get ripped in 30 vs shreded in 30

which would you suggest to lose more with the Julian Michaels get ripped in 30 or the shreded in 30? I want to meet my goal !


  • gatedialer
    gatedialer Posts: 149 Member
    Both are good but I prefer ripped in 30. The only thing I hate about Ripped in 30 is that JM sure does talk a lot. lol
  • ApproachingDusk
    im using the 30 day shred, i'm seeing results so i like it and its not terribly difficult in the moves, but it really kicks my butt.

    I'm not going to see results as people who do it as your supposed to, I'm doing it every other day because i have horrible knee problems, so i'm going slow.

    Haven't tried the ripped, but i'm curious as others experiences and opinions.
  • mtf11
    mtf11 Posts: 31
    I'm just finishing week 3 of ripped in 30 and have seen major results in lost inches, even with a bit of slacking in between.

    I like how there are 4 different workouts but agree that JM talks way too much! haha

    I'd like to try 30 day shred, shred it with weights, or no more trouble zones next.

    But I'd definitely recommend picking up Ripped in 30!! :)
  • ksharon22
    ksharon22 Posts: 111
    I just picked up Ripped in 30 over the weekend and did the Level 1 workout this a.m. I liked it but not far enough in to recommend one over the other! I do like the 30DS but was a bit bored with it. (I liked Levels 1 & 3 better than 2 so only did 2 of the 3 on that one!) Now that I'm thinking of it, I should do measurements before doing more to track to find my measuring tape!

    Good luck with whichever one you choose!
  • alexwalper
    I definitely felt that the 30DS was a good build up for RI30 and fairly simple, but I saw some great toning and lost almost 2" off of my stomach from RI30, even with only a so-so diet. I also didn't get as bored; she was kicking my butt too hard for me to think it was boring!