Hey, I’m Allie. Does anyone have advice to break food addiction?



  • elsie6hickman
    elsie6hickman Posts: 3,864 Member
    I know what it is to go through depression and self medicate yourself with food. I hope that you are getting treatment for your depression, because there are great medicines out there that will help and you may want to talk to a therapist, to get to the bottom of your depression and your need to self medicate. The thing is this - eating your emotions is only going to make you more depressed as you put on weight. Find something else that makes you feel good. Have you considered an Overeaters group so you know you are not alone? If you feel that you must self medicate with food, try to find something healthy that you like - shrimp cocktail, or fruit - and really make eating it an occasion with a pretty napkin and on a pretty plate. Remind yourself that you are Worth it!
  • skinnynicky53
    skinnynicky53 Posts: 26 Member
    Look on Amazon there’s some great books on the topic. Also, there’s a great blog on “how to eat like a normal person” based on a guy who wrote a book to quit smoking that can be applied to eating. Also eating Whole Foods you crave gives your body the nutrients it needs. If you crave sugar, have some fruits? Dry fruit, sweet fruit. And try to eat tons of veggies.... good luck!!
  • Junebug2022
    Junebug2022 Posts: 78 Member
    So a little bit about myself.....

    When I use to get fast food for myself and husband, I would order two meals for myself and 1 for him. I would eat my first meal in the car on the way home and then dispose of the evidence so no one would ever know. I would then eat the other meal when I got home...

    I just to eating while driving was/is a big for me. I would always buy extra food to eat before i got home. Its weird how you train yourself to do things like that.