Hungry Every Day



  • StarBrightStarBright
    I do have another method of logging - I use a paper journal most of the time and only use MFP when I suspect my logging isn't catching calories accurately enough.

    I felt badly about the clafouti - but my husband made it and not eating it would have made him grumpy all day!

    I tend to eat veggies only once a day or so and try to avoid excessive fiber. I have digestive and absorption issues since a gallbladder removal several years ago and too much fiber is . . not good. Almost like dumping syndrome but I've never had gastric bypass. The Huel is actually something I've started because it seems to help alleviate the worst of the digestive issues (I don't actually like meal replacements instead of real food but anything that lets me leave the house is a good thing :) ).

    I usually input the recipe, divide it by the number of servings and that is how I get at slice, or quarter, etc. I guess I need to resign myself to weighing if I really want to get down to 140. And I probably need to do some serious thinking about whether or not that is really important to me.

    Hmm to answer other questions - I average about 6 hours of sleep a night. Not really changeable at this point. I have a 60 hour a week job and two young children (one a night owl, one a lark). I myself, am a night owl, but if I want to get a good walk in in the morning I have to do it before the littlest one wakes up.

    Thanks so much everyone for taking the time to read this! and I really appreciate everyone giving suggestions.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You're probably eating more than you think... which I know isn't going to help you if you need to eat less to lose.

    Honestly, I'm with you. I can't afford ANY treat, really, even 200 calories worth of chocolate or chips, or I'll be hungry. And I'm more active than you (which is the first thing I'd change in your shoes... try to walk more).

    But yes, the 6 hours of sleep is probably the worst - I'm always hungrier when I sleep less than 7 hours.
  • StarBrightStarBright
    So regardless of what calorie level the you are really eating (weighing your food IS a big deal for solid foods and not that hard) I see the problem is that you are HUNGRY when in maintenance at what true level you are eating 1450 or 1800 or whatever. I agree that you need to figure that out because that is not sustainable and why of course you go off track. So here are a two of my thoughts - others may have better ideas:

    1) CICO works but some foods DO make you feel hungrier - try changing up what you eat and adjusting macros
    2) Try eating smaller meals through out the day - more small snacks to keep your body at more of a steady state nutrition input/output

    Yes! you got it. Even if I'm eating an extra 200 calories more than I think I am, I am still physically uncomfortable with hunger by the time I go to sleep. If I eat until I'm comfortable I can't maintain.

    I will try to experiment with eating smaller meals at night. Maybe I'll try to split my dinner into two portions: the first half with the family and the other half around 9:30 PM when I start the last couple of hours of work. The 9-5 portion of my job doesn't really allow me snacks during the day (I'm on the phone all day long).

    Thank you!

  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    Really good discussion with great insights and suggestions, I needed it too!
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    In my opinion you should lower the carbs and increase protein and healthy fats ! Protein and fats are more satiating than carbs/sugar. Eating a high amount of carbs (without fats to even out the GI load) spike insulin, and when it spikes, you go into a low blood sugar state which makes you feel really hungry ! Ask yourself this, are you hungry again 2-3 hrs after eating alot of carbs ? I know I am.

    Lowering the amount of carbs and adding in healthy fats to your meals will reduce the GI of the meal therefore your body wont secrete as much insulin. Keeping your blood sugar level stable makes it so much easier to eat low calories as you don't get false hunger from low blood sugar.

    You need to incorporate a cheat day every week (even while logging) in order to keep your body burning fat. I always eat as much of whatever I want every Sunday and have no issue maintaining/losing weight. And i am a fatty by nature with a slow metabolism.

    You should also weigh your food.

    Of course everyone's body is different and don't respond the same, but it is worth a try.

    fat and protein arent more satiating that carbs for everyone. as for low blood sugar its not an issue unless you have an issue with blood sugar. your insulin spiking is a normal bodily response to food. even protein can spike insulin. insulin spikes in someone with insulin issues have to watch their spikes. it doesnt make me feel hungry because my blood sugar doest crash or get low because I dont have sugar issues. a person who doesnt have insulin issues doesnt have to worry about keeping things stable. and eating as much as you want of whatever can throw a person out of their weekly deficit. which can slow and hinder weight loss or cause no loss at all if its done every week.
  • bulldozer1984
    bulldozer1984 Posts: 10 Member
    edited August 2018
    Where did I say go keto/low carb ? I said a lower carb, higher protein and fat diet is more satiating. I certainly didn’t say it’s a “magic pill” I actually said it makes it easier to stay on your caloric intake target if you’re not hungry all the time which directly relates to the title of this thread.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,686 Member
    I am also a night owl who gets very hungry around bed time since it is usually several hours after dinner. Having a light snack before turning off the light works for me: banana, milk or cheese all have about 100 calories and are pretty satiating.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Definitely find what's more satiating for you for the calories. I'm one of those people who can't really eat a sandwich because bread doesn't fill me up at all, for example... so I save them for the (rare) days when I really crave a sandwich. But adding just one slice of toast to eggs and bacon will keep me much fuller than if I skipped it as well.

    But I have to add that it can be trickier for women, I know that what fills me up depends entirely on the time of the month too.
  • StarBrightStarBright
    Thanks so much everyone! This thread really reinforces that my nagging health issues plus desired weight are going to be a point of continued negotiation.

    I think I have to decide if I want to continue to pursue my goal weight or accept a weight that is higher than I want but also easier to maintain for me.
  • StarBrightStarBright
    @Linkero - good point! I usually drink my coffee with one measured tablespoon of milk (which I do not log - shame!) - but I did tally up the supplements my Doc has me take and that also adds up to almost 100 calories a day on supplements. Boo!
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    Linkero wrote: »
    There's one very small and overlooked item you mentioned you have daily that could be holding you back that slight What are you having in it, and are you tracking it? If you're adding creamer or sugar and not tracking it, plus having a few cups a day, it can easily rack up the calories. Replacing 2-3 cups with a meal could easily curb your hunger. But, it's all dependent on additives and the amount you have. For example, I use flavored creamer in my coffee. After measuring, I realized I put 3x the serving amount in, and I was having 5 cups a day. In total, it gave me about 500 calories. It's certainly worth measuring and keeping track of it if you are adding things in!

    I love coffee, and i used to drink it with half and half and lots of sugar. At some point I've realized how much of wasted calories it adds to my day. And i have completely changed my coffee habit, i learned to enjoy it in it's pure form, i drink it black, and add tiny bit of sugar to espresso, and i only have two double shots of that a day.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    edited August 2018
    nowine4me wrote: »
    All of the above. And, I’d be hungry too if I had a tiny bit of French toast and a yogurt for supper. Fiber - Fiber - Fiber. Eat giant batches of vegetables and a variety of fruit. Beans and potatoes are very filling.

    Bulk eating helps me quell the beast. I second the fruits and veggies. I also dwal with hunger issues. I have set up scheduled meal times. I believe we can program ourselves to be hungery to a point. I make my own coffee creamers. Almond milk, liquid splenda, whatever extracts I want, and a little xantham gum. Even take some with me when i go out for coffee. Might help.