gaining weight back? Help!



  • twistedsista0408
    Don't quit! I follow these steps now, because I used to weigh every day and it seemed that the weight kept creeping back on even though I was busting my butt!
    1) drink at least 6 glasses of water per day - this flushes out impurities and extra sodium from processed food
    2) Eat enough calories. It doesn't make any sense to me that eating less could cause weight gain but trust me, I've experienced it! If you work out, eat those calories too. Your body needs them so you won't throw it into starvation mode.
    3) Be active, don't sit for more than an hour at a time. If you have a job that requires you to sit for long periods of time, stand up and stretch and/or do some chair exercises - you can find them on the Internet
    4) weigh only once per week, at the exact same time of day, naked, and before you eat or drink anything. Remember that sodium will make you retain fluid, watch how much you eat of it!
    5) If all else fails, pull out the measuring tape and record the results. Sometimes our weight won't show progress but you may be shrinking in inches!
    6) stay positive and pull as much stress away from you as possible. Stress causes weight gain somehow, don't understand it but I respect it

    This is what I am living by, hope it helps!
  • juggalotus
    juggalotus Posts: 227
    Again, letting the scale dictate to you whether you're successful or a failure ISN'T the right way to do this. Your scale weight can vary every few hours. IMO, you should put it in an area where it takes a lot of effort to get to it if you can't stop weighing. Like in the attic or something.

    Thank you! I have decided to put my scale waaay up high on the top shelf of my closet so it wont be sitting there, in view tempting me! lol that was a good idea! thanks again. Im hoping for a good weigh in next tues