2 months and no weight loss... Advice?

Wondered if I could ask some advice - I'm 25y/o, 5'5, weighing 11st2 (as of this morning), BMI 26.7 according to NHS calculator. About 2 months ago I bit the bullet and decided I wanted to properly do something about my weight (I was 11st6), so I started eating healthier, counting calories, and joined a gym.

Beforehand, I would eat pretty much whatever I fancied, whenever I fancied it - and I have NEVER been an active person beyond walking. So I'm a bit confused, given that I'm now eating much healthier and exercising for the first time in my life, that I'm not really shifting weight.

I'm definitely eating healthier - choosing healthier options overall, limiting snacking - and I'm sticking as best I can to a daily calorie goal of 1200 - although I don't want to totally deprive myself (I won't stick to a diet if I'm not enjoying it!) so some days I might go a little closer to 1400 to allow myself a treat. I would estimate my weekly average to be about 1300. I'm counting absolutely everything I eat/drink in the limit, including even adding calories for the coffee I might have at work. Some days if I really fancy something a bit unhealthy or higher calorie, I'll make sure to balance it out - e.g. if I really want that bacon sandwich at lunch, I'll have something low carb/low fat/high protein/overall low calorie for dinner, so I'm still as close to 1200 as I can be.

I'm exercising at least 3 times a week, doing a mix of resistance work (I have noticed I'm able to lift a little more with my arms now, so at least that is a gain of some sort!), and cardio - usually burning a minimum of 200 calories per visit, with a mix of rowing, indoor cycling, elliptical machine, and fast walking on a high incline or jogging on the treadmill, or a HIIT style class sometimes. I have definitely noticed changes in my fitness (given I had 0 fitness before), and am able to go longer on the machines now without feeling like I have hit my limit, so I aim for about 40 minutes cardio total, either on 1 machine or total 40 minutes on a mix of machines.

Can someone shed any light on any reasons why, given all of the above, I seem to not be losing any weight at all!? I'm pretty much stuck somewhere between 11st-11st4, and nothing is shifting. I keep thinking I've noticed a slight difference in the shape of my arms/waist/stomach, but then I don't know if I might be *trying* to notice a difference, or if I actually am. I don't think I'm one of those people who is 'naturally' this shape, as I used to be a lot thinner (granted, it was when I was in my late teens). It's really starting to demotivate me that I'm trying hard, eating better and doing much more exercise than I ever have, but not dropping any weight!


  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    I would also use a tape measure to be sure- of inches lost sometimes this is a good indicator as well as how snug your clothes fit. Seems like you may not have a whole lost to lose- I am not familar with stones( I am american so I know pounds lol). However, if you are truly eating less and exercising more then maybe the weight loss is coming.
  • daniellepage12
    daniellepage12 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi guys - thanks for all the quick replies!

    I am trying to over-estimate calories if something doesn't have a count and I'm unsure, and I'm weighing everything I cook as much as is possible - right down to measuring out 125ml wine if I have a drink on a Saturday! And I always check the numbers are accurate for calories etc if I add something to my diary. I do genuinely think I'm logging as accurately as I can but perhaps I'm making errors somewhere that hasn't occurred to me...?

    It has occurred to me that this can't really be possible but I do genuinely think I'm recording everything accurately..! Even when it means being harsh on myself and admitting I've eaten more than I should have.

    I *think* I've just made it public - if that helps!
  • daniellepage12
    daniellepage12 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi guys - thanks for all the quick replies!

    I am trying to over-estimate calories if something doesn't have a count and I'm unsure, and I'm weighing everything I cook as much as is possible - right down to measuring out 125ml wine if I have a drink on a Saturday! And I always check the numbers are accurate for calories etc if I add something to my diary. I do genuinely think I'm logging as accurately as I can but perhaps I'm making errors somewhere that hasn't occurred to me...?

    It has occurred to me that this can't really be possible but I do genuinely think I'm recording everything accurately..! Even when it means being harsh on myself and admitting I've eaten more than I should have.

    I *think* I've just made it public - if that helps!

    It looks like you're using entries for homemade foods that have been created by other people (the chili?). These can be an issue because you have no idea if your recipe is close to theirs or not.

    Coffee with milk -- don't log this as one entry (unless you make the entry yourself). You have no way of knowing if the amount of milk you're using is the same as the person who created the entry.

