Need to lose 100lbs.

I need motivation. Im getting back in shape. Sticking to my diet and exercise. Add me. I need help stayung motivated!!


  • jenniferallen33
    jenniferallen33 Posts: 8 Member
    I too have over 100 pounds to lose, and when I think I need motivation, I really think I just need to know I'm not the only one. I come to the community and read through the posts until I find one that says what I need.

    The tracking helps so much, and tracking every meals really helps. Sometimes I get to lunch and think, oh my! Make better choices. In the past, I would have just eaten garbage the rest of the day, but by salvaging each day, I'm down 17 pounds.

    You can do this, one pound at a time. I know, because I believe I can too!
  • Statari
    Statari Posts: 16 Member
    I am also starting a journey to lose 100lbs. It's time. You can do it, but it's hard work. Here are some of things that are helping me so far:

    - Tracking your meals as you eat them: seriously, I almost over eat if I leave it for the end of the day. If I'm planning a special dinner, I put it in at the beginning of the day so I know if I have to stick to a salad for lunch.

    - Tracking your physical state: In the food notes section, I track feelings like headaches, nausea, lethargy, and even acne so I can connect them with what I eat and when.

    - Tracking your moods: I track when I feel happy, or bouts of irrational rage. I also track when I'm feeling a craving and what I'm craving. It helps me recognize it for what it is.

    - Motivation List: I have a list of all the reasons I want to lose weight and I posted it on my Ref. so when I'm feeling discouraged I can remind myself.

    - Trouble Spot List: I made a list of the situations that get me into trouble. Like, between 10am and 12pm at work when my concentration wanes or 1-2 weeks after starting when I get discouraged. And then I think up solutions or ways to get past it. So when I get discouraged, I know I need to talk to someone.

    - Tell Everyone!: I tell everyone who will listen what I'm doing. Part of it is accountability, and part of it is mental encouragement. The more I talk about it positively, the more positive I actually feel about it.
  • kathan01
    kathan01 Posts: 21 Member
    I started to use a workout journal to remind me all the work I done so far and that I can continue even if I hit a bump on the way.
  • bikecheryl
    bikecheryl Posts: 1,432 Member
    No. You need a good plan and confidence. Set up MFP with your stats and a weekly weightloss goal of 2 pounds. You get a calorie target. Use you food diary and a food scale. Fill your food diary with foods you would like to eat and hit that target. That's all you have to do, but you have to do it consistently and for real, and for a long time.

    This about sums it up!

    I've been on here for 476 days :o ...... I have just a handful of "friends" who have been on as long or are as "committed".

    I enjoy cheering their progress and getting mutual feedback.

    But ultimately it's up to me. They aren't closing my fridge and cupboard door or putting my runners on for me.

    I started with motivation and when that ran out - which it did - I relied on my routine - weighing and logging food, sticking as closely as possible to my daily calorie goal and 30 min deliberate exercise every day when possible (cause yeah, life happens).

    I believed in the process when I started and still believe in it - 116 lbs lost and counting. :)

    I'm creating a lifestyle that I'm not just enjoying but am thriving in. Who'd of thunk?

    Feel free to add me as a friend - I'm on every day ;)