting the couch to 5k at the same time to add exercise which is hard as I work full time and have to get my kids to clubs bed etc. I will do this and you can to.
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    I'm a mom of three little ones myself, I also had GD in my last pregnancy. You can add me as a friend if you'd like!

    I'm the opposite, I routinely quit eating when the kids go to bed (unless DH and I have a serving of ice cream), but otherwise I quit eating pretty early and I'm fine. DH usually gets hungry. I guess people are different. I even started brushing my teeth when I brush the kids teeth it keeps me from grazing.
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    I had a big victory moment yesterday, we had a break in the heat and went to a park we don't get to go to often, and I was able to ride scooters with my kids, climb on the jungle gym with them, swing with them, do chin ups on the monkey bars....we played hard and I wasn't beat.

    6 months ago, I'd have been sitting at the picnic table watching the whole time. This is why I do it. This is why I am losing weight, I am getting healthy. I want to be there for my kids. I want to set an example for my kids.