
Hello my name is Mechelle aka Flam-Babe. I have always had a weight problem since I was 8 years old.
My daughter is 12 and I want to set a good example for her. So I need to get healthy & make healthy choices.
I started playing Roller Derby 16 months ago, before then I had skated maybe 10 times my whole life. My body has changed but I have not lost any weight:( Everyone says it is due to me having a hysterectomy and such a young age, after the surgery the hormones I was taking I gained 40 lbs in 6 months:( So I skate at least 3 nights a week 2 hours each night have added Pilates into my daily routine. Now to get my eating under control and make better choices.


  • Welcome aboard and you've come to the right place for support! Feel free to add me <33 christina
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Love (and envy) you skate girls!!! I think you're going to find this site very helpful.
  • Hi Mechelle.....keep in mind with the exercise that sometimes the lbs will show a slight change while the body shows great changes!! dont let the numbers discourage you, keep looking at the physical results.....i have the problem of body changes while the scale is slooowwww.....so what i have done is covered all my body lenght mirrors up to chin level. then once a month during weigh in i take them down and i can see how much my body has changed.!! i too have struggled with weight since early child hood and have always gotten discouraged by the numbers....this has worked for me and has kept my motivation high!! good luck to you and congrats on your workout!!
  • Amandanoralynn
    Amandanoralynn Posts: 231 Member
    Wow, roller derby, that is one fantastic work out. I am sure you have built some muscle in there. This is a great group here on MFP. Make sure you get a lot of protein in so you can go long and strong. Best of luck to you on your journey to health and fitness.
  • packerfan1
    packerfan1 Posts: 93 Member
    Welcome!! I think you will like this site. I find it very helpful. Good luck:)
  • welcome! this is a great community!