Weight fluctuations - any weird patterns you’ve noticed?



  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 978 Member
    Only been daily tracking for a few weeks, but so far I seem to have a massive drop on Thursdays and then a massive hike back up on Fridays. Everything else is kind of all over the place. I want to trend over a month, but I don't really have enough data for that yet.
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    I also tend to weigh more during the week and less on the weekends. For me, I think it's specifically tied to sleep. I get a lot more sleep on weekends than I do during the week. I have trouble falling asleep and am a huge night owl, which is problematic when I have to be at work at 7:15 AM. On days where I can hardly sleep at all, I weigh significantly more in the morning- like 2 pounds more than usual.
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    For those who say their weight goes up - Are you guys still losing weight in general?

    I started using the app happy scale which suggests to weigh in every day, so it can predict the trend. But it seems like all the time I am up, only one day did it show a loss.
  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 978 Member
    pandabear_ wrote: »
    For those who say their weight goes up - Are you guys still losing weight in general?

    I started using the app happy scale which suggests to weigh in every day, so it can predict the trend. But it seems like all the time I am up, only one day did it show a loss.

    Yeah I lose weight in general, but over the progress of a week it doesn't always look like much with the fluctuations.

    I've heard trending apps are good, I don't use one but I have a pretty extensive spreadsheet that I've been building.
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    pandabear_ wrote: »
    For those who say their weight goes up - Are you guys still losing weight in general?

    I started using the app happy scale which suggests to weigh in every day, so it can predict the trend. But it seems like all the time I am up, only one day did it show a loss.

    Yup, happy scale tells me my overall rate is 0.8lbs/week, but my “current rate” is 1.5lbs/week. My goal is 1lb/week. So I’m in the ballpark.

    I had a week last month where I did truly gain, I overate above maintenance every day and it told me I was at a rate of gaining 1lb/week. So that does seem to be accurate.

    My weight shows a new low while I’m losing and I don’t usually go back down for 10days or so - because it tells me the 10-day-best. So I’ll usually see that go up before I see a new low. But it jumps. Like my most recent new low jumped 1.8lbs below my previous one, even though I’d been seeing higher weights 1-2lbs above.

    This is why I like having the app, I can’t do that math on my own. Without it I’d get a little worried when my weight went up like that, but I knew my eating was on track so you just gotta trust that it’ll level out eventually.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    edited July 2018
    pandabear_ wrote: »
    For those who say their weight goes up - Are you guys still losing weight in general?

    I started using the app happy scale which suggests to weigh in every day, so it can predict the trend. But it seems like all the time I am up, only one day did it show a loss.

    How long have you been using it? You need to get some history in for it to be accurate, particularly if your rate of loss is slow or goes in fits and starts like mine does.

    I use Libra, not Happy Scale, but same concept. Now that my rate of loss averages .5 to .7 pounds per week, sometimes my trend will flip into the red (gain) if I have a particularly significant water weight gain that lasts a few days.