frumpy to fabulous...what a DIFFERENCE a day makes! :D

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Yesterday I was in a slump...feeling like a fluffy fluffer walking around all day, after eating a BIT too many carbs/calories on Sunday.....

but I DIDN'T GIVE IN to the slumpy feeling..instead I drank plenty of water, enjoyed some delicious healthy meals, and today I feel like a NEW WOMAN!! :D

Its SO EASY to take a 'bad day' and turn it into a bad 2 days..into a bad week...etc...but today for me is PROOF that the best way to combat a bad day, is to be PATIENT, stay POSITIVE, and before you know it, you are back on track. :)

I hope you are all having a beautiful day!!!



  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    So true. thanks for this I needed to hear this today
  • chellaJKR
    chellaJKR Posts: 146
    I needed this post Sunday haha.
    Great job! Hope your day continues to rock =)
  • VERY good advice :) Well said!
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 454 Member
    Me too! I had a not so hot Sunday of eating but yesterday was great. Looking forward to an AWESOME week!!!!!!!!!
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    You are so right!!! It's tough to hang in there, but it is amazing the feeling the next day(s) when you didn't give up or give in to temptation!! Nice going!!!
  • A2Zmama
    A2Zmama Posts: 7
    I TOTALLY agree! I felt this way all weekend after getting on the scale on first day of TOM...big mistake! Up 2.2lbs. Very discouraged. Woke up Monday (after being encouraged by Hubby Sunday night) and got right back into it. My proof today...lost all the period/water weight and 2.4 more lbs! I am re-energized and ready to keep going :)
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    a fluffy fluffer


  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    Awesome everyone!! The key is (I'm slowly learning this myself) that you CAN'T let your mind focus too much on yesterday...otherwise you will waste away today.....KEEP SMILING! :D
  • ItsMeLori
    ItsMeLori Posts: 346
    I didn't stay on plan yesterday and feel bloated today. I plan on staying on plan today exercising and drinking plenty of water. That's the way we do it!!

    Thanks and good job!!
  • Kerry1023
    Kerry1023 Posts: 152
    Great job with your mind set! I had the same type of day yesterday but it ended up be a real eye opener. It was my ah ha moment.... Instead of the usual self pity and doing nothing I got up and moved! My 10 minutes turned into 60...and I realzied We can do it and will do it! We are in charge of our lives. Only we can decided if we are going to sit back or enjoy the ride :)

    Here's to much success!
  • Thank you for this post! Weather has been rainy and yucky here makes me just want to sleep and be lazy but I have to get off my butt and move and this post helps a lot!! Thanks!
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I always try to remember that every day is a new beginning. I learn from m mistakes (food and otherwise) and move on to each new day with a renewed outlook and positive attitude. You can't undo the apst but you can learn from it!

    Great job on your part!!!!!!!!!
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    I didn't stay on plan yesterday and feel bloated today. I plan on staying on plan today exercising and drinking plenty of water. That's the way we do it!!

    Thanks and good job!!

    You can SO DO THIS!! Remember how AMAZING you'll feel when you wake up tomorrow morning and know that you DIDN'T waste today!! Drink lots of water....stay POSITIVE, get a good workout in, and DON'T starve right and you'll be back on track!!! Happy Tuesday!!
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    This is SO true!!!
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    Great job with your mind set! I had the same type of day yesterday but it ended up be a real eye opener. It was my ah ha moment.... Instead of the usual self pity and doing nothing I got up and moved! My 10 minutes turned into 60...and I realzied We can do it and will do it! We are in charge of our lives. Only we can decided if we are going to sit back or enjoy the ride :)

    Here's to much success!

    OMG Honestly, I had the same AH-HA moment yesterday...and again this morning when I woke up....I honestly feel like my eyes have been opened to what I needed to be seeing...AHHHHH how great!!! Enjoy your day!!!
  • yarinathan
    yarinathan Posts: 36 Member
    I felt the same way yesterday!!!! I eat too much last week and I am feeling a bit bloated. I feel it in my bones that this week I will eat healthier and DRINK LOTS of water!!!! I also agree with you Patient and Positive is the way to go to get you back on track!!!! 

    What kinds of salads or meals do you enjoy? I need some new ideas.
  • robyn525
    robyn525 Posts: 24 Member
    I also needed this posted yesterday as I had a bad Sunday too.

    Monday was better for me as well. I needed more water to help out, but overall it was good.

    Thanks for posting this.
  • I was right there with you yesterday!!! I decided to make a change of mood from feeling frumpy to fabulous.
    I decided to get up and dress up for work and do my hair. I ate really well yesterday (snuck a piece of chocolate in) and today I feel sooo much better~
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    I felt the same way yesterday!!!! I eat too much last week and I am feeling a bit bloated. I feel it in my bones that this week I will eat healthier and DRINK LOTS of water!!!! I also agree with you Patient and Positive is the way to go to get you back on track!!!! 

    What kinds of salads or meals do you enjoy? I need some new ideas.

    Yay!! I hope you are having a fabulous day!!! My FAVORITE go-to meal is always an egg-white omelet....I can eat it for breakfast/lunch/dinner and it keeps me SATISFIED! I just use:

    2 egg whites (34 cals)
    1/4 cup fat-free shredded cheddar (40 cals)
    diced mushrooms (10-20 cals)
    diced onion (10-20 cals)
    spinach (10-20 cals)

    Its SO SIMPLE, yet so amazing..and I always feel full afterwards.....yet not bloated..:)
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    I was right there with you yesterday!!! I decided to make a change of mood from feeling frumpy to fabulous.
    I decided to get up and dress up for work and do my hair. I ate really well yesterday (snuck a piece of chocolate in) and today I feel sooo much better~

    wahoo!! so great for you!!! stay positive and you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to!!! :D