Pear-Shaped Woman! I need your support :(

In the past 2 years, I've lost roughly 35 pounds, and the weight loss has ALL been from my upper body. My boobs are gone, my ribs are showing (hate it), I have some muscle definition in the stomach and the only thing that's left is my huge butt! My legs are somewhat alright, I'm not too worried about them anymore.

My measurements are:

Under-Bust: 30
Bust: 32
Waist: 26
R + L Leg: around 23.

And the killer of it all:
Hips: 38 inches -.-

For the past YEAR I've been trying to lose it. Not one stinking inch, centimeter or MILLIMETRE has come off of it!! I'm becoming so fed up with pants & shorts fitting perfectly except for my bum :( I need motivation and support, and possibly tips, to help me continue to fight off this thing. It's a pain the in *kitten*! (pun intended).

Thank you!
-PS: My diary is empty for 3 days because I didn't have access to a computer. I do record my food daily.


  • I'm just starting (again), but my main problem is also my *kitten*'s taking over the world. I have the opportunity to work with a trainer at the moment to help jump start, and she said to tone and reduce the bum area, do lots of squats and lunges and step-ups (we all know this), but she also said you want to use very light weight so you don't add any kind of bulk. She used to be a 14 and is now a toothpick with next to no *kitten*, so I'm taking her word for it. Good luck!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    didn't really develop on top much until I was in my mid to late 20s. So there is still hope. I was very developed below my waist but not above until then. I am still pear shaped but it is a bit better. One good thing was I had a waist. However I don't have one anymore but maybe that will change when I lose weight. If you keep losing you will lose some of the inches below too. Hope all goes well.
  • c0untingsheep
    c0untingsheep Posts: 159 Member
    I can feel my boobs shrinking too but my butt and lower stomach don't want to budge. :(
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    wow. i'm not really pear shaped, but I have huge legs compared to the rest of my body, so i can relate. My legs haven't shrank at all since I started MFP, and i've lost 15 pounds... I lost like 7 inches off my chest, 3 off my waist, and 7 off my butt, but none of my thighs or calfs =[
  • piperjon
    piperjon Posts: 157 Member
    I'm not sure if this is the place for it, but I'm going to say it anyway:

    I like girls with a bit of a tookus! And with curvy hips! I think curves are SEXY!

    Okay, we now return you to your regularly scheduled healthy living.

  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Lots and lots of squats and various kinds as myachinass said but you know, some girls just carry more there than others. I do believe you will EVENTUALLY see some inches lost but it may be the last place you lose and it may never be as small as you wish.

    Also go ahead and use weights/resistance if you have access - you are NOT going to bulk up unless you are doing some kind of serious body building regemine. Even bodybuilders only bulk up because they literally do nothing but workout and sleep and eat like fiends and chug protein and creatine like its water.
  • Magic_Girl
    Magic_Girl Posts: 158
    I'm a pear shape, I have an 36 a-cup and my pants size is 11.
    You sound like you have a great body (in my opinion). To me the only thing that matters is my waist and arms... before I really cared about my big butt and thighs, but it's my boyfriend's favorite body feature on me! So now it doesn't bother me anymore! I actually love my big butt now! I just want to get toned after I lose the belly fat!

    Maybe you don't realize you look good the way you are! :)
    I rather have a fat *kitten* than a flat one. lol
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    My measurements are almost identical to yours, except my hips are 40.5" I'd kill to be back at 38" hips!!!! I'm 5'2 1/2" and about 25lbs heavier. I think it has a lot to do with body composition, if it's mainly muscle- embrace it!! It means you're strong and healthy.... if there is still fat- I say up the cardio and add in more leg work keeping to the golden rule of 15-20 reps for lean muscle development. For the pear shaped women like us-- the legs and butt seem to be the VERY LAST place we lose... when we wish it were the first! Cardio cardio cardio! It's going to take time because you already are at a healthy weight.
  • taurie
    taurie Posts: 225 Member
    The butt is the last to go. I'm pear-shape too. I had a personal trainer a few years ago and despite getting down to 14% body fat the measurement around my hips was 35.5 at 115 lbs (I'm 5'1"). My hips go to 34" once I'm below 110 lbs".

    In hopes to evening out a little I started using Rusty Moores program, so I'm doing heavy cardio and upper body weights only. His theory is... if you don't want to bulk your lower body then don't do weights on lower body. Doing cardio activates the lower body muscles enough to tone them. I'm finding my lower body is finally shrinking.

    Currently I'm at 119 lbs, my thighs are 21.25" and hips 36; I usually don't get to that thigh measurements until I'm around 110 lbs. I've been tracking my measurements since 1993! But, no change in hips at this weight; they're likely to be 35" around 115 lbs and 34" at 110 lbs and below.

    Regardless of what program you follow you should do weights on your upper body. It'll help even you out a little. And don't worry about having big hips, it'll just make your waist look smaller; plus it's heart healthy!
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
  • jumcadam
    jumcadam Posts: 95 Member
    The butt is the last to go. I'm pear-shape too. I had a personal trainer a few years ago and despite getting down to 14% body fat the measurement around my hips was 35.5 at 115 lbs (I'm 5'1"). My hips go to 34" once I'm below 110 lbs".

    In hopes to evening out a little I started using Rusty Moores program, so I'm doing heavy cardio and upper body weights only. His theory is... if you don't want to bulk your lower body then don't do weights on lower body. Doing cardio activates the lower body muscles enough to tone them. I'm finding my lower body is finally shrinking.

    Currently I'm at 119 lbs, my thighs are 21.25" and hips 36; I usually don't get to that thigh measurements until I'm around 110 lbs. I've been tracking my measurements since 1993! But, no change in hips at this weight; they're likely to be 35" around 115 lbs and 34" at 110 lbs and below.

    Regardless of what program you follow you should do weights on your upper body. It'll help even you out a little. And don't worry about having big hips, it'll just make your waist look smaller; plus it's heart healthy!

    Love this!

  • habakuktwofour
    habakuktwofour Posts: 8 Member
    I have the same problem. I'm African American very pear shaped. I did low carb and shrunk down to a size 6 my hips and butt all but disappeared. I usually ate around 60 to 80 grams of carbs a day and I still had great results in a matter of 40 days I was in a smaller size. I was amazed because all the working out seemed to make my butt and thighs bigger. I wanted to look lean and did and still do.