Hey guys! I’m just a dad looking for some new friends for support.

Hi everyone, I’ve started this process a few weeks ago and a lot of the people Ive started with have left or are not active, could use some more friends. Please feel free to add me, or leave a comment and I’ll add you. 👍🏻


  • Derek19877
    Derek19877 Posts: 86 Member
    Se você fala português, fique à vontade para me adicionar! 👍🏻
  • cdnconnor
    cdnconnor Posts: 9 Member
    Hey there - I'm a fellow Dad (of older kids) who is rejoining after having some success, plateauing, stop updating on MFP and now rejoining since tracking food seemed to work for me. Hoping some community support will increase my ability to stick with the program
  • Derek19877
    Derek19877 Posts: 86 Member
    Awesome, I’ll definitely add you.
  • shawnaleigh210
    shawnaleigh210 Posts: 118 Member
    I could use some more active friends as well! I’ve been on here for 2 1/2 years, and love encouraging all of my friends! Some of mine are rather hit and miss these days. Sending you both a friend request. ;)
  • gearhead426hemi
    gearhead426hemi Posts: 919 Member
    I am a dad with open diary and I always post family adventures and healthy recipes. Feel free to add me.
  • Derek19877
    Derek19877 Posts: 86 Member
    Great! Thanks for the add shawnaleigh210!
  • Derek19877
    Derek19877 Posts: 86 Member
    Sounds good gearhead426hemi! I’ll add yah
  • purespartan1
    purespartan1 Posts: 1 Member
    first post on here, Dad of three little minions who are in need of their energetic Dad back to normal, 1st day back in the gym yesterday after a 6 month lay off. Put back on the 2 stone i lost but ready to smash it again and maintain it for good.
  • Derek19877
    Derek19877 Posts: 86 Member
    I’m glad you’re here purespartan1! Trust me, I only have 1 child and she’s enough work 😅
  • cdnconnor
    cdnconnor Posts: 9 Member
    Just about to head out on summer vacation. Will be tough to maintain the restricted diet, but an interesting challenge. Hope to increase activity to help offset the food intake. Either that or I only stick with food that I catch off the boat...
  • voice231
    voice231 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello out there. More than willing to be a friend.
  • amanda7271
    amanda7271 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, you can add me🙂
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    It's awesome to see dad's getting fit to have happier healthier families. Congrats to all of you embarking on this journey or already on that path. I log daily more than welcome to add me :)
  • Derek19877
    Derek19877 Posts: 86 Member
    Cdnconner - I totally understand the struggles of eating healthy on vacations and when you’re food choices are limited. Man I love fishing, I can’t wait till my little girl get a little older, so I can take her out on the water.
  • Derek19877
    Derek19877 Posts: 86 Member
    Cool! I’ll be glad to add you guys!
  • manowarrule2003
    manowarrule2003 Posts: 118 Member
    You arent just a dad mate, youre a boss of a dad. Also a father here. What are your goals? Feel free to add me, im fairly active and will try to say hi occasionally. Good luck, trust your vision and ignore the naysayers
  • cdnconnor
    cdnconnor Posts: 9 Member
    Derek19877 wrote: »
    Cdnconner - I totally understand the struggles of eating healthy on vacations and when you’re food choices are limited. Man I love fishing, I can’t wait till my little girl get a little older, so I can take her out on the water.

    Mine are 10, 8, and 8 (twins) so I quickly learned that fishing with kids is a lot of untangling lines and baiting hooks (and then taking fish off when they're caught). My fishing starts either early in yh morning or at dusk.

    Trying to limit the temptations by not bringing things aboard the boat that are junk. Would be interested to hear what others turn to as their "healthy" snack especially for someone like me with a sweet tooth. I tend to go for kettle corn.
  • AnitaKundu
    AnitaKundu Posts: 73 Member
    Hi, please feel free to add me.
  • Derek19877
    Derek19877 Posts: 86 Member
    Manowarrule2003, thanks my friend! That really means a lot. I do I best I can. I’ll definitely add yah 👍🏻
  • Derek19877
    Derek19877 Posts: 86 Member
    Cdnconnor, below is just one of the many photos from my past fishing trips. Looking at this photo gives me hope that I can be in the same shape as before. Regarding little ones and fishing... I can remember being the one that always tangled up the lines 😅. Aww, good times 😎