Coping with stretch marks?

Hiya, I've lost 58 lbs this year but what I haven't lost is the stretch marks that came with being 100 lbs overweight. I'm still aiming to lose another 42 lbs to reach my goal. I feel fantastic clothed but when I see my stretch marked belly and arm pits in the mirror I get really down thinking I'll never look great.



  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Take it one step at a time. Focus on getting healthy now and deal with the effects of losing so much later. Give yourself the credit you deserve for doing such a great job.
  • prettylittlechubby
    I had the same problem and I have started using Bio oil...My sister in law used it when she was pregers and her stretch marks are almost gone, its wont get completely rid of them but it will help :D xx congrats on the weight loss btw xx
  • Erain7
    Erain7 Posts: 3 Member
    You are doing an absolutely fantastic job! Keep up the weight loss and don't get down on yourself. One step at a time. Once you begin toning up, you will notice that they will be less and less visible. I'm sure you look fantastic. We are a lot harder on ourselves than others. :-)
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    You're lucky - you did this when you're 24.

    I'm 41. :D

    You shrink back, albeit slowly in your 20s. Just wait and see. Maybe you will want plastic surgery at some point but the first trick is to lose the fat and then see just how much your body springs back. I think you might be surprised if you give it half a chance.

    As to the scars, they fade and actually shrink like any scar, until they are pretty much invisible. Truly - they go white and disappear into your skin. almond oil is a suggestion, or vitamin e cream if you don't like what oil does to your clothes/sheets.

    cheers, bridgette.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have them on my tummy from pregnancy and on my hips from puberty. They fade over the years until you can barely see them, but short of surgery, you just have to learn to live with them.

    Honestly, I've decided they're just a part of me and I live with them and don't even worry about it. Most women have them somewhere.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    I have them on my tummy from pregnancy and on my hips from puberty. They fade over the years until you can barely see them, but short of surgery, you just have to learn to live with them.

    Honestly, I've decided they're just a part of me and I live with them and don't even worry about it. Most women have them somewhere.

    Mine are from pregnancy too, I've learned to embrace them. They are my battle scars!!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have them on my tummy from pregnancy and on my hips from puberty. They fade over the years until you can barely see them, but short of surgery, you just have to learn to live with them.

    Honestly, I've decided they're just a part of me and I live with them and don't even worry about it. Most women have them somewhere.

    Mine are from pregnancy too, I've learned to embrace them. They are my battle scars!!!


    I was 102 pounds right into my sixth month (morning sickness, of course) and I remember my mother saying something about how if I didn't have stretch marks by then, I wouldn't get them. Then I gained 53 pounds (ALL in my belly!) in the last two months and there they were. Blech.

    They've faded a lot -- it's been 17 years now. The ones on my hips, you can't see at all. They're a bit older.