Need help with sit ups and press ups

be22z Posts: 6 Member
Hi all,
I am currently working on my running and general fitness, because I want to join the RAF reserves. I'm a 52 year old female and until six months ago I was pretty inactive and several stones overweight, so this is a tough task! I will have to be able to do 5 press ups in a minute and also 17 sit ups, plus run 1.5 miles in under 16 minutes when I apply to join. I have lost enough weight now and although my running work is going fairly well, the press ups and sit ups are proving impossible to do. I cannot manage them at all. I think I have to strengthen my core generally and then perhaps they will be possible, so I am trying squats and planks and lunges. But is there anything else that might specifically help me learn how to do press ups or sit ups? I have done some internet research but there are so many websites which have all sorts of training routines on, I don't know where to start!
Thanks for any suggestions


  • Movemoreguy22
    Movemoreguy22 Posts: 386 Member
    So push ups you want to start on your knees and work on the negative. So get set into your push up on your knees and go down as slow as possible. When you hit the floor instead of pushing up just get back on your knees anyway you can... or if you can't do this yet stand up and use a wall less gravity less force... remember to tuck your pelvis in to active your core and rotate your elbows towards your body so you don't flare your elbows out too wide...

    With sit ups just work on a crunches (half sit up) for the time begin
  • be22z
    be22z Posts: 6 Member
    Okay, thanks very much, I will try that out.
  • Movemoreguy22
    Movemoreguy22 Posts: 386 Member
    Youtube KNEE push ups and just do the going down slowly... if you feel confident go for the push 👍🏻
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    be22z wrote: »
    I think I have to strengthen my core generally and then perhaps they will be possible, so I am trying squats and planks and lunges.

    A pushup is basically a plank, so if you can hold a plank for 3 seconds, the issue is not core strength, it's your pushing muscles, so focus on them. To make pushups easier, you can do elevated pushups, where your hands are higher than your feet, perhaps by placing them on stairs or a desk. Once you can do 5, use a slightly lower hand position (or raise your feet). Search Youtube for "pushup mistakes" for form tips.
    You can probably do them daily if you only do 5-10 reps, but take a day off if you feel you need it.
    I'd keep the supplemental exercises to a minimum until you're at your goal, since they could impact your recovery. :+1:
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    For push-ups I'm all for the start at the wall, then kitchen counter, then table, then chair, then drop down stairs, until you eventually reach the floor.

    I did sets of 10 several times a day (often when cooking) until I got to the stairs then started doing 1x10, 2x10, 3x10 once or twice a day.

    Continue building your planks up to 2min that will help with your core.

    For the sit ups, you could do hand assist.
    Knees bent hands behind the thighs, or flat on the floor helping push.
    Or, crunches and reverse crunches(legs in the air and raising your bum off the floor.

    Will admit to not practicing sit ups since school, methods of progression could well have improved.

    Think of doing a Pilates or aquafit class both are good for conditioning and will improve your core strength, yoga will too.

    Cheers, h.
  • be22z
    be22z Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks all, I really appreciate the suggestions.