Chiseling the Madness!!

Hey, y'all. My name is Billy and I'm OBESE. Been overweight all my life, but just recently has it started being a pain; literally. It's time I take control over something I've let rule the roost for way too long. I am the Madness! It is time to start chiseling The Madness. I started Monday at 421 pounds. So the journey begins........


  • leajas1
    leajas1 Posts: 823 Member
    You can do this!
  • rheabb0325
    rheabb0325 Posts: 17 Member
    Never give up- no matter what happens- you can do this!
  • TheMadness173
    TheMadness173 Posts: 3 Member
    Well, here I am almost two years later and guess what???? Still fat. I am getting started again. My first weigh in was 410 lbs. I did a three day stupidly low calorie diet for the first three days and lost 21 pounds. I knew I'd weigh a bit more than that the next time due to water weight and I weighed Monday morning at 394.6lbs. I am keeping a track of my journey on Instagram. Come check me out and keep me accountable. I need the inspiration! Follow @chiselthemadness. I'm going to lose 200 pounds. I will succeed in this battle. Time to be a warrior.