Every time I am home all day or lounge around, I eat and eat and EAT - even though I am not hungry. I can't help but snack all the time and need some ideas for distraction? or if anyone who relates has advice? I mostly snack on fruits so that I don't rack up on my calories (strawberries, plums, nectarines) and I'm *full*, but will continue to eyeball and grab the Milano Cookies or bag of hot cheetos next.

I don't eat like this when I'm doing something- I usually eat 2 meals a day and a snack. I just binge when I'm at home all day with nothing to do..

Any help with how to really stop excess snacking and eating?


  • GOT_Obsessed
    GOT_Obsessed Posts: 817 Member
    I am a boredom eater as well. The best thing I have found is to not get bored. Even go for a walk if you need to get away from the fridge.
  • stfpa
    stfpa Posts: 62 Member
    I’m the same way so I try to keep myself busy. But if I have nothing to do all day I just drink diet soda, water and chew gum. I bought popsicle molds and made popsicles with crystal light/mio and a few pieces of fruit. It’s basically like flavored ice with fruit in it but it feels like you’re actually eating a popsicle (even though there’s only like 10 calories). Exercising helps too sometimes :)
  • alexa0ne
    alexa0ne Posts: 90 Member
    Do cardio work out, walk around the neighborhood, clean the house(this is effective), and read a book.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    I would probably be the same. To combat this I always keep busy with something engaging (more so than the TV - I love to study for example, anything I mean, so I can just start a free online course on some topic if I have nothing to do) and I never keep treats at home which I don't want to eat (if they are my son's then I keep them out of sight)

  • jenjens86
    jenjens86 Posts: 48 Member
    Yes i try and find things to do...washing clothes, cleaning the house, even just going out for a walk. If i was left to my own devices and sat about id just eat all day without even thinking about it. So i try and distract myself
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,853 Member
    Find things you enjoy doing and look forward to doing. Anything! Get some ambitions to not sit at home and do nothing. Go out, take your phone along and take photos, leave town and hike, find a sport you enjoy with others, learn a language or programming, look if there are meetup groups in your area, anything, really.
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    Get a hobby
  • amyleighmorrow
    amyleighmorrow Posts: 2 Member
    I like to make green tea or always have fruit/ mint infused water on hand. It feels like a treat. Also even just a hand full of almonds make me feel full to the point where I stop thinking about food. Cleaning or purging are great distractions.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    edited August 2018
    find a hobby. I have kids so I'm not usually ever bored. I do a lot of things with my kids (play outside, go for walks, hikes etc) and even when my toddler naps, I either go outside and "play" in my garden, do a yoga video, or something. I hate to just lay around in the middle of the day. I have to be doing something. I've heard of people making a list of "to do's" (like, clean out their closet, clean out the junk drawer, stuff like that) so when they find themselves bored and wanting to go snack for no reason, they pick something off their list instead.
  • snemberton
    snemberton Posts: 175 Member
    The other tips are great, but I would also ask how significant is your deficit? I am a boredom eater sometimes as well, but I’ve found that managing my intake to a reasonable deficit and making sure I have a good macro balance reduces the urge significantly on those days.
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    I work from home and understand this completely! What helped for me was only allowing myself specific meal times and pre-tracking what I was going to eat. And also just WANTING SUCCESS. I think that when I was bored/eating, I am not sure I was fully in the game.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I tried to look at your protein totals but it seems like you mostly don't finish logging (or are seriously undereating.)

    When I upped my protein and exercise, I stopped getting the munchies.
  • kbush2018
    kbush2018 Posts: 41 Member
    Plan out our snacks and set potions. Nothing wrong with snacking but you can control it! 😊
  • elsie6hickman
    elsie6hickman Posts: 3,864 Member
    First of all, get rid of the "treats" that you are snacking on - that way, if the urge hits, you will have to make an effort to go out and buy it. Snacking is fine to a point- but random eating is not. Make your meals satisfying - not in huge portions, but big on flavors with herbs and seasoning rubs. Cherry tomatoes make a great snack.
    Find a hobby (I paint), read a book (so much to learn or get lost in good fiction). One thing I've heard that works great is when you get bored, get yourself a hand weight - doesn't have to be heavy, and pump it. If you like animals, consider adopting a pet - a dog is good because they must go for walks, but a cat is nice too.
  • Millicent3015
    Millicent3015 Posts: 374 Member
    You could make a list of things you enjoy doing and things you want to try, then look online for those activities near you. It helps to have a routine and it doesn't seem like you have one. Even taking a class once a week can give you structure. My hobby is drama, so I joined a drama group. It gets me out once a week and I really enjoy it.
    And don't have things in the house you're liable to snack on but don't want to. Gradually replace the high calorie, high carb, high fat stuff with healthier alternatives that you like. But don't beat yourself up if you find yourself boredom eating cookies and chips. See it as a blip and try to have something healthier next time. Give yourself time to change your mindset and your eating patterns. You've already identified the problem which is a great first step.
  • ArmouredMuscle
    ArmouredMuscle Posts: 64 Member
    Drink a large glass of water