How useful is an accountability partner?

ssc7827 Posts: 1 Member
Hello! My name is Sheila. I believe losing weight can be a fun and rewarding game if you have the right accountability partner/partners. I gained 8 lbs in a month because I lost my accountability partner! But what if I had more than one? What if you did? People to remind us of our goals when we start having cravings. Or to talk to about successes to inspire the other to get off there *kitten*. I love my husband, he’s an amazing cook and enjoys food. He tells me I’m beautiful and perfect every day. I love this, however it almost gives me permission to eat what I know I shouldn’t because “I’m perfect”. Anyone else face this odd “challenge”.


  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited July 2018
    Ultimately, you are only directly accountable to yourself.

    Some people find it helpful to have an accountability partner. IMO, that pushes the responsibility over to someone else. You gained weight because you consumed more calories than your body needed, not because someone else let you down in some way.

    Others can help, encourage, and cajole but your choices are the ones that matter.

    I log everything I eat before it goes into my mouth. Each bite is a decision. I choose to take that bite or not. It took me many years to learn to say "no" and mean it when someone offered food that didn't fit with my eating plan for that day.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    So un-useful that it borders useless, and maybe even reaches counterproductive. Making weight management into a single player game, has turned mine into a success story. That doesn't mean I don't interact with others (as you might see from my post count).
  • Kryogen316
    Kryogen316 Posts: 5 Member
    ssc7827 wrote: »
    Hello! My name is Sheila. I believe losing weight can be a fun and rewarding game if you have the right accountability partner/partners. I gained 8 lbs in a month because I lost my accountability partner! But what if I had more than one? What if you did? People to remind us of our goals when we start having cravings. Or to talk to about successes to inspire the other to get off there *kitten*. I love my husband, he’s an amazing cook and enjoys food. He tells me I’m beautiful and perfect every day. I love this, however it almost gives me permission to eat what I know I shouldn’t because “I’m perfect”. Anyone else face this odd “challenge”.

    Yes, I face that challange daily. Lol, I'm lucky to be a very motivated person.