Plant based for the better



  • LanaBunni
    LanaBunni Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I’m trying to commit to a plant based lifestyle and so far lost 11lbs on it which I’m pretty happy with. Everything about my body feels lighter and better and just... easier. I’m doing it for ethics and health but I find I can’t kick my cravings for fish and cheese- the only two things I eat that aren’t plant based! Fish is at least healthy for you but obviously cheese is pretty terrible in every aspect! Any advice on letting these go? Did anyone on this thread ever have a problem with letting go of certain foods either?
  • SelenaMariaStewart
    SelenaMariaStewart Posts: 112 Member
    Premade vegan cheese is grosse. I suggest looking on Pinterest for homemade vegan cheeses! They are DELICIOUS. My favorite ones are cashew based and are perfect for pizza and grilled cheese sandwiches! Seriously, they taste better than real cheese.
  • LanaBunni
    LanaBunni Posts: 7 Member
    Saibasu wrote: »
    Premade vegan cheese is grosse. I suggest looking on Pinterest for homemade vegan cheeses! They are DELICIOUS. My favorite ones are cashew based and are perfect for pizza and grilled cheese sandwiches! Seriously, they taste better than real cheese.

    I’ll give it a go! Thanks that should help me a lot- one step closer! Much appreciated x

  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    gwilssens wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    It's also worth noting that if you care about the environment, plant based diets are much worse for the environment than the alternative

    I'm really curious to hear how you can back that up as it is the exact opposite as far as I know but I'm always eager to learn new insights - so can you please elaborate?
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    AJ_G wrote: »
    It's also worth noting that if you care about the environment, plant based diets are much worse for the environment than the alternative

    I'm curious to know what information you're basing that on. Livestock farming, both for meat and dairy, is a major source of pollution.

    Sure, but meat and dairy is far more calorically dense than plant based foods. If a significant portion of the world's population were to stop consuming animal products and offset that calorie loss by eating plant foods, agricultural water usage would skyrocket, energy usage (which in the U.S. comes mainly from burning coal) would skyrocket, and overall carbon emissions would increase.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Saibasu wrote: »
    bkuyk9 wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    bkuyk9 wrote: »
    I’m not doing it for the environment. I’m doing it for my overall health. My blood work is better than ever and my BP is where it should be. My heart is working as efficient as if I took 10 yrs off my life. Good luck to you. Like I said, I know what’s worked for me and mine..each person is different..I see a sustainable future where my diet can last my lifetime: however long that may be.

    Because you lost weight, and are eating more fiber, and I'm guessing you're more active as well, all of which can easily be done on an omnivorous diet

    To each their own..good luck with your trolling. Your shirt says it all.

    Yeah, just ignore people like that. You know what works for you and trolls like that are nothing but negativity. Good Luck!

    I wear this tank top because it's funny to see people's reaction who don't agree with me, and people who do agree with me get a laugh often times. You can call it trolling, but if people care more about not killing animals for consumption than they do about actual humans dying from starvation, then I can't even have a conversation with you
  • bkuyk9
    bkuyk9 Posts: 14 Member
    LanaBunni wrote: »
    Saibasu wrote: »
    Premade vegan cheese is grosse. I suggest looking on Pinterest for homemade vegan cheeses! They are DELICIOUS. My favorite ones are cashew based and are perfect for pizza and grilled cheese sandwiches! Seriously, they taste better than real cheese.

    I’ll give it a go! Thanks that should help me a lot- one step closer! Much appreciated x

    Some like to add nutritional yeast to meals due to its creamy texture and similar taste as cheese. Homemade Cashew Cheese is the best IMO.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    AJ_G wrote: »
    It's also worth noting that if you care about the environment, plant based diets are much worse for the environment than the alternative

    I'm curious to know what information you're basing that on. Livestock farming, both for meat and dairy, is a major source of pollution.

    You don't even need to look at the pollution from livestock farming to demonstrate the ridiculousness of the statement that plant-based diets are worse for the environment than the alternative, because ultimately the animals people eat are eating plant-based diets (or the animals are eating animals that eat plant-based diets). And it takes more plants for those animals to produce calories and protein for human consumption than it does for a person to get the equivalent amount of calories and protein directly from the plants (especially given that livestock raised for human consumption are now being raised on grains and other plants that humans are capable of utilizing directly, rather than being raised on grasses that humans didn't have the right kind of digestive system to make good use of).

    TL;dr version: If raising plants is so bad for the environment, humans would still reduce their environmental impact by eating the plants directly rather than bringing in "middle-man" livestock that will require more plants than the human would.
  • SelenaMariaStewart
    SelenaMariaStewart Posts: 112 Member
    bkuyk9 wrote: »
    LanaBunni wrote: »
    Saibasu wrote: »
    Premade vegan cheese is grosse. I suggest looking on Pinterest for homemade vegan cheeses! They are DELICIOUS. My favorite ones are cashew based and are perfect for pizza and grilled cheese sandwiches! Seriously, they taste better than real cheese.

    I’ll give it a go! Thanks that should help me a lot- one step closer! Much appreciated x

    Some like to add nutritional yeast to meals due to its creamy texture and similar taste as cheese. Homemade Cashew Cheese is the best IMO.

