Looking For Friends- Fresh Prince Style

***Taps Mic***

Now this is a story, gonna throw some stats
About how my life went thin to fat
This shouldn't take a minute, so please, hang tight
We're going over what led me to this site

In the state of California, schooled and raised
Outside in the sun is where I spent most of my days
Chillin' it out, hopefully looking real cool
Out playing basketball every day after school
When a couple of donuts showed up in a crate
Other unhealthy food started filling my dinner plate
Started packin' on the weight and started feeling worse
Decided it was time to fight and break this curse

I typed on the keyboard and MFP came around
Headline said Fitness and tools for getting weight down
I came to the forums looking to start up a chat
Surely I'll find some folks that'll think I am phat

Pulled up to the table about seven or eight
Only healthy foods and proteins hangin' on the plate
Looked around and there weren't donut holes
With this supporting community, time to crush some goals.

***Drops Mic***

Haha, damn that was fun. Have been here before, succeeded hard, then failed harder. Coming out of a dark past 3 years of my life and starting to find my happy/fun zone, again. I'm looking to have a LOT of fun, get to know some ridiculously awesome lads and ladies. And lose some weight. Hope the above was enjoyable. If you're that kind of silly and want to have some fun while losing weight, send me a message/friend request and let's DO IT!


  • EIodie
    EIodie Posts: 1 Member
    I could use a friend if u want
  • elsie6hickman
    elsie6hickman Posts: 3,864 Member
    That is so clever! Thanks for that - I needed a smile.
  • Linkero
    Linkero Posts: 28 Member
    Aweome stuff! Adding in a min
  • kardsharp
    kardsharp Posts: 618 Member
    This is a fun post.
  • sdanemrtn
    sdanemrtn Posts: 187 Member
    Thanks, all. Figured might as well have some fun while confronting some demons, yeah? Looking forward to getting to know everyone.