21 Days to Create a Habit

21 Days to Create a Habit. I’ve heard people say this all my life, in school, at home, with my friends, basically everywhere! So when I downloaded this app again I told my self, if I can make it to 21 days trying to eat less, (even if I exceed about 300 calories over its ok, I’ve been eating HORRIBLE for the past three years) and exercise at least an hour a day (with of course one day off out of the week) then I can truly turn this unhealthy life style I have into something good that will lead me to a better me. So here I am on day 20, proud of how far I’ve gotten. I’ve lost 6 pounds, not much yet but it’s better than nothing! So if anyone wants to talk and motivate each other to keep pushing forward and help each other reach our goals contact me here :) Anything is possible with some hard work and pizza cheat days!


  • Junebug2022
    Junebug2022 Posts: 78 Member
    Did it work???
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    21 Days to Create a Habit. I’ve heard people say this all my life, in school, at home, with my friends, basically everywhere! So when I downloaded this app again I told my self, if I can make it to 21 days trying to eat less, (even if I exceed about 300 calories over its ok, I’ve been eating HORRIBLE for the past three years) and exercise at least an hour a day (with of course one day off out of the week) then I can truly turn this unhealthy life style I have into something good that will lead me to a better me. So here I am on day 20, proud of how far I’ve gotten. I’ve lost 6 pounds, not much yet but it’s better than nothing! So if anyone wants to talk and motivate each other to keep pushing forward and help each other reach our goals contact me here :) Anything is possible with some hard work and pizza cheat days!

    While I believe that changing habits is one of the keys to long term success, its only one element. I'd also suggest that since you are after a lifestyle change, you want to shoot for progress, not perfection.

    Regarding habits, you might enjoy Charles Duhigg's book, "The Power of Habit". Its an eye opener....
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    2 lb a week -- good job! i'm on day 203 and down 88 pounds. i've made permanent changes to my habits and my thinking. i don't ever want to look back. it does get easier.

    Is losing 6 lb the beginning or the end of something for you?
  • LizethGonzalez_
    LizethGonzalez_ Posts: 3 Member
    It has been working!! and I’m taking it day by day! I’ve still continued to lose weight a least 2 pounds a week! I want to create better habits and so far it’s been great! Logging everything I eat, drinking lots of water, and of course exercising everyday! I’ll update soon but thank you for the support and I will check out the book and purchase it ASAP!!
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Outstanding work!

    Key points regarding habits and how our brains function: you must replace "bad" habits with "good" habits. Our brains work much like the groove in a record or riverbeds - you cannot simply stop a bad habit or a new one (likely the old one) will fill in that groove. Note how many smokers stop, but pick up overeating. Successful change requires replacement.

    Take this slow and make sure you don't implement unsustainable habits.

    Here is a link to the National Weight Control Registry - extensive studies conducted on those who have lost and maintained for long periods of time. It is a great resource:

  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    eight pounds is a great start, don't put down your accomplishments. i like to think this logging in on here, and walking daily have become a habit for me. however, i was doing really well a few years back and just like that went back to my old ways. but i have a feeling this time is different. idk man. i have faith you can do it :)