Anyone stopped logging food !?



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i am at my goal weight and am working up to maintenance calories, which is odd in itself!

    i was thinking that once i get to the point of knowing what my maintenance cals are i might try not logging so much, as i do spend a LOT of time on here, but i dont know really, i guess i'll have to try it and see what happens with the scale!

    plus i like it here, i love my mfp family!!
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    Hmm sounds like some different views here then! I always had of view of eventually eating like a normal person, i.e not caring really just eating when you're hungry. I mean normal people who aren't overweight won't electronically log everything that goes in their mouth for the rest of their life :S

    My plan when I joined was to come here to assist with losing weight and to aid in educating myself about the nutritional content of what I eat so that I can eventually live like 'regular' people and just be conscious of my food without obsessing or having to log everything. I want to live healthily without this place being my only method of enabling that.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hmm sounds like some different views here then! I always had of view of eventually eating like a normal person, i.e not caring really just eating when you're hungry. I mean normal people who aren't overweight won't electronically log everything that goes in their mouth for the rest of their life :S

    one thing i am realising is that there are very few 'normal' people out there... very few people can eat what they want and not worry about putting weight on, and there are so many people who are overweight and think that no exercise ever is normal.... and on the flip side, a lot of people who go to the gym 5 times a week to eat what they want and stay 'normal'....
  • sgrinavi
    sgrinavi Posts: 80
    Out of interest, do people plan to log their food forever? What happens when the site no longer exists?

    Before the site existed there were those of us that logged our food in a spreadsheet, before that on paper... after this is gone there will be another or, at the very least, more paper.

    It's all about being accountable, the venue is a matter of convenience.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    Out of interest, do people plan to log their food forever? What happens when the site no longer exists?

    Before the site existed there were those of us that logged our food in a spreadsheet, before that on paper... after this is gone there will be another or, at the very least, more paper.

    It's all about being accountable, the venue is a matter of convenience.

    Fair dues. Everyone needs a method that works for them.
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I stopped logging once I got to a weight I was happy with, and I let my eating habits decline (at first very slowly, but then rapidly) so I got back to logging after I'd put on some weight again.

    I know that I'm going to have to be careful with what I eat unless I want to go back to the way I was, so the thought of logging my foods every day doesn't bother me that much! Should I decide to have a fat day, I'll not log it, but I will update my weight in order to make myself accountable for any damage done....
  • JeanneTops
    JeanneTops Posts: 2,620 Member
    Hmm sounds like some different views here then! I always had of view of eventually eating like a normal person, i.e not caring really just eating when you're hungry. I mean normal people who aren't overweight won't electronically log everything that goes in their mouth for the rest of their life :S

    I think it depends on your weight history and eating personality. If you're someone who grew up healthy sized and active, who hasn't struggled with weight loss and gain in the past, then you may be a healthy-sized eater to begin with who is just returning to your roots, so to speak.

    But lots of us are attracted to overeating for a variety of reasons and have struggled with weight loss and regain over and over. I have come to realize that, like an alcoholic who can never be just a social drinker, I will have to monitor what I eat, keep up a regular exercise program and regularly weigh myself for the rest of my life. It's the price I'll have to pay to keep myself healthy and happy. Its a lot easier to do then carry around the extra poundage, chronic physical problems and sad future I had before.
  • joannab65
    I originally joined in May, and lost I stopped logging, and put it right back on again! So here I am once more.......
    For me, if I actually have to write down what I am eating (and therefore cant pretend I didnt have that 1 or 7 biscuits) it means I eat much more healthily and am less likely to eat rubbish because it is there in black and white!
  • chantihayes
    This: : :
    Hmm sounds like some different views here then! I always had of view of eventually eating like a normal person, i.e not caring really just eating when you're hungry. I mean normal people who aren't overweight won't electronically log everything that goes in their mouth for the rest of their life :S

    My plan when I joined was to come here to assist with losing weight and to aid in educating myself about the nutritional content of what I eat so that I can eventually live like 'regular' people and just be conscious of my food without obsessing or having to log everything. I want to live healthily without this place being my only method of enabling that.
  • dcollins2
    I stopped logging for several months and gained my weight back, so now I am trying to get back into the swing of it! I do realize that when I log I am in better control and more aware of what I am eating . My goal is not only to lose weight, but eat healthy and reduce my fat intake!!
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Out of interest, do people plan to log their food forever? What happens when the site no longer exists?

    Well, I'm age 50 now and I've been "logging" in some form or another since I was age 16, so YES, I'll still be logging in the old folks home!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I stopped logging. I was becoming obsessed and addictive and it wasn't healthy. I continued to lose and got to my goal weight, but likely much more slowly than if I had kept logging, but I was ok with that. I know that if I needed to stop, I can still maintain.

    I came back and started logging again because we have a trip in three weeks, and I wouldn't mind dropping a few more pounds for that trip (will likely maintain at my current weight though because it's been relatively easy to maintain).
  • AndrewTub
    AndrewTub Posts: 86 Member
    Hmm sounds like some different views here then! I always had of view of eventually eating like a normal person, i.e not caring really just eating when you're hungry. I mean normal people who aren't overweight won't electronically log everything that goes in their mouth for the rest of their life :S

    My plan when I joined was to come here to assist with losing weight and to aid in educating myself about the nutritional content of what I eat so that I can eventually live like 'regular' people and just be conscious of my food without obsessing or having to log everything. I want to live healthily without this place being my only method of enabling that.

    Think we have a similar goal shelby !

    I mean in England UK here the majority of people wouldn't think about calories unless they are overweight and dieting. Thin people drink non diet coke, go for pizzas etc.but don't overeat.

    An example of what I do at the moment Is I know I can have around 2000 calories a day...

    So I'll budget say 500 breakfast, 750 lunch, 750 for evening meal. I roughly know the size of these meals and what I can have calorie wise so I should never be far off track. Obviously I can shift some calories around for snacks etc. Then I do cardio/weights a few times a week
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    I log because i enjoy it. And to make sure i eat enough and keep track of macronutrients