Pop/soda replacement needed!!



  • samblam
    samblam Posts: 9
    I usually take my favorite juice lately it has been a strawberry kiwi juice and mix it with Perrier water
  • sumjoy
    sumjoy Posts: 84 Member
    Most of the sweetened drinks at the store that do not contain sugar contain aspartame, splenda or sugar alcohols (xylitol). There are a few with Stevia in the natural food grocery stores like Whole Foods and Sprouts.

    Aspartame converts to formaldehyde when it gets to certain temperature and formaldehyde is a carcinogen.
    Splenda is a derivitive of chlorine and has an adverse effect on the thymus gland which regulates the immune system.
    Xylitol (sugar alcohols) tend to cause gas and diarrhea.
    Stevia - FDA originally refused to add Stevia to their list of "Generally Recognized as Safe" (GRAS) food additives because it was shown to have an adverse effect on the liver, but it must've been added in the past year or two because it is everywhere now.
    Truvia is a combination of Stevia and Xylitol.
    Sweet n' Low (pink packets) do not have any reported adverse effects.
    Sugar, honey or agave are good natural products in small amounts.

    Carbonation in the sodas has a naturally occuring sodium, which is what might be causing his aches and pains due to the effects of constant swelling, inflammation and water retention.

    Green tea is beneficial in that it boosts metabolism and is high in beneficial anti-oxidants. Flavored teas are good, too. Perhaps, he could lower his soda intake and drink more water and tea.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I forgot to add that I used to drink AT LEAST 2-3 24 oz. Diet Pepsi's a day and now I drink NONE!. Another option is the Crystal Light Pure as I beleive it is all natural i.e. no sweeteners. There is also True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange, and True Grapefruit, all of which I beleive are all natural. Hope these ideas help!
  • nekosimba
    nekosimba Posts: 239 Member
    My boyfriend works at Pepsi and they sell Aquafina 10cal. It is a flavored water, but unlike most flavored waters, it is more like juice than just a light flavor.

    Or if he likes the carbonation, try carbonated flavored waters.
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    I like 1/4-1/2 cup of juice with a can of club soda or some such.