Trying to recapture my spark.

Hey everyone! First time trying to actually count calories, or record my information.I hope this app will help keep me motivated. I have a bad habit of abandoning fitness in favor of the couch.

I’ve always been “skinny”, but after a stint in the army, I transformed from 135lbs to 170lbs, though now I’m just skinny fat at 192lbs.

I’m sick and tired of looking at myself and just feeling disappointed, knowing I could do better, be better, than I am.

I have a long and difficult path ahead, battling with depression leaves me apathetic and with no drive or desire to better myself. I can’t count how many times I’ve given up. Though I suppose it doesn’t matter how many times I’ve failed as long as I take the next step.

My goal is to get to 13% body fat at 210lbs, currently sitting at 23%. Though I’d settle for being able to have the energy to play and keep up with my daughter, in addition to smiling when I see myself in the mirror.

This might be a little much for an introduction, but oh well! Hope y’all have a great night!


  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    Welcome. Be proud of yourself for making the first step here! Depression can make things seem impossible for sure. Keep in mind that walking and exercising can help with those symptoms sometimes. I also can relate to the lure of the sofa-- it can be very persuasive. I don't do so well with the will power concept. Ask questions! There are many different kinds of people with diverse ideas on this site; see what ways of thinking stick and work for you.

    Goals: Set smaller attainable ones to start. Baby steps. Smile at yourself in the mirror even if you don't feel like it. If that doesn't work- avoid mirrors as well as you can.

    I can't remember where it is but, I read a study which supported the idea that the more compassionate you are with yourself the better your efforts at weight loss will be. I think a lot of people get really down on themselves when they don't meet their expectations. Apparently, that beat yourself up thing does not generally lead to weight loss success. So be kind to yourself!

    A couple of thoughts that stuck for me: In response to thoughts like "losing that much weight will take me year(s)" The time passes either way so you might as well spend it well and at the very least not gain more! The time passes either way-- that one works for me.

    Another is-- you don't have to like or enjoy exercising. It is just something responsible adults do like brushing their teeth or washing the car-- it just has to be done.
  • Indigoplacebo
    Indigoplacebo Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for taking the time to reply! I took your advice and took my dog for a two mile walk when I woke up, it’s helped lift the mental fog some what. I hope I will be consistent.

    Have a good day!
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    Great! Animals are so wonderful. And I'm sure doggie enjoyed too!
  • bikecheryl
    bikecheryl Posts: 1,432 Member
    The spark is there.... just need to fan the ember a bit.

    This app is a great start.............. it's been a huge help to me.

    The trick is to get used to logging everyday.... tracking your food and exercise.....being accountable to yourself.

    Ride that motivational wave so that when it starts to lag..... and it will.... you've started creating habits that
    will help you get over the times when you just want to say $%#@ it. :)

    As @runningforthetrain said..... the time is going to pass no matter what you do.

    Lastly, there's lots of great support and advice here..... don't be a stranger. :)