Hello! ✊

Hello everybody! Here to motivate and encourage everybody on their journey as well as look for motivation for myself! I used to lift and always wanted to hit the 200lb mark the clean way haha but a year or so went by and my lack of exercise and drinking and food habits led me to hit 215...😓 here’s to me dropping down again. Aiming to hit 180 and the start back up again with gaining it cleanly. 211 right now. Gl to you all! We’re all badass mfs 😎✊


  • kardsharp
    kardsharp Posts: 618 Member
    Here's to being badass!
  • Tualla
    Tualla Posts: 559 Member
    Hey Bad *kitten*. Let’s be friends. I used to be 180 at one point, but fell in love and put on a tone of weight. I didn’t maintain 289 for long I always like to hang wrong 220, but now that I older I am more committed. Start 100 days nonstop I almost at the halfway mark, more committed this time. I would like to add you as a friend.
  • blinker1121
    blinker1121 Posts: 9 Member
    You can add me!
  • MyMarionette
    MyMarionette Posts: 11 Member
    We got this! Added you btw!