officialy giving up the booze!!!

well a few weeks ago i went out for a friends birthday and to say the least i was a MESS and i ashamed myself to the point that i didnt want to touch the stuff ever again. however this sat was my good friends wedding and a bottle of wine was £9.00 so i had one of those! i was fine but soon after an old friend bought me another one i turned it down but had everyone on my back so i drank most of it!!! not good...

now since sat i aint been to the gym and i havent eaten properly and i am sooooo bloated its unreal.... im so annoyed but at least i had a good time.

id just like to tell everyone that i am officialy going tea total until xmas when i go out for a few with the staff and my boyfriends birthday.

if i dont tell people i wont do it.

thank you


  • curlyjayne
    curlyjayne Posts: 120
    good decision xxx
  • k_perz
    k_perz Posts: 10
    Good luck!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    while i am on my healthy eating i never drink...well done if you can keep it up! x
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
    good luck! I am glad I read this! It made me glad that I quit drinking 2 years ago, booze just makes you feel like crap and make an *kitten* of yourself (that's what it did for me anyway)
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    Booze is such a hard drug to give up, so I take my hat off to you for doing so. I used to drink to extremes myself, but I have promised myself that I won't have a drink until my hen night in October. I know all about the making a fool of myself. Good for you, keep it up!!
  • Well done..I know the feeling, I just found out how much a beer has in calories...I'm now sporting the bloated look, due to my drinking and not knowing the facts and gained some EXTRA pounds...:laugh:
  • I am doing it to. So not worth all the extra calories and feeling yucky! My birthday is coming so that will be the only exception. Best of Luck!:smile:
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    Yup.... booze is a huge diet sabotager. I support your choice.
  • Good for you!!! And I"M JOINING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Friday night, I was a MESS as well. I drank 2 beers at the sushi bar, then snuck in a pint of rum into the theater and DRANK THE WHOLE THING with Diet coke!!!!! I swore Saturday that I would never drink again. BUT DID I COMMITT TO THAT, uh NO. Sunday night, my friend had a very bad day and needed me. We drank 1 1/2 bottles of wine, then went out to eat. I had one dirty martini and two lemon drop martinis. I felt awful Monday. I wanted to call in sick to work, but I didn't. I even threw up that morning. It's making me nauseous thinking about it! YUCK.

    As of today, I'm on the AA board. Not gonna do it again!!!