losing 100+ pounds



  • i too have 100+ lbs to go...last year i lost 20+ lbs but regained everything back. I'm currently at 4 lbs lost...not much but its a start. Hope people don't mind if I add them even though this isn't my post. I just think that all of us who have 100+ lbs to lose could support each other because we're all on the same boat.
  • Everyone on here is so supportive, thank you so much.
    So many times I've joined websites for support and hear 'well just don't eat for a couple weeks and exercise, it's not hard'
    I really appreciate it, a lot!
    I've gotten a TON of friend requests and messages saying that I can do it, and thank you so much! YOU inspire me to do my best to loose this weight (:
  • I'm definitely with you on the 100+ lbs goal :) I've had my good days and I've had my bad, but since joining MFP its definitely been more good ones! so many people here are so positive and supportive even little comments like "WTG" or "^5" give me that little push to keep it moving. I've been dedicated "you can't stop my go" attitude... Sooo many people on here have been inspiring - feel free to add me :)
  • jessica_mom343
    jessica_mom343 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm right there with ya on the 100+ to lose!! We can do this!! I am doing good most days, but then ocassionally cheat. Like Saturday I had 3 pieces of pizza (1 entire piece and just the toppings of the other two) so I was aware that I endulged and I ate lite the next few days. It's not about stopping enjoying food all together, but being aware of what and how much you are eating!!!
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    Hi! I, too am in the same boat. I have just about 100 to lose, feel free to add me! :)
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
    Kick fear in the face and post your weight.

    Don't let anything hold you back.

    If you mess up today, don't worry as long as you wake up on this side of the dirt you have another chance to do it right!

    Above all SMILE :happy: , cause you are beautiful!
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I've got 120 to lose. dont fear MFP, I've never seen any judgemental attitudes here, just inspiration and motivation from a lot of folks who are trying to do the same thing you are. Add me if you want, the more the merrier!
  • faith65
    faith65 Posts: 8
    I could have wrote each of these post! I am new currently at 280 want to be at 175. 175 is not my recommended weight but I think it is more realistic than 135 and is a good goal. I have researched how many calories a woman who does not get much exercise and weighs 175 takes in, and have decided not to go over that. I also plan to start exercise next Monday , wed, fri, very very slow exercise but at least I will be moving any advice would be appreciated.
  • Feel free to add me. I am new here but not new to the challenge as my profile states. I lost @ 140 before joining and have 90 more to go.

    I think an important part is to give yourself a break. You did not get here over night you will not get back to where you want overnight.. Once I eliminated that concern I had much more success..

    Good luck..

  • faith65
    faith65 Posts: 8
    wondering what your daily menu looks like anyone care to share
  • mpbfmom
    mpbfmom Posts: 49 Member
    I just joined recently...I've lost 24 pounds to date. I want to lose 100 and then re-evaluate.

    Friend me if you like. We are definitely in this together!
  • I also have 100 pounds to lose, I have lost 12 so far. Anyone on here can feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • sigmabody
    sigmabody Posts: 12 Member
    Hi LGH!

    I'm not trying to lose that much but I definitely want to commend you!! And the truth of the matter is we're all trying to make a lifestyle change. I know I need the motivation :smile: I'm new to the community would enjoy having you as a friend if that's alright.