Lower back hurts

So, when i do my ab workouts like today, my, back start to hurt. Also, my legs hurt as well. It is not painful but hurts as in if i am working my legs r working out. I did crunches, russain twists, and planks. Is it because my core is weak. Is that why my lower back hurts along with my legs?


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    The Russian Twists works a muscle called the psoas that connects to the lower back, so some people experience back bain. If you're out of the shape, the pain might go away when you improve your conditioning.
    The exercise also works a leg muscle (rectus femoris) which holds up your legs, so it's normal to feel your legs. :+1:
  • sushilprad
    sushilprad Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks. And what about when doing crunches or planks? I especially feel it when i do planks.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    I hope your leg doesn't hurt like electricity. See a doctor is it does.
  • sushilprad
    sushilprad Posts: 15 Member
    No....just hurts as if i am working that part...
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    sushilprad wrote: »
    Thanks. And what about when doing crunches or planks? I especially feel it when i do planks.

    Is your lower back arched too much? Use a mirror or video to check your form.


  • Gadde_hr
    Gadde_hr Posts: 5 Member
    I have same issue, first stop doing them. Start doing some yoga poses FORback pain(check in YouTube) do it only very slowly and build up on it.one thing at a time else u might end up hurted badly-for now relax and stop those exercises, it’s ur body signaling stop
  • sushilprad
    sushilprad Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks guys. Will try those
  • Movemoreguy22
    Movemoreguy22 Posts: 386 Member
    Just remember planks as not just ab excerises it's a whole body excerise
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    For planks, it helps to round your shoulders (imagine yourself pushing your arms away from you) and squeeze your butt. If you're trying to support your whole torso with your abs alone, your back can sag.