Getting back to myself!

Hello everyone I want to introduce myself, my name is Karla. I have started my weight loss journey once Again! But this time I’ve been more focused and determined then ever. The last few month I have been faced a few life obstacles making short and straight to the point. My fiancé and I are no longer together after 6 years and a step daughter I truly adore and miss. But hey nothing just happens right?! I’m trying my best to move forward and my focused has been on just bettering myself and loosing this weight. I’ve lost 21lbs ever since and hey it is so bad that I kind of want a Revenge body?! Well for myself lol💁🏼‍♀️ I guess whatever it takes to get through it. It’s been tough but I wake up every morning and I listen to my affirmations and motivational videos that have been absolutely helping me through this new journey. I’ve stayed consistent with my work outs eating and feeling good spiritually, mentally and psycally. Not 100% there but I know there are new doors that are going to open for me. I’m truly glad I get to have a new beginning for myself, sometimes life hits you and you wouldn’t believe your in the place you are in but I am truly great full to just even see another day. As it had been hard emotionally I keep pushing myself and telling myself things will get better and I have to leave my past behind. I’m opened to this new journey, to live the life I want and to meet amazing people through out my days. So hello everyone hope you are achieving your goals and never give up and when life throws you lemons🍋🍋🍋just gotta make that lemonade and keep it going.😂💁🏼‍♀️ Hoping to meet new people and to follow everyone’s amazing journey. Good luck everyone and have a wonderful day!!! Friends😘


  • Capt_Merica
    Capt_Merica Posts: 122 Member
    Hello, welcome aboard. Stay strong, keep your head up.... keep focus and run over any obstacle in your path. You got this and there are plenty of people here for support! Feel free to add me.
  • kchantalgarcia615
    kchantalgarcia615 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you for kind words❤️sooo how do you add people sorry it’s been awhile🤦🏼‍♀️
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    It sounds like you are doing great! Keep going!! Congratulations on your hard work!
  • Junebug2022
    Junebug2022 Posts: 78 Member
    This makes feel embarrassed over the little things i let derail me. You’re way stronger than I am.