Over 50 Maintenance struggle and ideal weight

Hi everyone, in Jan 2016 I weighed in at 205lbs. I set a goal to lose the weight and be healthy and look good in my Daughters wedding photos in Sep. I set a goal of 160lbs and I surpassed that goal and weighed about 153lbs by the time the wedding came around. I then lost another 10lbs after that.
I felt Motivated, in charge, clarity of mind, strong and just all around wellbeing. I also felt fear that it would all come crashing down.
I needed to find my ideal weight and a Happy medium of life exercise and diet.
I have every valuable tool I need to succeed but I did not account for my mental game. It was brutal and took charge. It became easy to convince myself I didn’t have to work out every day and that I could increase my caloric intake. And slowly but surely my fears are becoming a reality. I gained over half the weight back.
Good news is I am on a new mission. Using my lessons learned and getting back to counting my calories and getting active I hope to bust the whole yo yo weight loss cycle by focusing on the mental game.
1. Understand the effects of what foods set off my uncontrollable hunger and feeding frenzy’s.
2. Remind myself of how good I feel after a workout.
3. Kick the devil off my shoulder and embrace the angel on my shoulder.
4. Stop binge watching Netflix!

If you are in the same boat let’s do this together. Feeling good mind and body is my goal.


  • chariotlady
    chariotlady Posts: 5 Member
    I am 68 and have decided I need a lifestyle change and not a diet.,...I started the Keto diet and I really like it....for me it makes sense.....I am not a fruit lover and love protein....the diet is moderate protein, limited carbs and a range of fat that suits how I cook and how I live.....we will see. I have done Weight Watchers, South Beach etc. and they work however, I never made a lifestyle change....I want to do this for the long run and remind myself I didn't get here overnight and won't release my excess weight in two weeks! So here we go....good luck and stay the course.
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    edited July 2018
    I am about to turn 60 and have lost and gained back a few times, but this is the most I have lost (~65 pounds) and the longest I have kept it off (5 months so far). It all comes down to one word - discipline. It helps that I set a range where the top is below my original goal, so I have a gap that gives me time to get things right. Also, I committed from the start to make goal at or above the top of my maintenance range. That is so that if I decide to increase the range, I have to lose weight to get to the middle of, not give myself permission to gain weight.
  • William54321
    William54321 Posts: 652 Member
    Im 58 and lost 45 lbs, noticed i was creeping up again and so got back on mfp to keep control
  • rcreynol3090
    rcreynol3090 Posts: 174 Member
    edited August 2018
    I lost 85 lbs in 9 months, and am 4 months in maintenance within a 5-lb range. Just turned 60. The past week has been challenging, what with 7 visiting family members from out of state, and much food and wine being consumed (but I still only added 2.6 lbs, which I consider a win). It's a mental game - if your head isn't fully in it, you *will* have a tougher time staying on track.
  • atkhorses
    atkhorses Posts: 45 Member
    nowine4me wrote: »
    I’m 53 and approaching my 2nd anniversary of maintenance after losing 85# (at one point it was 99#).

    Year one was a pure white knuckle ride from hell. Year two I’ve been bouncing around up 10, down 10, but today I’m at exactly the same weight as January 1.

    There’s a brutal honestly that sets in when your recognize your new reality. To stay lean, you have to work at it. That’s it.

    I found it helpful to seek out other health and fitness goals. Mine was to go whole Food plant based (which is a whole new set of challenges) and to become an expert at Pilates (a work in progress).

    It’s not easy (at least not for me), but it’s worth it.

    Yep, nowine4me, same here. Need to shed 8 to be back at my loss goal. Up, down.....what do I do? Keto, low carb, count calories and forget about macros?? It's driving me cray cray. I need to figure out the best macros for me. Currently doing Keto, but hating it and I need to quit stressing over all this because my hair is falling out!

    Stay strong!
  • atkhorses
    atkhorses Posts: 45 Member
    nowine4me wrote: »
    I’m 53 and approaching my 2nd anniversary of maintenance after losing 85# (at one point it was 99#).

    Year one was a pure white knuckle ride from hell. Year two I’ve been bouncing around up 10, down 10, but today I’m at exactly the same weight as January 1.

    There’s a brutal honestly that sets in when your recognize your new reality. To stay lean, you have to work at it. That’s it.

    I found it helpful to seek out other health and fitness goals. Mine was to go whole Food plant based (which is a whole new set of challenges) and to become an expert at Pilates (a work in progress).

    It’s not easy (at least not for me), but it’s worth it.

    Yeah - no one tells you that year one in maintenance is a struggle. I think that losing was a walk in the park compared to maintenance. Love your perfect description of pure white knuckle ride from hell... <3 Congrats on your 2nd year and staying within a 10 # range. You would think that it would be easy to just "lose the weight and move on with your life" but you are right in that it just doesn't work out that way - esp as we get older. We have to keep changing up the game - different goals, different foods, different approaches etc. And it feels like we always have to keep a vigilant eye on our weight. sigh.

    i feel like I'm on the right path with all that you stated above! Maintenance is not easy and i do believe we need to change it up as each year goes by especially if our lifestyle changes. I know I'm a number person, that scale RULES my day, urgg. Right now, I'm 8 pounds over and can't figure out why as I've been eating clean and green and exercising. I suppose the 3 mile walk 6 day/week is not helping the cause. I feel great tho (maybe that should be considered). I'm at 30 BMI and my Endo said not to stress over that with a drastic weight loss. I need to calm down...and lose the 8#---

    Have a great day!
  • atkhorses
    atkhorses Posts: 45 Member
    mk2fit wrote: »
    So. I lost 70ish pounds in less than a year. I called maintenance after losing 50ish. Probably different than some, I continued losing for a while and ended up officially underweight. I struggled with the mental thing about gaining weight. I knew I should put on a couple of pounds but was scared I would keep gaining.

    Fast forward three years. I have put on those couple of pounds, stopped logging, and kept my weight within a couple of pounds. I exercise every day - run most days, walk every day, and throw in some strength stuff 2-3 times/week.

    Yep, gotta keep moving for the rest of my life if I want to stay slim. Can I eat a cheeseburger or pizza from time to time? You betcha! Veggies rule, lol.
    Oh, I started this journey at age 56 and will turn 60 next month.

    WTG mk2fit!! Such a great outlook, I'm right there with ya