Hi from BC! Loners, Freaks, and Weirdo's Welcome!

Hey there! Mermaid Nymeria here :smile:

This isn't my first time on MFP.
This isn't my first time trying to lose weight.
I've never had one of those "aha!" moments, where suddenly everything clicks and I start shedding the pounds like crazy.
I've tried, and I've failed.
I've tried again, and I've failed some more.
After being stuck in the try-and-fail cycle, I've decided that I'm officially a dud, and I have no idea what I'm doing.
And you know what? That's totally ok.
I'm ok with being a screw up...I'm ok with being clueless. I think that's what makes this half the fun...half the adventure!
Maybe I'm weird for thinking that...but then again...I'm weird in general. I mean...just look at my username! :wink:
So if you're a weirdo like me who also has absolutely NO FREAKING CLUE what you're doing...maybe let's join forces and be clueless together?

Cheers to us, I'd say! :blush:


  • marikaCL
    marikaCL Posts: 276 Member
    Sounds like fun 🙂. Feel free to add me
  • GoldenHammer13
    GoldenHammer13 Posts: 6 Member
    Added you! I'm a nerdy lady from Minnesota, looking for more friends/support! Feel free to add me too.