    Everything you're logging in weights is very round numbers. Are you sure you're weighing all these items? It's odd that everything would come out exactly round like that.

    It looks like you just started logging on the 23rd. Before you conclude your plan isn't working, I would give it a chance to actually work and get a few more weeks of logging in (maybe creating your own entries for food you're cooking yourself).

    Thanks Jane - I have been logging a bit longer but there are 2 gaps where I went away and didn't log, although I was still eating healthy even if not keeping strict track of it. Fair points on the entries from other people - perhaps I'm underestimating at times by using these... The weights are correct though for when I'm making something myself - I am just a bit of a weirdo for round numbers so I tend to stick to multiples of 5g/ml a lot. Genuine measurements, I'm just weird!! :smiley:

    I'll be a bit more careful to log my own items more carefully going forward - hopefully that will help!
  • daniellepage12
    daniellepage12 Posts: 6 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Hi guys - thanks for all the quick replies!

    I am trying to over-estimate calories if something doesn't have a count and I'm unsure, and I'm weighing everything I cook as much as is possible - right down to measuring out 125ml wine if I have a drink on a Saturday! And I always check the numbers are accurate for calories etc if I add something to my diary. I do genuinely think I'm logging as accurately as I can but perhaps I'm making errors somewhere that hasn't occurred to me...?

    It has occurred to me that this can't really be possible but I do genuinely think I'm recording everything accurately..! Even when it means being harsh on myself and admitting I've eaten more than I should have.

    I *think* I've just made it public - if that helps!

    There's a lot of name-brand recipe style entries used, like sausage roll and sandwich - were these takeaways you got? And a homemade chili entry - was the chili your recipe, or did you find that in the database?

    If you are choosing recipe style entries in the database for things you are making yourself, they can be way off. You are better off logging individual ingredients or using the recipe builder to create your own entries.

    Also, I don't see any cooking oil, condiments, beverages other than the coffee. Are you not using any or are they including in the one meal entry?

    Yes, they likely will be! I work in a city and (terrible, I know) I tend to buy my lunch most days, so sandwiches and things tend to be brands. I do try to choose healthy options as much as I can though, even though I know I should prep my own lunches! The chilli wasn't my recipe, so I'll have to be careful with that sort of thing...

    I don't use cooking oil often at all, and condiments very very rarely - and I tend to stick to water when I'm not drinking coffee so no extra calories there!! If I ever have drinks with calories I do note them - e.g. there's a fruit juice I sometimes get with lunch, which I add, when I have it.

    Thanks again everyone for the help :) I feel like I must be doing something dumb to not be making progress...!
  • daniellepage12
    daniellepage12 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi guys - thanks for all the quick replies!

    I am trying to over-estimate calories if something doesn't have a count and I'm unsure, and I'm weighing everything I cook as much as is possible - right down to measuring out 125ml wine if I have a drink on a Saturday! And I always check the numbers are accurate for calories etc if I add something to my diary. I do genuinely think I'm logging as accurately as I can but perhaps I'm making errors somewhere that hasn't occurred to me...?

    It has occurred to me that this can't really be possible but I do genuinely think I'm recording everything accurately..! Even when it means being harsh on myself and admitting I've eaten more than I should have.

    I *think* I've just made it public - if that helps!

    It looks like you're using entries for homemade foods that have been created by other people (the chili?). These can be an issue because you have no idea if your recipe is close to theirs or not.

    Coffee with milk -- don't log this as one entry (unless you make the entry yourself). You have no way of knowing if the amount of milk you're using is the same as the person who created the entry.

    Everything you're logging in weights is very round numbers. Are you sure you're weighing all these items? It's odd that everything would come out exactly round like that.

    It looks like you just started logging on the 23rd. Before you conclude your plan isn't working, I would give it a chance to actually work and get a few more weeks of logging in (maybe creating your own entries for food you're cooking yourself).

    Thanks Jane - I have been logging a bit longer but there are 2 gaps where I went away and didn't log, although I was still eating healthy even if not keeping strict track of it. Fair points on the entries from other people - perhaps I'm underestimating at times by using these... The weights are correct though for when I'm making something myself - I am just a bit of a weirdo for round numbers so I tend to stick to multiples of 5g/ml a lot. Genuine measurements, I'm just weird!! :smiley:

    I'll be a bit more careful to log my own items more carefully going forward - hopefully that will help!

