7 weeks!!

I've got 20 weeks till my wedding and 7 weeks till my next dress fitting!!

I want to lose at least a stone by then so i'm back on it today, fruit for breakfast, soup for lunch and fish/veg for tea!!

Time to stop filling my face with all the cr*p food i've had just lately (well, when i say lately i mean the last 2 years!!)

I'm going for a daily power walk & roller blade (45mins-1hr) which is earning me 600 bonus cals and my daily update is telling me i'll lose more than a stone if I keep it up for 5 weeks

anyone else fancy a 7 week challenge??


  • HayleyDavison1
    HayleyDavison1 Posts: 38 Member
    Yes! Im visiting some family I havnt seen in years in 7 weeks! Im hoping to loose half a stone by then - a pound a week!
    We can do it!!! :D
  • BabyCakesJodie
    Brill!! I could do with some friendly competition :)

    1lb a week is a good start but i'm sure we can both aim for more!!

    Are you exercising as well??

    What sort of foods do you eat..i'm doing slimming world at the min, my sisters lost over a stone doing that.x
  • joi1407
    joi1407 Posts: 79
    I'm in.
    I'm going back to uni end of Sep and would like to be closer to my goal weight by then.

    I'm starting to slip, been over my allowance the last few days and have a couple of holidays coming up (before being poor and serious again), so I'm a little worried. I don't even aim to lose during the hols, but don't want to gain.

    I'm almost done with 30DS and in week 2 of Couch to 5K. I try and walk a lot and do other Jillian Michaels sometimes.

  • cass89
    cass89 Posts: 198 Member
    ooo may i join too? i just found out my family is comin out from holland in 10 weeks and i'd love to lose 10kg by then. about 22lbs. i've lost 13kg already (only 3kg since they saw me last) but if i can lose a total of 23kg i'd be stoked! and about 13kg off my goal weight!
  • matty1884
    oops..wrong log on!!
  • BabyCakesJodie
    so, how we all doing so far??

    I've lost 4lb :D

    (ignore above post!)
  • joi1407
    joi1407 Posts: 79
    oh not so well, been on holiday at home (germany) for a week and gained a kilo. i didnt count, didnt exercise as my foot is hurting again and just enjoyed myself...
    even worse (diet-wise, otherwise great) i'm going on another trip on friday for 10 days. where i will also not be able or willing to count.
    I know, probably not the mind set i should have... but after that, i promise i'll be good again. fingers crossed i'll get the all clear on my foot tomorrow.

    how is everyone else getting on? well done on 4lbs!