gaining weight back? Help!

My starting weight at the Dr's was 276 on Aug 3rd. I was all the way down to 269 a couple days ago, now i am 272 again :( I am doing EVERYTHING the same. Eating 1400 cals, logging everything i eat. I skipped ONE day of exercise, that couldn't have been it. Im getting discouraged. Someone help please.


  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    Do you weigh every day? Your weight can fluctuate so much on a daily basis for various reasons - I only weigh once a week now as I was getting despondent, seeing a great loss one day which didn't always follow through to the end of the week.

    It could be the time of month, water retention, loads of reasons, but please don't let it get you down, any loss is a great loss!

    Good luck on your journey!
  • DawnyB1210
    Don't get discouraged!! Your weight fluctuates daily due to things like hormones, water retention, etc. Keep doing what you are doing..also, you may consider that you are eating too few calories and bump up to 1600 instead of 1400. In any case, I've noticed that it seems to take several weeks of sticking with it before you begin to see the weight come off. There will be weeks when you lose several pounds and weeks where you lose nothing or maybe gain a little. Just keep it up and in time, you will see the difference. Good Luck!!
  • lottabody1
    lottabody1 Posts: 36 Member
    Do you notice a change in your clothing, you might be losing inches, which is great,I use to be on weight watchers and that is one of the things they told us, don't focus on the pounds, also you could be building muscle, which is heavier that fat, so if your clothes are not getting tight, then i think you are ok, hang in there
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Don't be discouraged, it's normal. It's a rare person who loses weight in a straight, downward pattern. Look for the long term trend to be downwards. Up, down, up a bit, down more. You get the idea. If you know you are eating & exercising well, just keep going! :smile:
  • tammylfinch
    My trainers have told me to throw my scale away. This happens to me too and I don't cheat. It's very frustrating. Weigh yourself once a week at most at the same time - usually first thing in the am.

    Hang in there. You have to admit you are feeling better so you have that working for you. Being healthy is the important thing.
  • jmcholden
    jmcholden Posts: 20 Member
    For me, I have noticed that I always got down, down, up, down, down, up. At first it freaked me out, but i am starting to get used to it and expect it.

    Stick with it! You can do it!
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    If you are logging everything into MFP, then I am concerned about what appears to be days when you are only eating one meal a day and under your calorie goal by 1000 calories.

    This is NOT a good thing. Search the forum on the negative affects of extreme calorie restriction and the side effect of weight gain.
  • gritgirl
    gritgirl Posts: 95 Member
    Other threads I've seen on here talk about following the recommended calories they give you here on MFP and eating back the calories you negative through exercise. That's where I hear folks losing the weight. Also, if you're exercising more, you likely are gaining muscle which is heavier than fat.

    I posted a thread about just sticking to it, as in slow and steady wins the race. Even if I'm not losing pounds on the scale, my pants feel a tiny bit more comfortable and if I just keep at it, it'll work.

    I focus on not getting back to the weight I started at. As long as I don't hit 210, I'm a happy camper. :-) Keep at it.
  • LosingTheWeight2014
    I weigh everyday, just something I have to do. An obession I guess.

    Anyhow, my weight flutuates. Like on Sunday I was down 2 lbs and this morning I'm up 1 lb. Like everyone has said, your body flutates with water retention, hormones or any number of other things. Don't stress about the number on the scale. Keep doing what you are doing and eventually the scale will cooperate.

    Best of Luck.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    This is about changing your life. Paitence is required to be successful. Like others have mentioned your weight will flucuate for a lot of reasons. Stick to your plan and you will make progress. If you would like to work with someone to help you on your journey send me a message.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    My starting weight at the Dr's was 276 on Aug 3rd. I was all the way down to 269 a couple days ago, now i am 272 again :( I am doing EVERYTHING the same. Eating 1400 cals, logging everything i eat. I skipped ONE day of exercise, that couldn't have been it. Im getting discouraged. Someone help please.
    At your weight, 1400 calories, especially if you're exercising may be too low. And LIVING and DYING by the scale is not the way to gauge success.
    First be CONSISTENT. If you're inconsistent then you'll get inconsistent results. That should be your first goal.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    The Doctor's scale and your scale are probably different. Also, your weight fluctuates daily based on so many things. It could be related to your period, to eating too much salt, to changes in sleep, to just needing to visit the toilet! Don't stress over it. Pick 1 day per week, same time, same location, same clothing and weigh in. Just use that weight.

    Don't get discouraged! You can do it.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    I also agree about the calories! Maybe try setting your goals to 1 pound per week.
  • mbouchard3872
    I've lost 90 lbs in the past 2 yrs thanks to this wonderful program that I attend called TOPS. Well u see I was feeling to comfy w/ that weight of 155 and before u know it . I'm up to 173 now it creeps up so fast. I'm having trouble wanting sweets more often. I know it's my carb intake. Me and Carbs no-no. So my little sister told me about this program so I'm going to see if this helps also contiuing on going to TOPS.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It's likely just water weight. Don't fret, it will come back off.
  • barbiedollgirl
    barbiedollgirl Posts: 57 Member
    I was the same way last week. I was weighting less every morning, (a few oz, a lb there) but then this weekend I was up 2 lbs. And on the weekends, I eat less and do more. So I know the feeling. I was weighing every morning but I am now just going to weight once a week. May help me better. Good luck!!
  • nays1983
    nays1983 Posts: 63 Member
    I go up and down a lot with my weight so dont stress it will probaly come of at your next weigh in. The main point is to just keep going! even if you have a bad day just get up the next day and start a nothing happened lol... Sounds like you have done well so far. Good luck :)
  • rdvincent
    I looked at your diary, you really should try to get away from the frozen meals, they're fine once in awhile, but you shouldn't live on them, it's healthier to cook, and make sure you eat all your meals, if you don't your body will go into starvation mode and hold on to everything it can. keep at it, it will pay off!
  • juggalotus
    juggalotus Posts: 227
    Thank you guys...I didn't think about it but i am due for my period sometime very soon.Within the next week i think. I hope bloating is the issue. I feel like i need to weigh every day, i don't know why. The scale is in my bedroom so it's so tempting. I originally told myself i was going to weigh every Tues. So today was my weigh in day anyway...I got my breakfast ready and brought it up to my room and i ate part of it without remembering to weigh myself first! So i jumped on the scale and it was a pound heavier. I doubt that a little breakfast sandwich can make you gain a pound in 5 min though....And my Dr's scale is the same as mine because i weighed myself when i got home from the Dr's and it was the same weight. thanks again guys for the encouragment! it's just so frustrating to see that.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Thank you guys...I didn't think about it but i am due for my period sometime very soon.Within the next week i think. I hope bloating is the issue. I feel like i need to weigh every day, i don't know why. The scale is in my bedroom so it's so tempting. I originally told myself i was going to weigh every Tues. So today was my weigh in day anyway...I got my breakfast ready and brought it up to my room and i ate part of it without remembering to weigh myself first! So i jumped on the scale and it was a pound heavier. I doubt that a little breakfast sandwich can make you gain a pound in 5 min though....And my Dr's scale is the same as mine because i weighed myself when i got home from the Dr's and it was the same weight. thanks again guys for the encouragment! it's just so frustrating to see that.
    Again, letting the scale dictate to you whether you're successful or a failure ISN'T the right way to do this. Your scale weight can vary every few hours. IMO, you should put it in an area where it takes a lot of effort to get to it if you can't stop weighing. Like in the attic or something.