    Yes a lot of people love nutritional yeast and it’s cheesiness. Unfortunately, it makes me very sick. I’m not sure why it does, but for some weird reason even a small amount causes very uncomfortable bloating and nausea. :( which sucks since Every “cheesy” recipe I’ve found adds it!
  • gwilssens
    gwilssens Posts: 4 Member
    Saibasu wrote: »
    bkuyk9 wrote: »
    LanaBunni wrote: »
    Saibasu wrote: »
    Premade vegan cheese is grosse. I suggest looking on Pinterest for homemade vegan cheeses! They are DELICIOUS. My favorite ones are cashew based and are perfect for pizza and grilled cheese sandwiches! Seriously, they taste better than real cheese.

    I’ll give it a go! Thanks that should help me a lot- one step closer! Much appreciated x

    Some like to add nutritional yeast to meals due to its creamy texture and similar taste as cheese. Homemade Cashew Cheese is the best IMO.

    Yes a lot of people love nutritional yeast and it’s cheesiness. Unfortunately, it makes me very sick. I’m not sure why it does, but for some weird reason even a small amount causes very uncomfortable bloating and nausea. :( which sucks since Every “cheesy” recipe I’ve found adds it! ;-)
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    AJ_G wrote: »
    Sure, but meat and dairy is far more calorically dense than plant based foods. If a significant portion of the world's population were to stop consuming animal products and offset that calorie loss by eating plant foods, agricultural water usage would skyrocket, energy usage (which in the U.S. comes mainly from burning coal) would skyrocket, and overall carbon emissions would increase.

    Coal is not the primary source of energy in the U.S.


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    It's also worth noting that if you care about the environment, plant based diets are much worse for the environment than the alternative

    I'm curious to know what information you're basing that on. Livestock farming, both for meat and dairy, is a major source of pollution.

    Sure, but meat and dairy is far more calorically dense than plant based foods. If a significant portion of the world's population were to stop consuming animal products and offset that calorie loss by eating plant foods, agricultural water usage would skyrocket, energy usage (which in the U.S. comes mainly from burning coal) would skyrocket, and overall carbon emissions would increase.

    Does that take into account that a large portion of the crops currently grown are being fed directly to animals? Agricultural water use wouldn't "skyrocket" if we stopped feeding them to animals and used them to feed humans.

    The energy gained from feeding plants directly to humans (instead of feeding pounds and pounds of plants -- produced by using water -- to animals for just a pound of meat) would be a net gain, not a net loss.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    AJ_G wrote: »
    Saibasu wrote: »
    bkuyk9 wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    bkuyk9 wrote: »
    I’m not doing it for the environment. I’m doing it for my overall health. My blood work is better than ever and my BP is where it should be. My heart is working as efficient as if I took 10 yrs off my life. Good luck to you. Like I said, I know what’s worked for me and mine..each person is different..I see a sustainable future where my diet can last my lifetime: however long that may be.

    Because you lost weight, and are eating more fiber, and I'm guessing you're more active as well, all of which can easily be done on an omnivorous diet

    To each their own..good luck with your trolling. Your shirt says it all.

    Yeah, just ignore people like that. You know what works for you and trolls like that are nothing but negativity. Good Luck!

    I wear this tank top because it's funny to see people's reaction who don't agree with me, and people who do agree with me get a laugh often times. You can call it trolling, but if people care more about not killing animals for consumption than they do about actual humans dying from starvation, then I can't even have a conversation with you

    Who said they cared more about not killing animals than they did about humans dying from starvation. You'd better be careful. With that strawman you're propping up, you're edging closer and closer to being plant-based.
  • angieb2000
    angieb2000 Posts: 3 Member
    The food I crave the most is ice cream. I know that there are alternatives out there, but there's something about well made ice cream. I gave in to my cravings last night, and I'd have to say, it really wasn't that enjoyable and I am feeling a bit off today.
  • alk_77
    alk_77 Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Alyssa!
    Ben thank you for sharing your story!
    What an amazing journey!
    Congrats to you and your wife!
    I have almost always struggled with Body image and comparing others to my curvyness. Has anyone seen Hilary Duffs Body? That what my goal is because she is still curvy, but toned and just really nice.
    Yay for Plant based! Been Vegan for a Whole Year but not quite making the progress i want! hahaha i eat a TON of processed Vegan dishes #processed #highsugar #salttoo.. Excited to go on this journey once and for all!!
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    alk_77 wrote: »
    My name is Alyssa!
    Ben thank you for sharing your story!
    What an amazing journey!
    Congrats to you and your wife!
    I have almost always struggled with Body image and comparing others to my curvyness. Has anyone seen Hilary Duffs Body? That what my goal is because she is still curvy, but toned and just really nice.
    Yay for Plant based! Been Vegan for a Whole Year but not quite making the progress i want! hahaha i eat a TON of processed Vegan dishes #processed #highsugar #salttoo.. Excited to go on this journey once and for all!!

    not trying to sound harsh here. but you will only accomplish having a body like hers if you have the same body type(frame) and genetics as well as height and weight. just try and be the best version of yourself you can be.I learned long ago no matter how hard I try I cant look or get a body like some of the women I have seen out there.