Soreness and full body vs split routine

4nts Posts: 14 Member

Through a lot of online research, I found that it's probably best for me to lift 3x a week, for a full body routine.
I'm a noob and started lifting back in April, with a upper body/lower body/full body routine, I switched to full body about 1-2 months ago.

My workout looks something like this
8-10 DB press
8-10 weighted squat
8-10 weighted lunges
8-10 push-ups
8-10 lat pull down
8-10 bent over DB row
8-10 rom deadlift

repeat x3

The problem is, I often am not recovered enough (especially hamstrings!) by the time the next schedule workout comes.

Should I switch to a body part split? I don't think I would maintain more than 3x week lifting. I'm trying to add cardio on my off days as my main goal right now is fat loss.

Or should I keep doing a full body but maybe only do deadlifts/pushups once my hamstrings/chest isn't hurting anymore, so maybe only one out of 2 workouts?

Should I push through the pain? I heard as long as I have DOMS my muscles have not recovered and I shouldn't exercise them too much.



  • 4nts
    4nts Posts: 14 Member
    why not follow an actual programme?

    i have done a few full body programmes, none of them did squats, lunges and deads in the same workout

    I will have a look :)
  • 4nts
    4nts Posts: 14 Member
    I think I will try Stronglifts 5x5 beginning today and see how it goes :smiley:
  • mrslynda
    mrslynda Posts: 50 Member
    I am doing a 5x5 routine from jefit. It's a copy of strong lifts. Work out A is squats (I am using Dumbbells), bench and bent over rows. Workout B is Squats , military press and dead lifts. I am finding the volume pretty good for me. I get sore knees, and the warm up 3x8 and then the 5x5 working set seems to be the sweet spot. I also push a lot at work, so if I over use my triceps, I suffer at work. Bench and press in definitely enough volume for me at this time. I really like the simplicity of 5x5 routines, as I can really work on the five lifts, and get them correct, with out stressing learning 10 or more movements at once.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    edited July 2018
    Definitely check out the link above and follow a proper program. While full body is great for beginners.. it gives pretty optimal muscle stimulation and is straightforward, if you don't love it, you don't have to do it. A properly designed upper/lower split could work well too. The only thing I would not recommend for a beginner is a body part split.. ex. chest one day, legs the next, shoulders etc. You want to be working each muscle group at least twice a week for best results.

    To add.. there is nothing wrong with working through some DOMS provided you can get your workout done. If it starts to affect your form or weight lifted, then you should definitely take a break.
  • DomesticKat
    DomesticKat Posts: 565 Member
    I think you have your answer as to the importance of following a well-designed program. I follow a full-body program 3 days a week and don't generally experience DOMS unless I have something else going on, like lack of sleep. A proper program will be balanced and arrange exercises and rep ranges in order to allow you to recover before your next workout. Active recovery can also help a lot on your recovery days.
  • 4nts
    4nts Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you for all the advice!! Going to put it into practice now! :)
  • ecjim
    ecjim Posts: 1,001 Member
    4nts wrote: »
    I think I will try Stronglifts 5x5 beginning today and see how it goes :smiley:

    Smart Move
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    4nts wrote: »
    Thank you for all the advice!! Going to put it into practice now! :)

    Have fun!