Just a boy done with getting bullied

I’m not sure if I’m supposed to be her or not and if it is stupid posting this but I’m here because I’m done with getting bullied because I’m heavier then the average kid. So here marks my journey. Some support is all I’m asking for


  • felixg1109
    felixg1109 Posts: 172 MFP Moderator
    Do it for you and your health - not to stop getting bullied. The stop will come by time anyways - but if people recognize that it's your goal to stop getting bullied they will continue anyways.
  • terichandler
    terichandler Posts: 8 Member
    You are precious. God created you just the way you are. Not that if we are heavy we should remain there, but it should not define us. Healthy is what our goal should be. Some times I hate that we have scales. Just think how freeing it would be if we weren't tied to the dumb scale. There was once a commercial on the tv that showed people walking around with scales shackled to their ankles. I told my husband that's truly how it is. There's never a day that I don't think about my weight. UGH! I'm trying to break that mind set and think more about my health than a stupid number.
    Those who bully are insecure and looking to build them selves up by tearing others down. Don't let them win! Be the strong person that you can be. By ignoring them, they won't get the reaction they're looking for and they will move on to somebody else. That's unfortunate, but those insecure peeps won't stop until they're ignored.
    Good luck. Keep posting, there's people who want to encourage you.