    Yep, when you're choosing "homemade" or "generic" entries that other people have made, you're really rolling the dice. The person who created it could be anyone -- a fantastically accurate logger or someone who has no idea what they're doing. Even if they created a perfect database entry for the chili they made, you have no idea if the recipe resembles the chili that you're making. Different choices in ingredients can results in differences of hundreds of calories. So it's always safer to use the Recipe Builder to create an entry for the version that you're making.

    That's really helpful Jane - thank you!
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Hi guys - thanks for all the quick replies!

    I am trying to over-estimate calories if something doesn't have a count and I'm unsure, and I'm weighing everything I cook as much as is possible - right down to measuring out 125ml wine if I have a drink on a Saturday! And I always check the numbers are accurate for calories etc if I add something to my diary. I do genuinely think I'm logging as accurately as I can but perhaps I'm making errors somewhere that hasn't occurred to me...?

    It has occurred to me that this can't really be possible but I do genuinely think I'm recording everything accurately..! Even when it means being harsh on myself and admitting I've eaten more than I should have.

    I *think* I've just made it public - if that helps!

    There's a lot of name-brand recipe style entries used, like sausage roll and sandwich - were these takeaways you got? And a homemade chili entry - was the chili your recipe, or did you find that in the database?

    If you are choosing recipe style entries in the database for things you are making yourself, they can be way off. You are better off logging individual ingredients or using the recipe builder to create your own entries.

    Also, I don't see any cooking oil, condiments, beverages other than the coffee. Are you not using any or are they including in the one meal entry?

    Yes, they likely will be! I work in a city and (terrible, I know) I tend to buy my lunch most days, so sandwiches and things tend to be brands. I do try to choose healthy options as much as I can though, even though I know I should prep my own lunches! The chilli wasn't my recipe, so I'll have to be careful with that sort of thing...

    I don't use cooking oil often at all, and condiments very very rarely - and I tend to stick to water when I'm not drinking coffee so no extra calories there!! If I ever have drinks with calories I do note them - e.g. there's a fruit juice I sometimes get with lunch, which I add, when I have it.

    Thanks again everyone for the help :) I feel like I must be doing something dumb to not be making progress...!

    It really is a learning process! It isn't necessary to log super-accurately to lose weight (it's not necessary to log at all!), but because you are stalled, you might want to get really anal about it for a few weeks, just to get a good baseline. Don't use existing recipe style entries. When I make chili, I weigh all my ingredients as they're going into the slow cooker, divide by the number of servings and log each one - __g of ground meat, __g of black beans, __g of diced tomatoes, etc. Or I could use the recipe builder, weigh everything going into the pot and then just log 1 serving of my recipe.

    If the places you are buying lunch from don't have entries in the database, it might be a good exercise to try mentally deconstructing the item and log individual ingredients to get an idea if a similar restaurant's entry in the database really is a good one to use. You'll figure it out!
  • daniellepage12
    daniellepage12 Posts: 6 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Hi guys - thanks for all the quick replies!

    I am trying to over-estimate calories if something doesn't have a count and I'm unsure, and I'm weighing everything I cook as much as is possible - right down to measuring out 125ml wine if I have a drink on a Saturday! And I always check the numbers are accurate for calories etc if I add something to my diary. I do genuinely think I'm logging as accurately as I can but perhaps I'm making errors somewhere that hasn't occurred to me...?

    It has occurred to me that this can't really be possible but I do genuinely think I'm recording everything accurately..! Even when it means being harsh on myself and admitting I've eaten more than I should have.

    I *think* I've just made it public - if that helps!

    There's a lot of name-brand recipe style entries used, like sausage roll and sandwich - were these takeaways you got? And a homemade chili entry - was the chili your recipe, or did you find that in the database?

    If you are choosing recipe style entries in the database for things you are making yourself, they can be way off. You are better off logging individual ingredients or using the recipe builder to create your own entries.

    Also, I don't see any cooking oil, condiments, beverages other than the coffee. Are you not using any or are they including in the one meal entry?

    Yes, they likely will be! I work in a city and (terrible, I know) I tend to buy my lunch most days, so sandwiches and things tend to be brands. I do try to choose healthy options as much as I can though, even though I know I should prep my own lunches! The chilli wasn't my recipe, so I'll have to be careful with that sort of thing...

    I don't use cooking oil often at all, and condiments very very rarely - and I tend to stick to water when I'm not drinking coffee so no extra calories there!! If I ever have drinks with calories I do note them - e.g. there's a fruit juice I sometimes get with lunch, which I add, when I have it.

    Thanks again everyone for the help :) I feel like I must be doing something dumb to not be making progress...!

    It really is a learning process! It isn't necessary to log super-accurately to lose weight (it's not necessary to log at all!), but because you are stalled, you might want to get really anal about it for a few weeks, just to get a good baseline. Don't use existing recipe style entries. When I make chili, I weigh all my ingredients as they're going into the slow cooker, divide by the number of servings and log each one - __g of ground meat, __g of black beans, __g of diced tomatoes, etc. Or I could use the recipe builder, weigh everything going into the pot and then just log 1 serving of my recipe.

    If the places you are buying lunch from don't have entries in the database, it might be a good exercise to try mentally deconstructing the item and log individual ingredients to get an idea if a similar restaurant's entry in the database really is a good one to use. You'll figure it out!

    Thanks Kim - I think I will need to be super strict with it until I see some changes.

    For lunches, if I don't have the specific calories, I tend to try to do that and estimate overall calories, even over-estimating to be careful, but perhaps I need to think about ingredients it a bit more to make sure I'm logging accurately...

    This is really helpful, thank you! Fingers crossed I'll start to see progress before long.
  • travelling_lots
    travelling_lots Posts: 377 Member
    Wondered if I could ask some advice - I'm 25y/o, 5'5, weighing 11st2 (as of this morning), BMI 26.7 according to NHS calculator. About 2 months ago I bit the bullet and decided I wanted to properly do something about my weight (I was 11st6), so I started eating healthier, counting calories, and joined a gym.

    Beforehand, I would eat pretty much whatever I fancied, whenever I fancied it - and I have NEVER been an active person beyond walking. So I'm a bit confused, given that I'm now eating much healthier and exercising for the first time in my life, that I'm not really shifting weight.

    I'm definitely eating healthier - choosing healthier options overall, limiting snacking - and I'm sticking as best I can to a daily calorie goal of 1200 - although I don't want to totally deprive myself (I won't stick to a diet if I'm not enjoying it!) so some days I might go a little closer to 1400 to allow myself a treat. I would estimate my weekly average to be about 1300. I'm counting absolutely everything I eat/drink in the limit, including even adding calories for the coffee I might have at work. Some days if I really fancy something a bit unhealthy or higher calorie, I'll make sure to balance it out - e.g. if I really want that bacon sandwich at lunch, I'll have something low carb/low fat/high protein/overall low calorie for dinner, so I'm still as close to 1200 as I can be.

    I'm exercising at least 3 times a week, doing a mix of resistance work (I have noticed I'm able to lift a little more with my arms now, so at least that is a gain of some sort!), and cardio - usually burning a minimum of 200 calories per visit, with a mix of rowing, indoor cycling, elliptical machine, and fast walking on a high incline or jogging on the treadmill, or a HIIT style class sometimes. I have definitely noticed changes in my fitness (given I had 0 fitness before), and am able to go longer on the machines now without feeling like I have hit my limit, so I aim for about 40 minutes cardio total, either on 1 machine or total 40 minutes on a mix of machines.

    Can someone shed any light on any reasons why, given all of the above, I seem to not be losing any weight at all!? I'm pretty much stuck somewhere between 11st-11st4, and nothing is shifting. I keep thinking I've noticed a slight difference in the shape of my arms/waist/stomach, but then I don't know if I might be *trying* to notice a difference, or if I actually am. I don't think I'm one of those people who is 'naturally' this shape, as I used to be a lot thinner (granted, it was when I was in my late teens). It's really starting to demotivate me that I'm trying hard, eating better and doing much more exercise than I ever have, but not dropping any weight!

  • travelling_lots
    travelling_lots Posts: 377 Member
    Hi Danielle,

    I find that I can gain weight ( probably water retention) when I’m lacking sleep. After 3 days and I get on the scale. No matter how good I kept to my same lifestyle. Only difference was not sleeping properly or enough.